Sparky was returned to us on Sunday after a 3 weeks search. As this case was a police case, we chose not to update it until the case is closed.
There was suspicion that Sparky was stolen from Pearl's Hill and passed onto someone in the fish farm as the police had been already alerted.
The person who later took Sparky from the fish farm then kept him for 2 weeks before contacting us to return him. The circumstances of Sparky being 'lost', then found on the farm, then taken by a couple, and finally returned to us - the circumstances were a bit fishy....
The clues and news that we heard were also pretty convoluted, but the later news that reached us were clearer and the jigsaw pieces fell into place. I would say we already knew what actually happened, who did it.
We knew there would be a lack of concrete evidence, coupled with the police's obvious lack of interest, and most importantly, now that Sparky is safely back with his owner, we have let this case drop.
But with the information gathered from this incident, we will be watching some people and some areas very closely.
April 26, 2007
As my counterpart appealed below
for a caregiver for a year, I am fully aware of the varying responses this might garner. Not everyone understands the mentality of stray feeders. Some may even think they are 'crazy'. Others may even think they cause or perpetuate the problem of strays.
I have chose not to question anyone's actions anymore. Not even their intentions. I wonder, yes I do, but to question and debate as to why they are doing what they do, it is a waste of time.
There are people who say that there are so many people out there who need help, who need sustenance, what are these groups of people spending time and money on animals? Well, I say to those people, well and good, if your heart feels deeply for the needy people out there, go out there and DO your bit for them. Are you offering a part of your life to these needy people you proclaim about?
Each of us is born with a different passion. You are called to different purposes in life. And you know it. There are just some areas you find yourself keep coming back to. That you are fired up for. That brings you both pain and joy in your ability to change things and your inability at times.
This is your calling in life. And it doesn't have to be a grandiose plan. It does not have to shake the world.
But it does require of you one thing - to walk out your truth.
I will tolerate people who are slow or lack understanding. But I totally detest people who lie or paint over the truth with white lies or coloured tales.
The animal welfare circle is peppered with both the beauty and filth of human nature. Do not believe everything you read. Not on newspapers, not on newsletters, not o the internet, not even on this blog. Do not simply chew and swallow flesh and bones of words written by man. You will choke and wonder what happened. Be a wise reader and find out the truth for yourself.
You don't have to believe everything I say. You have a choice. And you can very easily find out the truth if you want to. There are things that I now do not really know what to believe, but I can find out the truth if I want.
We will lay bare every bit of what we do, our rights and our wrongs, no shame at all about it, not even, and especially not for our mistakes...I will lay bare everything that we have done for the animals and everything more I so long to do but am unable to, on our own ... if only for the wellbeing of just another living creature who shares our earth.
But please, do not lie.
I have chose not to question anyone's actions anymore. Not even their intentions. I wonder, yes I do, but to question and debate as to why they are doing what they do, it is a waste of time.
There are people who say that there are so many people out there who need help, who need sustenance, what are these groups of people spending time and money on animals? Well, I say to those people, well and good, if your heart feels deeply for the needy people out there, go out there and DO your bit for them. Are you offering a part of your life to these needy people you proclaim about?
Each of us is born with a different passion. You are called to different purposes in life. And you know it. There are just some areas you find yourself keep coming back to. That you are fired up for. That brings you both pain and joy in your ability to change things and your inability at times.
This is your calling in life. And it doesn't have to be a grandiose plan. It does not have to shake the world.
But it does require of you one thing - to walk out your truth.
I will tolerate people who are slow or lack understanding. But I totally detest people who lie or paint over the truth with white lies or coloured tales.
The animal welfare circle is peppered with both the beauty and filth of human nature. Do not believe everything you read. Not on newspapers, not on newsletters, not o the internet, not even on this blog. Do not simply chew and swallow flesh and bones of words written by man. You will choke and wonder what happened. Be a wise reader and find out the truth for yourself.
You don't have to believe everything I say. You have a choice. And you can very easily find out the truth if you want to. There are things that I now do not really know what to believe, but I can find out the truth if I want.
We will lay bare every bit of what we do, our rights and our wrongs, no shame at all about it, not even, and especially not for our mistakes...I will lay bare everything that we have done for the animals and everything more I so long to do but am unable to, on our own ... if only for the wellbeing of just another living creature who shares our earth.
But please, do not lie.
April 24, 2007
Caregiver needed for 1 year, salary provided
As we continue in our day-to-day 'operations' in animal welfare, we have only been blessed to build more, if not stronger, relations with the disparate caregivers, fosterers, boarders and strayfeeders all over the island, and learn from our interactions with them, samaritans in their very own right, how important a cohesive network of animal activists, supporters and volunteers, driven by the same motivations, the same passions to achieve the same objectives, is.
To improve the lives of the animals -- street, footloose, industrial, agricultural, domestic or whatever else.
In a context where we lack a macro form of support such as that from national animal welfare organisation or, quite simply, the government, our 'silent' caregivers hinge upon mutual support to make a difference to the lives of, especially, our stray animals; to make sure, in their very best, that our animals are granted some form of decency -- water to drink, food for nourishment, medication for the injured -- in places where most public would not take a second glance at or consider, even for a fraction of a moment, WHO are those who rely on the wilderness, the bushes, the space beneath some random truck to sleep and claim space for their own abode.
Today, we received a call from an existing strayfeeder who'll be away from Singapore for one year, who seeks another (reliable, confident) caregiver who can take his place, for this one year, and one who is confident of this role, committed and consistent in this potential work.
Here are the details:
To feed about 12 stray dogs at a spot in Sembawang every morning consistently for one year, from mid-May 2007 to mid-May 2008. Feeding materials include meshed kibbles, canfood and rice, and water which will be rendered in small pails. Feeding materials will be supplied time to time by this existing strayfeeder, or, into the time that he will be absent, by his friend.
Existing strayfeeder will remain contactable. Replacing strayfeeder will be able to contact his friend, in times of emergency.
From now until his departure, he will orientate replacing strayfeeder and guide him/her along with the job. Work estimated to be half to one hour each morning. Strayfeeder expected to clear newspapers or surrounding litter, to ensure responsible feeding.
The 12 dogs are made up of two to three independent packs, mostly adult dogs. Dogs are of the wary sort but with a proper handover/orientation, it will be fine.
All we need now is someone who is able to commit to the time in feeding, the effort in the food preparation, and someone equipped with his/her own transport. Someone willing to take two hours of his/her time everyday, for this very worthy cause.
A guaranteed salary will be provided.
If you know of anyone who might be keen to take on this 'challenge', a challenge that will perhaps open one's life to wider, unique experiences of animal welfare work, kindly contact: or 9026-2733. More details will be provided.
To improve the lives of the animals -- street, footloose, industrial, agricultural, domestic or whatever else.
In a context where we lack a macro form of support such as that from national animal welfare organisation or, quite simply, the government, our 'silent' caregivers hinge upon mutual support to make a difference to the lives of, especially, our stray animals; to make sure, in their very best, that our animals are granted some form of decency -- water to drink, food for nourishment, medication for the injured -- in places where most public would not take a second glance at or consider, even for a fraction of a moment, WHO are those who rely on the wilderness, the bushes, the space beneath some random truck to sleep and claim space for their own abode.
Today, we received a call from an existing strayfeeder who'll be away from Singapore for one year, who seeks another (reliable, confident) caregiver who can take his place, for this one year, and one who is confident of this role, committed and consistent in this potential work.
Here are the details:
To feed about 12 stray dogs at a spot in Sembawang every morning consistently for one year, from mid-May 2007 to mid-May 2008. Feeding materials include meshed kibbles, canfood and rice, and water which will be rendered in small pails. Feeding materials will be supplied time to time by this existing strayfeeder, or, into the time that he will be absent, by his friend.
Existing strayfeeder will remain contactable. Replacing strayfeeder will be able to contact his friend, in times of emergency.
From now until his departure, he will orientate replacing strayfeeder and guide him/her along with the job. Work estimated to be half to one hour each morning. Strayfeeder expected to clear newspapers or surrounding litter, to ensure responsible feeding.
The 12 dogs are made up of two to three independent packs, mostly adult dogs. Dogs are of the wary sort but with a proper handover/orientation, it will be fine.
All we need now is someone who is able to commit to the time in feeding, the effort in the food preparation, and someone equipped with his/her own transport. Someone willing to take two hours of his/her time everyday, for this very worthy cause.
A guaranteed salary will be provided.
If you know of anyone who might be keen to take on this 'challenge', a challenge that will perhaps open one's life to wider, unique experiences of animal welfare work, kindly contact: or 9026-2733. More details will be provided.
Mother's Day
On behalf of a cat activisit, here is an email appeal:
Dear all,
A kind samaritan donated some pearl earrings and necklaces to us to raise funds for the cattery and for stray cats sterilisation. The last round of funds we raised from t-shirt sales and the adoption drive was partially given to the cattery and also to fund the TNRM (Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage) scheme at Kampong Eunos.
Here's what we spend when we embark on a TNRM program:
- Sterilisation Costs - $21 for Male, $37 for Female
- Boarding until they recover - an average of $8 for Male and $16 for Female as females have to board for 1 extra day to ensure that the stitches do not burst)
- 2-way Transport - $35 to $40
- Trapping costs - $70
So, if we trap 6 cats in one night, 3 males, 3 females, the total cost for the entire operation would be around $350, an average of $60 per cat.
This time round, we hope to raise funds for the following causes:
Catching the animal killer at Sembawang.
This cruel person has killed at least 2 dogs and multiple cats. On 9 April 2007, at around 2 - 3 am, residents in the area heard the chilling screams of a mother cat who was getting disemboweled. Her 3 kittens had their skulls crushed.
When we spoke to residents in the area, they saw the mother cat's body with the intestines all out and also the kittens with eyes popped out. SPCA is offering a $1000 reward for the witness whose testimony will lead to the conviction of this killer.
In memory of this mother cat...please remember to send her your prayers and loving kindness as we get closer and closer to Mothers' Day. If you wish to help this cause, you can help in the following ways:
1) Contributing CCD pinhole cameras. (We already have 2 from the Old Airport Case).
2) Recording Device. (The recording medium with the harddisk inside. We only have 1).
3) Funds to cover installation fees.
4) If you live in the Sembawang area, we need you to be our eyes and ears for this operation.
5) Buying our pearl jewellery and venetian hearts so we can use this pool of money for the Sembawang cause as well as to embark on another TNRM project in a highly cat populated area.
Please visit our website: for more information and pictures on the items for sale mentioned in 5).
Feel free to pass on this email on to your friends but please be mindful not to forward it to non-animal lovers. They might feel irritated by spam email. If you like to be taken off my mailing list, please send me a personal message.
If you have some free time today, please take 2 minutes to sign the petition to end inhumane slaughter of pigs (in Taiwan):
Thank you for taking time to read my email.
Dear all,
A kind samaritan donated some pearl earrings and necklaces to us to raise funds for the cattery and for stray cats sterilisation. The last round of funds we raised from t-shirt sales and the adoption drive was partially given to the cattery and also to fund the TNRM (Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage) scheme at Kampong Eunos.
Here's what we spend when we embark on a TNRM program:
- Sterilisation Costs - $21 for Male, $37 for Female
- Boarding until they recover - an average of $8 for Male and $16 for Female as females have to board for 1 extra day to ensure that the stitches do not burst)
- 2-way Transport - $35 to $40
- Trapping costs - $70
So, if we trap 6 cats in one night, 3 males, 3 females, the total cost for the entire operation would be around $350, an average of $60 per cat.
This time round, we hope to raise funds for the following causes:
Catching the animal killer at Sembawang.
This cruel person has killed at least 2 dogs and multiple cats. On 9 April 2007, at around 2 - 3 am, residents in the area heard the chilling screams of a mother cat who was getting disemboweled. Her 3 kittens had their skulls crushed.
When we spoke to residents in the area, they saw the mother cat's body with the intestines all out and also the kittens with eyes popped out. SPCA is offering a $1000 reward for the witness whose testimony will lead to the conviction of this killer.
In memory of this mother cat...please remember to send her your prayers and loving kindness as we get closer and closer to Mothers' Day. If you wish to help this cause, you can help in the following ways:
1) Contributing CCD pinhole cameras. (We already have 2 from the Old Airport Case).
2) Recording Device. (The recording medium with the harddisk inside. We only have 1).
3) Funds to cover installation fees.
4) If you live in the Sembawang area, we need you to be our eyes and ears for this operation.
5) Buying our pearl jewellery and venetian hearts so we can use this pool of money for the Sembawang cause as well as to embark on another TNRM project in a highly cat populated area.
Please visit our website: for more information and pictures on the items for sale mentioned in 5).
Feel free to pass on this email on to your friends but please be mindful not to forward it to non-animal lovers. They might feel irritated by spam email. If you like to be taken off my mailing list, please send me a personal message.
If you have some free time today, please take 2 minutes to sign the petition to end inhumane slaughter of pigs (in Taiwan):
Thank you for taking time to read my email.
April 23, 2007
For supporters of Junior & Ginne, you deserve to know how their case has been judged:

Think about the case since it transpired - of how 2 dogs 'stray' all the way from Bukit Timah to Punggol ... of how they were found after 7 days on the streets ... of how Ginne could have been put down at SPCA if no one claims her back ... of how distraught and thin both Junior and Ginne were when they are found ... of how mere members of the public were MORE concerned than their owners in trying to find them back ... of how the owners themselves made NO sincere attempt to search for their 'lost' pets ... of how the owners did not contact us at all during the search for Junior and Ginne while we were the ones trying hard to contact them ... of how mere members of the public were so kind to come forward to pay for their boarding fees at a private boarder and now at ALL ... of how the owners, knowing that their dogs have been found, did NOT contact us at all to find out how they are and did NOT offer to be responsible for their boarding fees..... (the donations we have received for Junior and Ginne's boarding will only last till the month of May)
And most telling of all, of how the owners had themselves informed the authority that "they are NOT ABLE TO TAKE THE DOGS BACK".
I am more than a bit weary today and more than a bit disappointed at how this abandonment case had developed and been judged as 'not a case of abandonment', but I'll try to accept the need for objective evidence and eye witness in order for any charge to be taken against the family, despite the reasoning, the circumstances and the obvious (to me) intention of the family.
Here are some email exchange with the authority (read from bottom up). We appreciate the time the authority has taken in this case, and I do understand that in the absence of eye witness and concrete evidence, they have done what they could to bring some justice to this case with the charges they can pin on the family.
Emails of April 2007:
Thank you for your email. The family has informed us that they are not able to take the dogs back.
Animal Welfare Regulations Branch Agri-Food &Veterinary Authority
Thank you for your time in this case. We would like to know if the family has been informed that their 2 dogs have been found?
Thank you for your email. We would like to reiterate that based on the evidence available, we are not able to take action against Mrs R and her brother for abandonment under our Animals and Birds (A & B) Act. Abandoning a pet is considered as an act of cruelty. However in order to take action against someone for abandoning a pet, we would need a witness who is able to testify in court that he / she saw the act of abandonment.
Under our A & B (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules, it is an offence for a person to own or keep a dog which is over 3 months of age unless that person has taken out a licence in respect of the dog. Although presently Mrs R has only one dog, she has admitted that she had kept 3 dogs in her premises without valid licences. Furthermore the family had admitted that they routinely let their dogs stray around the neighbourhood unsupervised.
Hence we will be taking action against them under the A & B (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules for unlicensed dogs and for allowing the dogs to be at large. Thank you.
Animal Welfare Regulations Branch Agri-Food &Veterinary Authority
Email of March 2007:
Thank you for bringing this case to our attention. We would like to thank you for your assistance and for providing your detailed accounts on the case. We have now completed our investigation. I regret that based on the evidence available, we are not able to take action against Mrs R and her brother for abandonment under the Animals and Birds Act. However, we will be taking action against Mrs R under the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules for not having valid licences for the three dogs and for allowing them to stray in a public place. Thank you.
Animal Welfare Regulations Branch Agri-Food &Veterinary Authority
April 21, 2007
When you are not always watching your back...
when you do not catch yourself avoiding some people, avoiding some phone calls.... when you do not have to slow down your response in order to concoct some answers in your mind...when you do not tread around in anxiety and fear of being caught....when you do not have anything to hide....
When you are able to look people in the eye with confidence and kindness....when you are unafraid to share your honest opinion...when you go to bed each night with a smile and wake up with a rested peace...
... it is then, at these moments, that you know you are living right.
When you are able to look people in the eye with confidence and kindness....when you are unafraid to share your honest opinion...when you go to bed each night with a smile and wake up with a rested peace...
... it is then, at these moments, that you know you are living right.
To the lady who emailed about adopting the JRT
Hi A W, thanks for emailing to with your offer to adopt the JRT. I replied to the email you gave but it bounced back. I hope you will read our post here as well as the update on the JRT case below. I will keep you all informed when I hear from the authorities.
Joo Chiat Petshop - Animal Street
Here is the explanation of the matter for your attention, from Mariam herself:
"Hi, I'm Mariam. I'm sorry for not picking up your call. Due to the overwhelming response, I actually switched my phone off. This whole thing has gotten out of hand, so AsiaOne did a report on it t clarify the matter. It would be good if you read the article & maybe keep you readers updated with the TRUTH."
"Hi, I'm Mariam. I'm sorry for not picking up your call. Due to the overwhelming response, I actually switched my phone off. This whole thing has gotten out of hand, so AsiaOne did a report on it t clarify the matter. It would be good if you read the article & maybe keep you readers updated with the TRUTH."
April 20, 2007
Updates on the JRT case
Few days back, we have been informed that an aquarium is seen selling a JRT in a very small cage. I have seen the photos and indeed, the cage looks like those you use for hamsters/guinea pigs/rabbits. To house an active dog like a JRT in such a small cage is akin to abuse.
See the small cage that he is housed in:

The person who reported to the authorities was told that they were unableto assist in this matter, a case which is faulted on more than one count:
- the aquarium being not licensed to be selling dogs
We wrote in the clarify and offered our cooperation to free the JRT and asked for the dog to be handed over to us so that we'll help find him a home. For to issue a warning/fine to that aquarium, and NOT removing the dog would just result in the dog being moved somewhere else, and again for sale.
So, once we keep our eyes open and nap each culprit, such cases will gradually dwindle as they realise that their activities will NOT be tolerated by the public, and more importantly, they will also not be tolerated by the authorities.
See the small cage that he is housed in:

The person who reported to the authorities was told that they were unableto assist in this matter, a case which is faulted on more than one count:
- the aquarium being not licensed to be selling dogs
- the condition the dog is being kept in
We wrote in the clarify and offered our cooperation to free the JRT and asked for the dog to be handed over to us so that we'll help find him a home. For to issue a warning/fine to that aquarium, and NOT removing the dog would just result in the dog being moved somewhere else, and again for sale.
The next day, we were informed that the authorities had actually been to the shop and taken the JRT into their possession. Today, I was informed that the authorities are conducting their investigations and will only later decide what to do with the JRT.
We again expressed our offer to help rehome the JRT but the authorities have not replied on that. I'll update again.
Thank you P for informing us. This is the kind of cooperation we need - KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN to things that are not done in acceptable manners. Do NOT just walk away. Take photos (this is very important). Speak with the people at the shops/farms where unacceptable seling/breeding of dogs is happening. Be neutral and ask questions to get as much info as possible. Then, bring your case to the authorities who have the legal powers to investigate and persecute.
We again expressed our offer to help rehome the JRT but the authorities have not replied on that. I'll update again.
Thank you P for informing us. This is the kind of cooperation we need - KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN to things that are not done in acceptable manners. Do NOT just walk away. Take photos (this is very important). Speak with the people at the shops/farms where unacceptable seling/breeding of dogs is happening. Be neutral and ask questions to get as much info as possible. Then, bring your case to the authorities who have the legal powers to investigate and persecute.
You have no idea how MUCH GOOD you will have done by just reporting one small case. Cos more often than not, behind one little pup at an innocent aquarium, is a big network of illegal breeding and selling of animals who could have been stolen/lost and very often, such breeding takes place in less than desirable conditions.
So, once we keep our eyes open and nap each culprit, such cases will gradually dwindle as they realise that their activities will NOT be tolerated by the public, and more importantly, they will also not be tolerated by the authorities.
April 18, 2007
Foster or adopter for JRT
We are in the midst of a case involving a JRT. We will share more later but meanwhile, if you can adopt/foster a young JR, please email us at
That will really help us move along this case. Thanks!
That will really help us move along this case. Thanks!
April 17, 2007
Companion Dog Show on 29 April, Expo Hall 3A

Yes, we are counting down to the SKC Companion Dog Show held in conjunction with the Championship Dog Show on 29 April, Sunday, at Expo Hall 3A.
The Companion Dog Section is a new and timely section of the Singapore Kennel Club. It welcomes ALL dog owners and ALL your dogs, regardless of pedigree, breed or looks! All are welcomed to get together with a pure love for our canine pals through social and educational events (dog picnics, dog walks, seminars on nutrition, grooming and veterinary care, obedience forums).
Through such interaction and sharing, you will be taking an active role in uplifting our standards of dog ownership by creating a deeper understanding and relationship with your dogs, and also expanding the public's true understanding of the canine world.
Education is always the key and it goes much deeper than just dog care and grooming. That is my belief. And that is why I have joined the SKC to grow this new Companion Dog Section. So join me and be involved. We need a core group of dedicated members to work together to improve our standards of dog ownership, bring the joy of dogs out into our society, and have fun doing it!
* I attach above the EVENT FORM for the Companion Dog Show (feel free to forward it on). Just download it and mail/fax it back to us. Or drop by the Club with your registration form.
We'll be awarding the best kept dog as well as the dog with the best trick in the house among other events, as well as the Companion Dog of the Year award at the end this year. So it's time now to get our doggy pals ready for the show - you'll be seeing some of our Project JK dogs as well!
I'll see you all there, cheers!
April 16, 2007
Please do not forget about Sparky

Keep your eyes open for him.
It has been one week since Sparky was last seen at the farm. The farm owners have not been cooperative at all and it seems the police are also not that helpful either. Sparky's owner will continue to work with the police to unravel the truth.
It has been one week since Sparky was last seen at the farm. The farm owners have not been cooperative at all and it seems the police are also not that helpful either. Sparky's owner will continue to work with the police to unravel the truth.
We received news a few days ago that a dog that looked like Sparky was seen in an aquarium shop in a small cage. We had hoped that it was indeed Sparky, but discovered it was not. But then again, what's a dog doing on sale in an aquarium shop? We'll be bringing this up to the authorities.
Do keep your eyes open for such illegal business and illegal breeding of animals. Make an official report to the AVA for any improper dealings that you spot, so that their inspectors can make an investigation on the issue. You can contact AVA at 6471-7198 or email ava_cawc@ava.
Do keep your eyes open for such illegal business and illegal breeding of animals. Make an official report to the AVA for any improper dealings that you spot, so that their inspectors can make an investigation on the issue. You can contact AVA at 6471-7198 or email ava_cawc@ava.
To Sparky's owners: Persevere in this! Do not give up. Someone will eventually reveal the truth of where Sparky is now.
April 15, 2007
Updates on petshop closing down
We initially thought it could be a hoax when the handphone number given was routed to a Singtel message, 'number not available'. Adding to that comments on dog forums that it was a hoax, we almost believed it.
By the timely help of L who personally drove down to Joo Chiat to search out the truth, only then did we know that it is a true fact.
The petshop is Animal Street at Joo Chiat. The owners were in the midst of closing the shop, which was locked, with a sign "No more dogs" on the door.
L tried to get in and also tried to get the attention of the staff inside the shop but they did not respond. I tried calling the shop telephone but they also did not pick up.
We later made a few calls to key people in the animal welfare scene and the latest news we got was that all the dogs have been sold. To who and for what purpose, we do not know. Let's hope they have all gone to good homes.
Whether this is a genuine appeal or an emotional ploy of the petshop to help 'get rid' of their stocks, it brigs to mind one big question - What happen to those animals in various petshops, who are not sold? Why don't you try asking the next petshop you step into - where do their dogs go if they do not get sold? And please do share with us the replies you here. It will be interesting to know.
Thanks for all of you who have contacted us with concern and offers to help.
By the timely help of L who personally drove down to Joo Chiat to search out the truth, only then did we know that it is a true fact.
The petshop is Animal Street at Joo Chiat. The owners were in the midst of closing the shop, which was locked, with a sign "No more dogs" on the door.
L tried to get in and also tried to get the attention of the staff inside the shop but they did not respond. I tried calling the shop telephone but they also did not pick up.
We later made a few calls to key people in the animal welfare scene and the latest news we got was that all the dogs have been sold. To who and for what purpose, we do not know. Let's hope they have all gone to good homes.
Whether this is a genuine appeal or an emotional ploy of the petshop to help 'get rid' of their stocks, it brigs to mind one big question - What happen to those animals in various petshops, who are not sold? Why don't you try asking the next petshop you step into - where do their dogs go if they do not get sold? And please do share with us the replies you here. It will be interesting to know.
Thanks for all of you who have contacted us with concern and offers to help.
Pet shop closing down
Received an anonymous SMS:
"Help! Petshop at Joo Chiat closing tomorrow. Two huskies, one black labrador, one shih tzu and one husky terrier-cross breed to give away. Otherwise they're going to be put down. For details, please call Mariam 9730-2064. Please forward. Thanks."
"Help! Petshop at Joo Chiat closing tomorrow. Two huskies, one black labrador, one shih tzu and one husky terrier-cross breed to give away. Otherwise they're going to be put down. For details, please call Mariam 9730-2064. Please forward. Thanks."
April 13, 2007
Pondering on the existence
of Project JK, how it came about, what we are doing now and what we are going to do next.
Project JK was never meant to be a 'project' to begin with. It is not a 'come, do, leave' kinda project with a beginning and a final closure. This does not happen in the reality of stray groundwork.
Just one day spent on the road in one area, and you will know that the task of 'cleaning up' an area is beyond the ability of a small welfare group, how much more incredible for a team of 3?
We never endeavored to achieve big accomplishments when we started. Very simply, we see a need. We see a person needing help. And we followed our hearts to step out and help that person and the strays along the way.
I know from the start I myself will not be able to sterilise all the strays, even in just one area, for there are many who will never come near us, no matter how long we have fed them. And there will always be abandonment cases that add onto the stray population, more so if the abandoned animal is not sterilised.
It is a pity, for a country small and contained like Singapore, we seem to have failed so obviously in an area that can be resolved if there is priority given.
We have a "Do Not Abandon Your Pets" campaign, but cases of abandonment could not be charged. In Singapore, to share a fact, there has not been a single case of abandonment charged.
Alright, I will try to understand the reasoning that no concrete evidence was available to bring forth a charge, ie, no eye witness, no photographs, no videos of the person ACTUALLY abandoning the dog. Such evidence are difficult, if not near impossible, as a person about to commit abandonment will certainly do it in top secrecy.
We know that we do not have direct evidence. But we do have circumstantial evidence, and on top of that, we do have additional reasoning. For cases where direct evidence is not present, and there are many cases like that, in comes circumstantial evidence plus reasoning.
If EVERY case depends solely on direct evidence, what a simple legal system we would have. Each case will be so point blank that lawyers are no longer needed. For that case, judgement can be dispensed. And we might as well throw out our brains. Well, together with that, we might as well throw out our hearts.
Well, back to Project JK, we know for any kind of work your heart calls you to, anything at all that involves people - there will always be comments. Good or bad. Comments on how you should have done this, why did you do that, when are you going to do this, how could you let that happen? Is this worth it?
I don't know. In fact, I sometimes don't even know if this blog is a good idea or not. Who are the people reading this and what are their true intentions with us and our work? But then I think again, what is there to hide? Even our mistakes I will be willing to share openly. We are no perfect beings but we always remind ourselves to walk with a sincere heart. We may not create miracles but the least we can offer is KINDNESS.
We may fail miserably with Project JK. The number of strays in the areas may boom beyond our control. Many more may be culled. We may not be able to save and rehome another litter of pups. The situation may well go back to square one when we are gone.
So what are we doing this for?
Just for 1 single dog called Ruby. And just for another dog called Puppy Boy. And for another one called Shadow. For Junior. For Lucas. For Doby. For Jean-Paul. For Maggie. For Eliza. For Bicycle. For Abbie. For Coca and Cola. For Tiger. For Grey. For Billy. For Ashley. For Chance.
There are many more Rubys out there whom we may fail to reach. But right now, I am happy we reached one.
That is what we are doing this for.
Project JK was never meant to be a 'project' to begin with. It is not a 'come, do, leave' kinda project with a beginning and a final closure. This does not happen in the reality of stray groundwork.
Just one day spent on the road in one area, and you will know that the task of 'cleaning up' an area is beyond the ability of a small welfare group, how much more incredible for a team of 3?
We never endeavored to achieve big accomplishments when we started. Very simply, we see a need. We see a person needing help. And we followed our hearts to step out and help that person and the strays along the way.
I know from the start I myself will not be able to sterilise all the strays, even in just one area, for there are many who will never come near us, no matter how long we have fed them. And there will always be abandonment cases that add onto the stray population, more so if the abandoned animal is not sterilised.
It is a pity, for a country small and contained like Singapore, we seem to have failed so obviously in an area that can be resolved if there is priority given.
We have a "Do Not Abandon Your Pets" campaign, but cases of abandonment could not be charged. In Singapore, to share a fact, there has not been a single case of abandonment charged.
Alright, I will try to understand the reasoning that no concrete evidence was available to bring forth a charge, ie, no eye witness, no photographs, no videos of the person ACTUALLY abandoning the dog. Such evidence are difficult, if not near impossible, as a person about to commit abandonment will certainly do it in top secrecy.
We know that we do not have direct evidence. But we do have circumstantial evidence, and on top of that, we do have additional reasoning. For cases where direct evidence is not present, and there are many cases like that, in comes circumstantial evidence plus reasoning.
If EVERY case depends solely on direct evidence, what a simple legal system we would have. Each case will be so point blank that lawyers are no longer needed. For that case, judgement can be dispensed. And we might as well throw out our brains. Well, together with that, we might as well throw out our hearts.
Well, back to Project JK, we know for any kind of work your heart calls you to, anything at all that involves people - there will always be comments. Good or bad. Comments on how you should have done this, why did you do that, when are you going to do this, how could you let that happen? Is this worth it?
I don't know. In fact, I sometimes don't even know if this blog is a good idea or not. Who are the people reading this and what are their true intentions with us and our work? But then I think again, what is there to hide? Even our mistakes I will be willing to share openly. We are no perfect beings but we always remind ourselves to walk with a sincere heart. We may not create miracles but the least we can offer is KINDNESS.
We may fail miserably with Project JK. The number of strays in the areas may boom beyond our control. Many more may be culled. We may not be able to save and rehome another litter of pups. The situation may well go back to square one when we are gone.
So what are we doing this for?
Just for 1 single dog called Ruby. And just for another dog called Puppy Boy. And for another one called Shadow. For Junior. For Lucas. For Doby. For Jean-Paul. For Maggie. For Eliza. For Bicycle. For Abbie. For Coca and Cola. For Tiger. For Grey. For Billy. For Ashley. For Chance.
There are many more Rubys out there whom we may fail to reach. But right now, I am happy we reached one.
That is what we are doing this for.
Recently, I have received 2 emails
on dogs in chains. One just today and the other 2 weeks back.
I'd replied to the first person, E, who wrote on 30 March about a dog who lives in her area who's always chained up. However, I have not received any reply. If for any reason my email have not reached you E, please email me again at
Today, another person reported on a beagle who is living in chains. Everytime she sees him, he is in chains. We will be checking on him.
The sad thing about dogs in chains is that, legally, it is not a crime if the household is seen to adhere to certain requirements like food, water, shelter, certain length of leash. When these factors are present, the family is "legally allowed" to continue keeping the dog in chains, 24 hours a day, every day, for the rest of his life.
To the dog, his life might as well have ended, the very minute the officer pronounced his living conditions as "legal".
To keep a social animal in chains - the silent anguish and desperate call for freedom can never be understood until you look into the eyes - there are always just 2 expressions: one of innocent hope (please come and free me) and the other of a crushed life, devoid of feelings no more (please let me die). For there in chains or in a cage, day after day, they are no longer living. They have been betrayed and killed by the very people who have taken them in. That sadness is indescribable.
* YOU can bring these animals some HOPE. When you see an animal in chains or perpetually caged up, please go forward and speak with the family. Find out if they need any help with their pet and why he/she is kept in such a condition. Share with them, educate them. Some are genuinely ignorant. But there are also some who are purely irresponsible.
If nothing improves after awhile, contact the SPCA education officers to visit the home and advise them on responsible pet ownership.
Do not just walk away. You will carry with you the lingering images of a living being who needs you to come forward and speak up for him. Life is never meant to be lived in chains. Do not let that animal down. YOU can grant him that decent measure of FREEDOM which every single living being is born for.
I'd replied to the first person, E, who wrote on 30 March about a dog who lives in her area who's always chained up. However, I have not received any reply. If for any reason my email have not reached you E, please email me again at
Today, another person reported on a beagle who is living in chains. Everytime she sees him, he is in chains. We will be checking on him.
The sad thing about dogs in chains is that, legally, it is not a crime if the household is seen to adhere to certain requirements like food, water, shelter, certain length of leash. When these factors are present, the family is "legally allowed" to continue keeping the dog in chains, 24 hours a day, every day, for the rest of his life.
To the dog, his life might as well have ended, the very minute the officer pronounced his living conditions as "legal".
To keep a social animal in chains - the silent anguish and desperate call for freedom can never be understood until you look into the eyes - there are always just 2 expressions: one of innocent hope (please come and free me) and the other of a crushed life, devoid of feelings no more (please let me die). For there in chains or in a cage, day after day, they are no longer living. They have been betrayed and killed by the very people who have taken them in. That sadness is indescribable.
* YOU can bring these animals some HOPE. When you see an animal in chains or perpetually caged up, please go forward and speak with the family. Find out if they need any help with their pet and why he/she is kept in such a condition. Share with them, educate them. Some are genuinely ignorant. But there are also some who are purely irresponsible.
If nothing improves after awhile, contact the SPCA education officers to visit the home and advise them on responsible pet ownership.
Do not just walk away. You will carry with you the lingering images of a living being who needs you to come forward and speak up for him. Life is never meant to be lived in chains. Do not let that animal down. YOU can grant him that decent measure of FREEDOM which every single living being is born for.
April 11, 2007
When we shared in our first post on Ruby
that she was a 'rubbish chute' dog, I guess many of you didn't know what we mean.
Well, here are the rubbish bins which Ruby was thrown into many times while she stayed in that area. The workers would be having their dinner at night and cos Ruby begged them for food, they would throw her into one of these empty rubbish bins and let her out only when they were done or till a stray feeder rescued her out. At times, she was also kept locked up in the rubbish collection area.
But that is all in the past now.
Ruby our sweet gal is doing very well at her new home with her family pack of human and dogs. I personally like the laidback, natural lifestyle of the owner that has sort of rubbed off on the dogs, causing them to settle in amiably with one another. A dog is as happy as the bond he forms with his family pack. Ruby has bonded closely with her human, engaging him in her games, happily coming at his call and snuggling close at bedtime. She is indeed a sweetheart. And I am glad for her now.
Ruby with her new favourite soft toy which she 'stole' from C.
We have been receiving
differing versions on how Sparky got lost in the first place, how he ended up where he did, and eventually how he 'disappeared' again.
We do not wish to make any assumptions nor any false accusations on anyone as all is now merely hearsay and speculations, heavyladen with anxiety and sadness on the owners' part.
Latest 'news' we receive was that a couple was spotted to have taken Sparky away on Saturday night on a leash. If the suspicion is right, this couple had been to the farm regularly some time back but had stopped coming for quite a while now. They are dog lovers and had helped to tend to some stray pups in that area.
Still, no one on the farm can provide any useful information as to exactly who this couple is, and we are thus still unsure if this couple is who we think they are. We also do not have their contact numbers. We will have to speak personally with the eyewitness who saw this on Sat night.
At least, if it is really that couple who took Sparky, we are assured that Sparky is well taken care of now as they are dog lovers.
It could be highly likely that Sparky was found wandering lost and someone just brought him here for shelter, sincerely not knowing he is a lost dog or simply not knowing how to return him to his owner. That person could have asked one of the farm people to help look after Sparky and then asked around for anyone who would want him.
The only frustrating part is the 'I don't know' attitude of the farm people when we are quite certain they do know.
* There are some suspicions going on, so:
- If you are reading this and know anything about the truth, please do come forward and tell us.
- If you have somehow been innocently given/bought Sparky, please call us.
Tel: 9090-8592
- If you are reading this and you are the one who took Sparky:
We will never understand the anxious hearts of the owners unless we ourselves have lost a beloved pet. The grief, anxiety and frustration would be indescribable and the not-knowing really pains the heart.
If you are having Sparky now, all we ask is this: Put Sparky back into the cage which we will be checking daily. We will take him back the instant he is returned to the cage. No questions asked. We do not need to know who you are.
This is our sincere appeal.
We do not wish to make any assumptions nor any false accusations on anyone as all is now merely hearsay and speculations, heavyladen with anxiety and sadness on the owners' part.
Latest 'news' we receive was that a couple was spotted to have taken Sparky away on Saturday night on a leash. If the suspicion is right, this couple had been to the farm regularly some time back but had stopped coming for quite a while now. They are dog lovers and had helped to tend to some stray pups in that area.
Still, no one on the farm can provide any useful information as to exactly who this couple is, and we are thus still unsure if this couple is who we think they are. We also do not have their contact numbers. We will have to speak personally with the eyewitness who saw this on Sat night.
At least, if it is really that couple who took Sparky, we are assured that Sparky is well taken care of now as they are dog lovers.
It could be highly likely that Sparky was found wandering lost and someone just brought him here for shelter, sincerely not knowing he is a lost dog or simply not knowing how to return him to his owner. That person could have asked one of the farm people to help look after Sparky and then asked around for anyone who would want him.
The only frustrating part is the 'I don't know' attitude of the farm people when we are quite certain they do know.
* There are some suspicions going on, so:
- If you are reading this and know anything about the truth, please do come forward and tell us.
- If you have somehow been innocently given/bought Sparky, please call us.
Tel: 9090-8592
- If you are reading this and you are the one who took Sparky:
We will never understand the anxious hearts of the owners unless we ourselves have lost a beloved pet. The grief, anxiety and frustration would be indescribable and the not-knowing really pains the heart.
If you are having Sparky now, all we ask is this: Put Sparky back into the cage which we will be checking daily. We will take him back the instant he is returned to the cage. No questions asked. We do not need to know who you are.
This is our sincere appeal.
April 9, 2007

Dear all
The Welsh Corgi we had found on Saturday is SPARKY. He was lost on 2 April. Taking into account the happenings leading to his disappearance from his home, the owner suspected that Sparky was stolen. A police report has been lodged by the owner.
Very unfortunately, we only got to know that Sparky is a lost dog when the owner called us last evening. When we went down to the farm yesterday noon, prepared to take Sparky out, he was no longer there. Someone has taken him away.
We went with the owner to the farm again just now but still are unable to get any information from the farm people as to who brought Sparky there and who took him away yesterday. Notices have been given out around that area, SPCA, PetCall, AVA have been informed. We have also updated the police on this new info.
* Please look out for Sparky. He could have been given or sold to a family around Jalan Kayu/Yio Chu Kang/Seletar/AMK area or anywhere else. He is shaven down and microchipped. His microchip number: 982-009-102-752-693.
Here is how you can help:
1. Forward this email to your contacts to see if anyone has been given/bought Sparky
2. Print out the flyer and personally go to the petshops/vet clinics around your area and ask them to watch out for any Corgi who might be brought in and scan the Corgi for his microchip.
3. Post this lost appeal on all dog sites/forums.
I am sure, with pooled efforts, we will find Sparky very soon!
Thank you
1. Forward this email to your contacts to see if anyone has been given/bought Sparky
2. Print out the flyer and personally go to the petshops/vet clinics around your area and ask them to watch out for any Corgi who might be brought in and scan the Corgi for his microchip.
3. Post this lost appeal on all dog sites/forums.
I am sure, with pooled efforts, we will find Sparky very soon!
Thank you

(Just click on this poster, save file and print)
April 7, 2007
What's a Welsh Corgi doing
in a makeshift bird cage?

We were informed that someone had abandoned a dog at one of the farms. Today we went to take a look. From the brief description given (big ears, short legs), my guess was it must be a Corgi. And yes, it is.
I wasn't that shocked to see him. The things that humans are capable of do not really shock me anymore.
There he is, to me he looks like a young fellow, pretty well-kept, nails trimmed, coat shaven down. His face holds no smile but neither did he look particularly downhearted. It was just a face devoid of much expression.
In my heart, I felt that he must have been someone's pet, and enjoyed the comforts of indoor living with his family for a while before they grew tired of him. All the while we were there, we didn't hear him bark though one of the workers around that area said that when it gets dark, the poor boy howls in fear.
Take a look at this makeshift 'prison' some humans have put him in. There is basically no proper shelter except for a zinc roof over the bird cage and plywood for flooring. It had rained this noon and the entire cage was wet through.
We were initially told that he was abandoned. But later we were told that it was the farm owners themselves who brought him here and kept him in the cage. Taking into account that this dog could be the legal property of the farm owners, we didn't remove him just now, but will call them tomorrow morning to ascertain.
If they confirm that the Corgi belongs to them, we will advise them strongly against such a living condition and hear what alternative they can offer this boy. If they choose not to claim ownership of the dog, we will remove him to safety and a home that he strongly deserves.
I personally have made up my mind to remove this boy from this farm no matter what the farm owners say, cos we cannot trust them to accord a good home to a dog after seeing what they are doing to him now. They could well simply uproot him and place him in another 'prison' and not tell us where. But we will inform the farm owners of our decision before moving him.
So, in preparation of our moving him out, please contact us asap if you can give this boy the good home that he deserves. We will need to bring him to the vet for a full health check to make sure he is fine and well to go to his new home. If you are able to contribute to his medical check-up expenses, we will be most grateful. Please contact us at or 9090-8592.
The Corgi is a medium size dog who is even-tempered, loyal, affectionate and adaptable. Highly intelligent and active. You can read up more info on the Cardigan Welsh Corgi here:
April 5, 2007
On my way home just now,
WP called to tell me that she saw this very young and weak-looking kitten who'd appeared out of the blue at her void deck, what should we do with it, lest some ignorant folks get hold of it and possibly abuse it?
So I met up with WP when I got home but the kitten had disappeared from where it was last seen. We walked around the area for a while and suddenly WP spotted it! She was huddled up, right smack in the middle of the road which leads into a multi-storey carpark, with cars plying to and fro. She was just huddled there in a small furry ball, seemingly too weak to move anymore. Our hearts almost missed a few beats .... if WP didn't spot her and she stayed there just a few more minutes longer, the next car will surely drive right over her...
So we scooped her up and once again, were left standing with the question - what do we do now?? After looking around for her mom and then thinking it over, we walked her to this part of our neighbourhood where this auntie feeds her group of stray cats, all of them sterilised. We were hoping we meet auntie there but we were told she had already come and could have gone off to another area.
Our little kitten looked weak, so we got a packet of wet food and started to feed her. Initially she refused but soon after, with little morsels placed into her teeny mouth, she bucked up and started nibbling on her own. We then gave her water and it was obvious it must have been a long while since she last drank. She just huddled over the water bowl and drank her fill.

After awhile, we brought her nearer to the other adult cats who were snoozing at their corner and placed her on the ground near them. They were curious. 2 came near and sniffed her out, while one looked from a distance. All seemed neutral if not friendly, no signs of hostility. Maybe they know that she is unwell and they welcome her into their presence. We will check on her tomorrow.
I know there are many kittens and cats out there for adoption, but if you can take welcome this kitten into your home and care for her, do email us at

Btw, Ruby is currently now at her new foster home, possible her forever home. We will update more on her very soon. Thank you A for passing on the appeal for Ruby and thank you R for all the time you've taken to make the arrangements for Ruby and for linking us up with Ak. And thank you so much Ak for welcoming Ruby into your home!
So I met up with WP when I got home but the kitten had disappeared from where it was last seen. We walked around the area for a while and suddenly WP spotted it! She was huddled up, right smack in the middle of the road which leads into a multi-storey carpark, with cars plying to and fro. She was just huddled there in a small furry ball, seemingly too weak to move anymore. Our hearts almost missed a few beats .... if WP didn't spot her and she stayed there just a few more minutes longer, the next car will surely drive right over her...
So we scooped her up and once again, were left standing with the question - what do we do now?? After looking around for her mom and then thinking it over, we walked her to this part of our neighbourhood where this auntie feeds her group of stray cats, all of them sterilised. We were hoping we meet auntie there but we were told she had already come and could have gone off to another area.
Our little kitten looked weak, so we got a packet of wet food and started to feed her. Initially she refused but soon after, with little morsels placed into her teeny mouth, she bucked up and started nibbling on her own. We then gave her water and it was obvious it must have been a long while since she last drank. She just huddled over the water bowl and drank her fill.
After awhile, we brought her nearer to the other adult cats who were snoozing at their corner and placed her on the ground near them. They were curious. 2 came near and sniffed her out, while one looked from a distance. All seemed neutral if not friendly, no signs of hostility. Maybe they know that she is unwell and they welcome her into their presence. We will check on her tomorrow.
I know there are many kittens and cats out there for adoption, but if you can take welcome this kitten into your home and care for her, do email us at
Btw, Ruby is currently now at her new foster home, possible her forever home. We will update more on her very soon. Thank you A for passing on the appeal for Ruby and thank you R for all the time you've taken to make the arrangements for Ruby and for linking us up with Ak. And thank you so much Ak for welcoming Ruby into your home!
April 1, 2007
I went to visit Ruby today
and what a heartwarming session it had been. To see an insecure street dog blossom into a cheerful and affectionate family friend.
We knew from the start that Ruby is initially shy but when she has warmed up to you, she bonds and she bonds well. While she was at the vet for about a week, she bonded with the vet techs and was soon following them like a shadow. She's happy to trot with you in exchange for some reassuring smiles and pats. I guess she likes the feeling of belonging to a pack.
Today, as I spent some time with Ruby's fosterer, I learnt so much from L & P about the natural lives of the street dogs in Bali. Nature is sometimes more amazing than fiction. The humour, joy, grief, dilemma, heartaches, blessings that the animals bring - they fill your hearts yet break your hearts too - but I believe the people whom the dogs have chosen to spend their lives with, they won't trade them for anything.
Yes, it does take courage to love. Each time.
Thinking back to the first time I met Ruby, she had appeared after her few week's of disappearance, right next to the rubbish chute where she had stayed before. She took her first car ride with us to the vet for her sterilisation. And there began her chance to find her very own family pack. Cos where she was, she would suffer the abuse from the rough workers who had thrown her into the rubbish chutes repeatedly.

First car ride to vet
Today, she is a delight to watch. Her attentiveness to her family pack maks her an eager and fast learner. She knows 'sit', 'hand', 'stay', 'wait'. She is one of those dogs who enjoys play and will engage you in her new game. She has this basket of toys which she chooses with her fancy and so contentedly by herself, she would settle down on the floor to gnaw a yummy bone. Ocassionally she rolls herself over for a comforting belly rub.

Ruby has shown herself adaptable and responsive to the love, care and guidance of her foster family. Happiness and contentment is clearly displayed in her smiling face and unabashed show of affection for L. The lovely friendship of man and dog. The reward of a true desire to understand each other's world.
Ruby's fosterer will be leaving town this week and we have till this coming Thursday to find another foster family or permanent home for her. She is coming to about 6 to 7 months, and judging from her slender frame, she will just be a medium sized gal.
If you have the courage to let Ruby share her life and love with you, please contact us at or 9090-8592/9026-2733. Ruby holds her hopes high!
We knew from the start that Ruby is initially shy but when she has warmed up to you, she bonds and she bonds well. While she was at the vet for about a week, she bonded with the vet techs and was soon following them like a shadow. She's happy to trot with you in exchange for some reassuring smiles and pats. I guess she likes the feeling of belonging to a pack.
Today, as I spent some time with Ruby's fosterer, I learnt so much from L & P about the natural lives of the street dogs in Bali. Nature is sometimes more amazing than fiction. The humour, joy, grief, dilemma, heartaches, blessings that the animals bring - they fill your hearts yet break your hearts too - but I believe the people whom the dogs have chosen to spend their lives with, they won't trade them for anything.
Yes, it does take courage to love. Each time.
Thinking back to the first time I met Ruby, she had appeared after her few week's of disappearance, right next to the rubbish chute where she had stayed before. She took her first car ride with us to the vet for her sterilisation. And there began her chance to find her very own family pack. Cos where she was, she would suffer the abuse from the rough workers who had thrown her into the rubbish chutes repeatedly.

First car ride to vet
Today, she is a delight to watch. Her attentiveness to her family pack maks her an eager and fast learner. She knows 'sit', 'hand', 'stay', 'wait'. She is one of those dogs who enjoys play and will engage you in her new game. She has this basket of toys which she chooses with her fancy and so contentedly by herself, she would settle down on the floor to gnaw a yummy bone. Ocassionally she rolls herself over for a comforting belly rub.
Ruby has shown herself adaptable and responsive to the love, care and guidance of her foster family. Happiness and contentment is clearly displayed in her smiling face and unabashed show of affection for L. The lovely friendship of man and dog. The reward of a true desire to understand each other's world.
Ruby's fosterer will be leaving town this week and we have till this coming Thursday to find another foster family or permanent home for her. She is coming to about 6 to 7 months, and judging from her slender frame, she will just be a medium sized gal.
If you have the courage to let Ruby share her life and love with you, please contact us at or 9090-8592/9026-2733. Ruby holds her hopes high!
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