guess it's better not to reveal their location. There's no need to, anyway. Just to be safe. Anyway, didn't manage to get much good info today. Let's wait till Monday and I'll find a chance to speak with the management of that area.
For the 7 pups whom we're going to sterilise sometime end June when they're ready, THANK YOU to much to SB and R who have stepped forward to offer their donations. We'll let you all know again after we've made their sterilisation appointments as to which vet clinic the donations should be made to. We truly appreciate.
May 26, 2007
Got a notice this noon
about 2 dog spotted at an area, seemingly staying there and unafraid of humans. The person who informed me was concerned that they could be easily caught by the authorities as they are easily seen.
I was running some errands tonight and so happen to end up around that area so I popped by to check it out. In fact, I didn't realise from the address given that I have passed by this place more than a few times and yes, I have seen these 2 dogs hanging around that area.
Whenever I pass by, they were either strolling along the paths or lazing on the grass. They seemed very well settled.
When we drove in just now, I saw one of the dogs resting by the table of the security guard. I hadn't notice before that this boy has already been licensed. His temperament is fine, not particularly friendly but not hostile either. He was limping though, probably a light knock from a passing vehicle. The security guard couldn't tell me more though. I asked if both dogs have been sterilised and initially he said yes, then upon further queries, he said he doesn't know.
The boy is the resident dog, guard dog I presume. I asked who is responsible to care and feed him, and the guard says that the dog eats whatever is leftover from the workers there. For the girl apparently she came along later. Well, she is more wary and keeps her distance, and looking at her body, she must have given birth at least once before. I doubt she has been sterilised.
I will call the company tomorrow to find out more details and if both are not sterilised, will get some of the workers there who are close to the dogs to help us catch to the vet. The guard is a malay so he can't help.
They appeared fine and well-settled where they are. So we'll speak with the management and advise them to sterilise both and license the girl as well. And they can then be left to live there safely, with no threat of being culled.
Will update again.
I was running some errands tonight and so happen to end up around that area so I popped by to check it out. In fact, I didn't realise from the address given that I have passed by this place more than a few times and yes, I have seen these 2 dogs hanging around that area.
Whenever I pass by, they were either strolling along the paths or lazing on the grass. They seemed very well settled.
When we drove in just now, I saw one of the dogs resting by the table of the security guard. I hadn't notice before that this boy has already been licensed. His temperament is fine, not particularly friendly but not hostile either. He was limping though, probably a light knock from a passing vehicle. The security guard couldn't tell me more though. I asked if both dogs have been sterilised and initially he said yes, then upon further queries, he said he doesn't know.
The boy is the resident dog, guard dog I presume. I asked who is responsible to care and feed him, and the guard says that the dog eats whatever is leftover from the workers there. For the girl apparently she came along later. Well, she is more wary and keeps her distance, and looking at her body, she must have given birth at least once before. I doubt she has been sterilised.
I will call the company tomorrow to find out more details and if both are not sterilised, will get some of the workers there who are close to the dogs to help us catch to the vet. The guard is a malay so he can't help.
They appeared fine and well-settled where they are. So we'll speak with the management and advise them to sterilise both and license the girl as well. And they can then be left to live there safely, with no threat of being culled.
Will update again.
May 25, 2007
At times, it gets difficult.
Difficult to move on. Yet difficult to cease.
Looking back to what we've done, it's a raindrop in a thunderstorm. Looking forward to what needs to be done, it is an amazonic task.
At times, I don't know what to do.
There's pain. Anger. Frustration. Impatience. Fear. Yes, there's fear. Lately, it seems like I'm fighting for time. I'm dashing in my mind as if I'm running out of time. My days flash by so quickly, I stay up so late, and yet I can't wait to wake up the next morning and get going cos there's so much to be done.
And there are areas we just can't help and we hope you understand.
We do not have a holding area/foster homes for our local strays. And the bigger issue is, once you take in a stray from off the streets, you most probably cannot put him/her back on the streets again. You will have to be responsible for his/her life till death.
We cannot take in any strays cos simply, we have nowhere to keep them. From the area where our stray feeder tends to, we have 5 in the boarding shelter. They were taken off the streets cos they have been caught by the authorities (and bailed out after paying the fines) - Ben & Kumar, injured while being caught - John John, or abandoned by their previous owner - Junior & Ginne. We have to continuously raise funds to pay for their boarding fees, and this will go on for their entire life until someone adopts them.
We can't go and take any strays off the streets unless someone commits to their lifetime of expenses, else down the road, we will run dry and lose our focus in the bigger issues that matter while fighting little bush fires.
This sense of fear - of what's going to happen to all the dogs on the feeding route of our stray feeder when she can't go on feeding them anymore - if it grips me momentarily at times when I get myopic and fleshly, imagine how our stray feeder feels as she plies the streets day in and day out, knowing full well that there will come a day when she is not able to do this anymore ... a day when dogs outlive their carers ... and then what happens next?
At time I wish I had never started on anything. Like many people who live their after day after day...tight and comfy in pigeon-holes of a society that prides on safety and security be it legitimate or a false sense that is flitting if not utterly boring and kills the soul. A mundane existence, living so small a life, just for yourself and maybe expanding to include your spouse and family, but yet in the universal of infinity, our life is so so small and our concerns so so selfish that the entire creation laughs and cries over that worry of what to wear, and what to eat, and what hairstyle is the latest in thing....when the whole creation cries out for some people to stand up and SPEAK the truth of what is right and what is wrong but most of the time, it gets the cowardice of "it's ok", "never mind", "leave it to someone else".... and we sit in front of our TVs and wonder why the world seems to be crumbling downwards. Don't think for a moment that what happens across the globe has nothing to do with you.
Everything that is happening now and not happening now, everything is a result of you. A result of me. It is the culminating conclusion of a nation of silence.
Our lips are closed. Our hearts are small. We fear men and their responses. We withdraw and live a life of pretense in the Pleasantville of our minds. Hearts shut to the cries of help from our fellow human beings. Silent cries of help from the very person next to you. Spouses sleep with backs to the other. Kids are not talking to their parents. Bosses are intimidating their staff.
Then look further. Our fellow human beings in neighbouring countries are living lives so vastly different from ours, we are like kings. It is all a matter of comparison and there is no end to it.
The whole world is crying out but we must start in our own backyard. Forget about the starving kids in Africa if you won't even take a drive down to one of our children's home to offer the kids your time and gifts. Forget about saving the Sumatran Rhino if you don't even give a hoot about our native animals and the strays at your neighbourhood. It reeks of hypocrisy if you stand on a platform proclaiming your fight to save the rhinos, the sharks, the pandas... when upon your homeland, you turn your eye on that neglected animal in your neighbour's cage, that chained up animal pleading to you to do something, that captured wild bird languishing in ridiculously small cages of men who have robbed it of the vast freedom it was born to enjoy.
Aren't we all humans and aren't they all animals? What makes a human more important and worth helping than another? What makes this animal more valuable than the other that one has to be conserved and the other destroyed? One reason is the scale of numbers. We have too few of this animal cos many have been killed by men. And we have too many of this other animal thus men have to kill them. If it is indeed the sheer number that is causing a problem, then let us resolve it in the most humane manner available.
LIFE. We all have it. And we should all be given the decency to live it. And should men decide to take it away, the very least to ask is to take it with utmost humanity.
But to live, to truly live, not just for this small, minute creature called 'me, myself and I" - it involves the pain of sacrifice. If you want to help, you cannot live each day for your own convenience. Your own profits. Your own security. You will be safe, yes. But so will you be small. And you will die half the man you were born to be.
For, in an absence of pain, neither can you taste pleasure.
Looking back to what we've done, it's a raindrop in a thunderstorm. Looking forward to what needs to be done, it is an amazonic task.
At times, I don't know what to do.
There's pain. Anger. Frustration. Impatience. Fear. Yes, there's fear. Lately, it seems like I'm fighting for time. I'm dashing in my mind as if I'm running out of time. My days flash by so quickly, I stay up so late, and yet I can't wait to wake up the next morning and get going cos there's so much to be done.
And there are areas we just can't help and we hope you understand.
We do not have a holding area/foster homes for our local strays. And the bigger issue is, once you take in a stray from off the streets, you most probably cannot put him/her back on the streets again. You will have to be responsible for his/her life till death.
We cannot take in any strays cos simply, we have nowhere to keep them. From the area where our stray feeder tends to, we have 5 in the boarding shelter. They were taken off the streets cos they have been caught by the authorities (and bailed out after paying the fines) - Ben & Kumar, injured while being caught - John John, or abandoned by their previous owner - Junior & Ginne. We have to continuously raise funds to pay for their boarding fees, and this will go on for their entire life until someone adopts them.
We can't go and take any strays off the streets unless someone commits to their lifetime of expenses, else down the road, we will run dry and lose our focus in the bigger issues that matter while fighting little bush fires.
This sense of fear - of what's going to happen to all the dogs on the feeding route of our stray feeder when she can't go on feeding them anymore - if it grips me momentarily at times when I get myopic and fleshly, imagine how our stray feeder feels as she plies the streets day in and day out, knowing full well that there will come a day when she is not able to do this anymore ... a day when dogs outlive their carers ... and then what happens next?
At time I wish I had never started on anything. Like many people who live their after day after day...tight and comfy in pigeon-holes of a society that prides on safety and security be it legitimate or a false sense that is flitting if not utterly boring and kills the soul. A mundane existence, living so small a life, just for yourself and maybe expanding to include your spouse and family, but yet in the universal of infinity, our life is so so small and our concerns so so selfish that the entire creation laughs and cries over that worry of what to wear, and what to eat, and what hairstyle is the latest in thing....when the whole creation cries out for some people to stand up and SPEAK the truth of what is right and what is wrong but most of the time, it gets the cowardice of "it's ok", "never mind", "leave it to someone else".... and we sit in front of our TVs and wonder why the world seems to be crumbling downwards. Don't think for a moment that what happens across the globe has nothing to do with you.
Everything that is happening now and not happening now, everything is a result of you. A result of me. It is the culminating conclusion of a nation of silence.
Our lips are closed. Our hearts are small. We fear men and their responses. We withdraw and live a life of pretense in the Pleasantville of our minds. Hearts shut to the cries of help from our fellow human beings. Silent cries of help from the very person next to you. Spouses sleep with backs to the other. Kids are not talking to their parents. Bosses are intimidating their staff.
Then look further. Our fellow human beings in neighbouring countries are living lives so vastly different from ours, we are like kings. It is all a matter of comparison and there is no end to it.
The whole world is crying out but we must start in our own backyard. Forget about the starving kids in Africa if you won't even take a drive down to one of our children's home to offer the kids your time and gifts. Forget about saving the Sumatran Rhino if you don't even give a hoot about our native animals and the strays at your neighbourhood. It reeks of hypocrisy if you stand on a platform proclaiming your fight to save the rhinos, the sharks, the pandas... when upon your homeland, you turn your eye on that neglected animal in your neighbour's cage, that chained up animal pleading to you to do something, that captured wild bird languishing in ridiculously small cages of men who have robbed it of the vast freedom it was born to enjoy.
Aren't we all humans and aren't they all animals? What makes a human more important and worth helping than another? What makes this animal more valuable than the other that one has to be conserved and the other destroyed? One reason is the scale of numbers. We have too few of this animal cos many have been killed by men. And we have too many of this other animal thus men have to kill them. If it is indeed the sheer number that is causing a problem, then let us resolve it in the most humane manner available.
LIFE. We all have it. And we should all be given the decency to live it. And should men decide to take it away, the very least to ask is to take it with utmost humanity.
But to live, to truly live, not just for this small, minute creature called 'me, myself and I" - it involves the pain of sacrifice. If you want to help, you cannot live each day for your own convenience. Your own profits. Your own security. You will be safe, yes. But so will you be small. And you will die half the man you were born to be.
For, in an absence of pain, neither can you taste pleasure.
May 24, 2007
There's a constant refrain in my mind
for a good many days.
Do not do anything out of fear.
For fear is the antithesis of peace. The sediments clouding your vision in the glass of clarity.
Whenever you are uncertain, rushed, threatened to move, to make a decision, to act, to sign that document.....take a step back and take your time. Let no one rush you into rashness. If that deal is only good for today or it's gone, let it be gone!
When the waters are murky, take your time and let the sediments settle down well.
Things always look different the next morning.
Do not do anything out of fear. Be guided by the peace within.
Do not do anything out of fear.
For fear is the antithesis of peace. The sediments clouding your vision in the glass of clarity.
Whenever you are uncertain, rushed, threatened to move, to make a decision, to act, to sign that document.....take a step back and take your time. Let no one rush you into rashness. If that deal is only good for today or it's gone, let it be gone!
When the waters are murky, take your time and let the sediments settle down well.
Things always look different the next morning.
Do not do anything out of fear. Be guided by the peace within.
May 23, 2007
These are the other 2 boys
whom we're gonna sterilise in a month or 2. Both friendly fellows who'll come dashing up with the pack to greet you with full bodied wags and hugs. These 2 turned up out of the blue. From where or from whom, we do not know.
Now, all we want is to 'make' them ACCEPTABLE to live on where they are - by sterilising them and advising the farm owners to take up licence.
However, with more than 3 dogs at the farm, the licence for the 4th dog on is gonna cost much more and subject to the approval of the authories. They may come down to check on the place before the allow the issuance of additional licence.
Such is the dilemma.
Now and then, you meet good farm people who do care for the strays. The dogs do not legally belong to them, not in the way your home pet belongs to you. Many have been strays for years and just happen to stay on. Some are abandoned and others were born there or wandered there somehow.
Not many farm owners will bother to even cooperate with stray feeders to catch, sterilise and license the dogs, much less to pay for the expenses of sterilisation and licensing.
Ocassionally, you do meet an understanding owner who agrees with the importance of sterilisation and even takes up the responsibility of paying for the procedures and also licensing.
But due to the fact that there are more than 3 dogs on the farm, the dilemma is whether or not to inform the authorities to apply for additional licences. Cos the authorities may come down to do a check and if for whatever reason, they deem the place unsuited for more than 3 dogs and if they enforce their regulation that dogs must be confined and not allowed to stray, then what would happen to the 4th and more dogs? Will they have to be removed? Even though they have all been sterilised?
Btw, confining these dogs on a premise like a farm is impossible. Simply cos there are no gates.... So how would the authorities suggest the dogs be 'confined'? We've asked one representative before and the answer is - to chain the dog up.
May 21, 2007
Will the authorities say 'No'
to an offer from the public for a CO-OPERATIVE EFFORT in stray population control?
Will the authorities say 'No' to offer their expertise in catching wilder strays?
Will the authorities say 'No' to handing the strays over to animal welfare societies who will raise public funds to sterilise them?
Will the authorities say 'No' to releasing the strays back to their communities after they are sterilised?
Will the authorities demand that volunteer groups pay the compounded fees to rescue a caught stray from their pound?
Will the authorities demand that every stray who has been sterilised must be LICENSED also?
* On a pamphlet given out by AVA on "Stray Dogs", it states:
(A) What Can A Site Management Do To Control Stray Dogs?
One of the pointers is: Engage an experienced pest control company to remove unwanted dogs.
Wait a minute, aren't pest control companies licensed by NEA? Licensed to do what? - check on the list of pest control companies under Singapore Pest Management Association and you will see the Services provided and what I understand to constitute as PESTS - cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, rats, some include crows.
Tell me if you see a pest control companies listing cats and dogs under the list of pests that they handle?
It also states that "In Singapore, all vector management field staff are required to be licensed or certified by the National Environment Agency (NEA). In addition, SPMA strongly recommends that you insist on (National Skills Recognition Scheme) NSRS-trained staff to service your premises. "
If the staff are NOT trained to handle cats and dogs, AND there is no governance on pest control companies catching cats and dogs, (remember....NEA ONLY license pest control companies to catch cockroaches, termites, rats etc....), thus their licence CANNOT be revoked even if they are caught mistreating the cats and dogs that they are NOT licensed nor trained to catch ---
The pamphlet states: "Engage an experienced pest control company...". I think we are not talking about EXPERIENCE here. We are talking about a non-existence of governance over pest control companies paid to catch cats and dogs.
And who is monitoring the amount of 'experience' the staff has in humanely catching strays? Is experience monitored by the number of 'successful captures'? And who is monitoring the guidelines set out for the companies to observe?
One of the core functions of the authorities is to "safeguard the welfare of animals in Singapore by strictly enforcing regulations to protect animals against cruel treatment and educating the public on responsible pet ownership."
"Protect animals against cruel treatment"...conflicts with exposing them to the unfortunate situations of mistreatment by ignorant, untrained pest control staff.
Are we not opening doors in creating unfavourable situations whereby some cats and dogs WOULD be mistreated by inexperienced pest control companies?
In a field where lives are being managed, can we safely advise the public to engage services from companies who are NOT even governed by any licensing bodies? Whose licence to operate as pest control companies cannot be revoked even if they mistreat cats/dogs cos their licence does not cover that? Whose mistreatment of animals will only be investigated WHEN some eye witness spots anything amiss and reports to the AVA? And how many mistreatment will go UNNOTICED and not reported?
There is an angering illogical cycle happening here.
I thought the authorities have their own trained team of stray catchers who will do a better and more humane job at capturing strays? A team of trained cat/dog catchers who are under the governance of the very authorities whom we look upon as the body safeguarding the welfare of animals, and thus whom we can trust to handle all cases of stray-capture in a humane manner? And whom we can also trust to bring the captures to a proper closure by the humane method of euthanasia - by a quick injection to put the captured strays to sleep?
Is it a lack of manpower that makes the authorities advise the public to engage pest control companies?
Does the AVA ensure that the 'experienced' pest control companies are fully trained and equipped with the proper equipment and techniques of stray management?
Which are these 'experienced' pest control companies?
Do these pest control companies bring the strays to AVA pound to be humanely out down?
In fact, I am sure some of you have seen Town Council cleaners catching strays as well, particularly stray cats. Similarly, are these people, who are employed as cleaners, and who are mostly foreign workers - are they trained in proper stray management?? Or has the duty of stray population control fallen onto the shoulders of cleaners who may have no clue on how to handle a cat/dog other than to catch it with whatever methods that works?
Why are there cases of 'vanished' cats and dogs? Why have they 'disappeared' into thin air when they should have been sent to the AVA to be humanely put down, if that is the agreement with Town Councils and pest control companies?
Where do you think they they been taken? And how do you think they have been killed?
And do you know that till now, they still are cases of dogs being poisoned to death, dying slowly and painfully, foaming at the mouths. What is this poison used and where was it gotten from? Unfortunately, there was no 'concrete evidence' as no one saw who placed the poison. In one case, no one knew who committed that crime, just that the restricted drug was placed in a pack of rice and meat and the dogs ate it.
So, the next time you call a pest control company, be fully aware that the methods of stray catching are not as innocent as you may think. If you have a heart for HOW an animal would die from your complaint and report, the least you could do is to make sure that the animal has been sent to the AVA pound to be put down HUMANELY. At the very least, you have a decent closure of how that animal has been destroyed, in the proper humane way, under the needle.
If not, if you don't give a hoot about how that stray dog will die, you might as well be that person who places a packet of poisoned rice and meat to that dog. You would achieve the very same end yourself. DEATH. The only difference is, where the blood is on your hands, you have paid someone else to have his hands stained.
To all the people who have knowingly caused a practice of unethical treatment of animals out there, by commission or omission to act, the blood is on your hands.
Will the authorities say 'No' to offer their expertise in catching wilder strays?
Will the authorities say 'No' to handing the strays over to animal welfare societies who will raise public funds to sterilise them?
Will the authorities say 'No' to releasing the strays back to their communities after they are sterilised?
Will the authorities demand that volunteer groups pay the compounded fees to rescue a caught stray from their pound?
Will the authorities demand that every stray who has been sterilised must be LICENSED also?
* On a pamphlet given out by AVA on "Stray Dogs", it states:
(A) What Can A Site Management Do To Control Stray Dogs?
One of the pointers is: Engage an experienced pest control company to remove unwanted dogs.
Wait a minute, aren't pest control companies licensed by NEA? Licensed to do what? - check on the list of pest control companies under Singapore Pest Management Association and you will see the Services provided and what I understand to constitute as PESTS - cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, rats, some include crows.
Tell me if you see a pest control companies listing cats and dogs under the list of pests that they handle?
It also states that "In Singapore, all vector management field staff are required to be licensed or certified by the National Environment Agency (NEA). In addition, SPMA strongly recommends that you insist on (National Skills Recognition Scheme) NSRS-trained staff to service your premises. "
If the staff are NOT trained to handle cats and dogs, AND there is no governance on pest control companies catching cats and dogs, (remember....NEA ONLY license pest control companies to catch cockroaches, termites, rats etc....), thus their licence CANNOT be revoked even if they are caught mistreating the cats and dogs that they are NOT licensed nor trained to catch ---
The pamphlet states: "Engage an experienced pest control company...". I think we are not talking about EXPERIENCE here. We are talking about a non-existence of governance over pest control companies paid to catch cats and dogs.
And who is monitoring the amount of 'experience' the staff has in humanely catching strays? Is experience monitored by the number of 'successful captures'? And who is monitoring the guidelines set out for the companies to observe?
One of the core functions of the authorities is to "safeguard the welfare of animals in Singapore by strictly enforcing regulations to protect animals against cruel treatment and educating the public on responsible pet ownership."
"Protect animals against cruel treatment"...conflicts with exposing them to the unfortunate situations of mistreatment by ignorant, untrained pest control staff.
Are we not opening doors in creating unfavourable situations whereby some cats and dogs WOULD be mistreated by inexperienced pest control companies?
In a field where lives are being managed, can we safely advise the public to engage services from companies who are NOT even governed by any licensing bodies? Whose licence to operate as pest control companies cannot be revoked even if they mistreat cats/dogs cos their licence does not cover that? Whose mistreatment of animals will only be investigated WHEN some eye witness spots anything amiss and reports to the AVA? And how many mistreatment will go UNNOTICED and not reported?
There is an angering illogical cycle happening here.
I thought the authorities have their own trained team of stray catchers who will do a better and more humane job at capturing strays? A team of trained cat/dog catchers who are under the governance of the very authorities whom we look upon as the body safeguarding the welfare of animals, and thus whom we can trust to handle all cases of stray-capture in a humane manner? And whom we can also trust to bring the captures to a proper closure by the humane method of euthanasia - by a quick injection to put the captured strays to sleep?
Is it a lack of manpower that makes the authorities advise the public to engage pest control companies?
Does the AVA ensure that the 'experienced' pest control companies are fully trained and equipped with the proper equipment and techniques of stray management?
Which are these 'experienced' pest control companies?
Do these pest control companies bring the strays to AVA pound to be humanely out down?
In fact, I am sure some of you have seen Town Council cleaners catching strays as well, particularly stray cats. Similarly, are these people, who are employed as cleaners, and who are mostly foreign workers - are they trained in proper stray management?? Or has the duty of stray population control fallen onto the shoulders of cleaners who may have no clue on how to handle a cat/dog other than to catch it with whatever methods that works?
Why are there cases of 'vanished' cats and dogs? Why have they 'disappeared' into thin air when they should have been sent to the AVA to be humanely put down, if that is the agreement with Town Councils and pest control companies?
Where do you think they they been taken? And how do you think they have been killed?
And do you know that till now, they still are cases of dogs being poisoned to death, dying slowly and painfully, foaming at the mouths. What is this poison used and where was it gotten from? Unfortunately, there was no 'concrete evidence' as no one saw who placed the poison. In one case, no one knew who committed that crime, just that the restricted drug was placed in a pack of rice and meat and the dogs ate it.
So, the next time you call a pest control company, be fully aware that the methods of stray catching are not as innocent as you may think. If you have a heart for HOW an animal would die from your complaint and report, the least you could do is to make sure that the animal has been sent to the AVA pound to be put down HUMANELY. At the very least, you have a decent closure of how that animal has been destroyed, in the proper humane way, under the needle.
If not, if you don't give a hoot about how that stray dog will die, you might as well be that person who places a packet of poisoned rice and meat to that dog. You would achieve the very same end yourself. DEATH. The only difference is, where the blood is on your hands, you have paid someone else to have his hands stained.
To all the people who have knowingly caused a practice of unethical treatment of animals out there, by commission or omission to act, the blood is on your hands.
May 20, 2007
A large budget has been set aside
in the name of animal welfare education.
I am for education. Our young generation is the hope of our future.
However, whereas education is setting the climate for our future, government law is changing our very present weather today.
Only when directed hand-in-hand (education and law), can many issues, not only animal concerns but all-encompassing issues, be resolved with the prompt urgency of the law and reinforced by the steady progress of human understanding and acceptance.
I'm sure, S, our fellow counterpart in Bangladesh understands this most clearly.
It takes just one strike to light a match. But it takes much more to keep it burning. When the air of support is stifled, no matter how many matches you strike, the light is but for a moment.
But let us take heart!
Just when you feel that bit stifled, that bit weary... that refreshing breeze SHALL be there to carry you on, one more day. One more day. And one more after that.
Live today well and full. Leave the cares of tomorrow to tomorrow.
TODAY is our gift. Today, BE a gift.
I am for education. Our young generation is the hope of our future.
However, whereas education is setting the climate for our future, government law is changing our very present weather today.
Only when directed hand-in-hand (education and law), can many issues, not only animal concerns but all-encompassing issues, be resolved with the prompt urgency of the law and reinforced by the steady progress of human understanding and acceptance.
I'm sure, S, our fellow counterpart in Bangladesh understands this most clearly.
It takes just one strike to light a match. But it takes much more to keep it burning. When the air of support is stifled, no matter how many matches you strike, the light is but for a moment.
But let us take heart!
Just when you feel that bit stifled, that bit weary... that refreshing breeze SHALL be there to carry you on, one more day. One more day. And one more after that.
Live today well and full. Leave the cares of tomorrow to tomorrow.
TODAY is our gift. Today, BE a gift.
May 19, 2007
Pardon the rambling in my previous post
as my thoughts were running along as I wrote.
The main point I wished to put across is this:
That there is expertise available who are able to catch the wary strays whom we are not able to reach. They have the manpower and the equipment. However, unfortunately, this expertise either come with a price or are instructed by the authorities to catch the strays for culling.
Some of them (which I shall not call 'expertise') are pest control companies.
Read the article above from 2005 which I have commented earlier. Let me know if it puzzles you as it puzzles me.
- pest control companies tasked to catch strays were found to be NOT handling the caught strays properly (there have been cases of strays dying from heat stroke after being locked in a heated van...of stray dogs and cats kept together in the same van...of strays being strangled to death when they were lasso-ed and pulled up the vehicle....)
- cases were reported to the AVA
- the question was: If a pest control company is found to violate the guidelines (of catching strays), will its licence be revoked?
- the answer from AVA was: "NEA licenses pest control companies for ....fumigation, white ant and rat control. They do not licence the activity of catching dogs and cats. NEA has indicated that they would thus not be able to revoke the licence if they violate the guidelines."
My question is:
And if no one can revoke their licence, cos no one is GIVING them the licence to catch dogs and cats, then how can they be catching the dogs and cats?
Am I missing something here??
And to go on further, such pest control companies are profit-making companies. They do not catch strays and bring them to be sterilised. Of cos not. Someone has instructed them and they are paid to catch the strays. To be rid off the streets. To be culled.
And then, where do these caught animals go to? Where are they culled?
The AVA goes on to say that although NEA cannot revoke the licence of the pest control companies even if they were caught mistreating the animals they caught, AVA can charge the offender for animal cruelty.
To me, isn't it better to PREVENT any more potential cases of mishandling by pest control companies rather than to react at the next case?
My issue with pest control companies is that the very nature of their profession is that of destruction. They do not have the right expertise and attitude in stray catching. How do you expect a worker to treat a stray humanely when he knows that cat/dog he caught is to be killed? When in his mind, the dog/cat is a pest?
It is the mentality that governs the actions. And until there is proper governance in having pest control companies catch dogs/cats, they should stick to their business of white ants and rats.
But even then, rats also deserve a humane destruction. All living beings do.
To end off this train of thoughts, I am sure the authorities have a trained team, equipped both with the correct equipment and correct mindset, to catch the strays. A team who knows better how to hande strays then pest control companies. It is their team whom we want to work with, to reach the unreachables.
Now, do you think such cooperation will materialise? We'll let you know in time.
The main point I wished to put across is this:
That there is expertise available who are able to catch the wary strays whom we are not able to reach. They have the manpower and the equipment. However, unfortunately, this expertise either come with a price or are instructed by the authorities to catch the strays for culling.
Some of them (which I shall not call 'expertise') are pest control companies.
Read the article above from 2005 which I have commented earlier. Let me know if it puzzles you as it puzzles me.
- pest control companies tasked to catch strays were found to be NOT handling the caught strays properly (there have been cases of strays dying from heat stroke after being locked in a heated van...of stray dogs and cats kept together in the same van...of strays being strangled to death when they were lasso-ed and pulled up the vehicle....)
- cases were reported to the AVA
- the question was: If a pest control company is found to violate the guidelines (of catching strays), will its licence be revoked?
- the answer from AVA was: "NEA licenses pest control companies for ....fumigation, white ant and rat control. They do not licence the activity of catching dogs and cats. NEA has indicated that they would thus not be able to revoke the licence if they violate the guidelines."
My question is:
And if no one can revoke their licence, cos no one is GIVING them the licence to catch dogs and cats, then how can they be catching the dogs and cats?
Am I missing something here??
And to go on further, such pest control companies are profit-making companies. They do not catch strays and bring them to be sterilised. Of cos not. Someone has instructed them and they are paid to catch the strays. To be rid off the streets. To be culled.
And then, where do these caught animals go to? Where are they culled?
The AVA goes on to say that although NEA cannot revoke the licence of the pest control companies even if they were caught mistreating the animals they caught, AVA can charge the offender for animal cruelty.
To me, isn't it better to PREVENT any more potential cases of mishandling by pest control companies rather than to react at the next case?
My issue with pest control companies is that the very nature of their profession is that of destruction. They do not have the right expertise and attitude in stray catching. How do you expect a worker to treat a stray humanely when he knows that cat/dog he caught is to be killed? When in his mind, the dog/cat is a pest?
It is the mentality that governs the actions. And until there is proper governance in having pest control companies catch dogs/cats, they should stick to their business of white ants and rats.
But even then, rats also deserve a humane destruction. All living beings do.
To end off this train of thoughts, I am sure the authorities have a trained team, equipped both with the correct equipment and correct mindset, to catch the strays. A team who knows better how to hande strays then pest control companies. It is their team whom we want to work with, to reach the unreachables.
Now, do you think such cooperation will materialise? We'll let you know in time.
Pondering moments....
Think about this.
The authorities who look into the issues of animal control have, throughout many years, been catching stray dogs and cats, for culling. There is a need for stray population control, we accept and agree on that.
What many do not agree on is (1) the manner of catching dogs, and (2) the 'solution' applied, ie, culling.
Think about this.
If the authorities have been ABLE to be culling so many strays out there, it shows that CATCHING the strays is not too big an issue. That they have people who are ABLE to catch the strays.
Ocassionally, I do not know how often, the authorities issue a letter to an area where there are strays roaming about, informing the farm owners there that they have to sterilise and licence the dogs, or else, the dogs will be subject to culling.
There has been such a letter received recently.
Now, think about this.
Around our areas, as in all areas where stray feeders are plying, those strays that are friendly and easily caught will already have been caught and sterilised. They are now 'done' and of no problem to the population. They will NOT cause any more unwanted puppies.
BUT, the ironical part is that THESE sterilised, friendly ones are the ones most likely to be caught and culled. Hey, they are easy to get. In fact, they may jolly well wag up to the catchers who entice with morsels of treats. that why the years of culling hasn't seem to reduce the population issue? Have we been killing the already sterilised ones? Maybe the statistics will show?
On the other hand, we have the wary and wild ones who are out of our reach. Now, these we need help to get, to sterilise, to advise the farm/industrial owners to licence.
In view of the fact that the authorities have been able to catch some even wary ones, could animal welfare societies WORK TOGETHER with the authorities? And more puzzling, why have animal welfare societies not worked WITH the authorities, who have the expertise in dog catching?
(A) Current situation:
- Authorities send their dog catchers to catch the strays
- Strays caught are brought back to the pounds
- To claim the stray back, we must pay a fee.
- If the stray is not licenced, there will also be a fine.
- Strays not claimed will be culled in a few days (ie, put to sleep)
* Claiming of impounded dogs and cats: (from AVA website)
To claim impounded dogs or cats, the following fees have to be paid:
- Impoundment fee: S$86 for dog / S$42 for cat
- Boarding fee: S$15 per day for both dog and cat
- Licence fee (for unlicensed dogs).
In addition, a composition amount of S$50 has to be paid for each of the following:
- If the dog was not licensed
- If the dog was straying
(B) Proposed situation: In cases where the authorities request that the strays around an area be sterilised and licenced, or else they face culling
- In cases where the dogs are more wary and cannot be caught by farm/industrial owners/stray feeders to accede to the authorities' instruction, request for help from the authorities who have their dog catchers with expertise to catch strays
- If they are able to catch the wilder, unsterilised ones that animal welfare societies are unable to reach, hand over the strays to animal welfare societies
- Animal welfare societies will raise the money needed to sterilise the strays
- Animal welfare societies will advise farm/industrial owners to licence the strays (getting them to licence dogs around their area is not as simple as it seems as most of the case, no one wants to take legal responsibility)
- Release the sterilised, licenced dogs back into their community
* If the authorities are able to catch the wilder ones which have escaped us, that is good news indeed! And since these dogs are going to be caught ANYWAY by the authorities, if the feeders/owners cannot catch them, it is just going on with plan (A) or (B). IF the dogs are escape artistes and can't be caught by either feeder/owner/dog catchers, then it is a non-issue as in they get to live another day.
In fact, the most ideal solution is a nationwide sterilisation programme where the authorities fully step in with their support. Whereby they support the catching of the strays, and follow up with STERILISATION of these strays that they catch, instead of culling. Cos right now, the financial burden of watching out for the strays fall upon the shoulders of individual feeders/societies.
But I guess there must be reasons for not doing so, but rather to stay on with the culling process.
But just pondering on - Why are we not working together? Why are 2 parties seemingly at loggerheads when:
(1) one party has the expertise to catch dogs, albeit for culling
(2) one party has the heart to give the dogs another chance by raising public funds to sterilise them, but not the expertise/equipment to reach the wild ones
Bring these 2 groups together, and we have both the ability AND the heart to reach the wilder strays and make them 'acceptable' to carry on their existence in their community.
If we can work together to offer a more humane finality to captured strays, let us explore that avenue.
Because, if the instructions is to have the strays sterilised and licenced, and the issue is an inability of the farm/industrial people/feeders to catch the dogs, let not those dogs die for it. Let's get some help from the authorities to catch the dogs with their expertise as they are going to catch the dogs anyway.
It is then just a matter of to kill or not to kill. And you know our stand.
The authorities who look into the issues of animal control have, throughout many years, been catching stray dogs and cats, for culling. There is a need for stray population control, we accept and agree on that.
What many do not agree on is (1) the manner of catching dogs, and (2) the 'solution' applied, ie, culling.
Think about this.
If the authorities have been ABLE to be culling so many strays out there, it shows that CATCHING the strays is not too big an issue. That they have people who are ABLE to catch the strays.
Ocassionally, I do not know how often, the authorities issue a letter to an area where there are strays roaming about, informing the farm owners there that they have to sterilise and licence the dogs, or else, the dogs will be subject to culling.
There has been such a letter received recently.
Now, think about this.
Around our areas, as in all areas where stray feeders are plying, those strays that are friendly and easily caught will already have been caught and sterilised. They are now 'done' and of no problem to the population. They will NOT cause any more unwanted puppies.
BUT, the ironical part is that THESE sterilised, friendly ones are the ones most likely to be caught and culled. Hey, they are easy to get. In fact, they may jolly well wag up to the catchers who entice with morsels of treats. that why the years of culling hasn't seem to reduce the population issue? Have we been killing the already sterilised ones? Maybe the statistics will show?
On the other hand, we have the wary and wild ones who are out of our reach. Now, these we need help to get, to sterilise, to advise the farm/industrial owners to licence.
In view of the fact that the authorities have been able to catch some even wary ones, could animal welfare societies WORK TOGETHER with the authorities? And more puzzling, why have animal welfare societies not worked WITH the authorities, who have the expertise in dog catching?
(A) Current situation:
- Authorities send their dog catchers to catch the strays
- Strays caught are brought back to the pounds
- To claim the stray back, we must pay a fee.
- If the stray is not licenced, there will also be a fine.
- Strays not claimed will be culled in a few days (ie, put to sleep)
* Claiming of impounded dogs and cats: (from AVA website)
To claim impounded dogs or cats, the following fees have to be paid:
- Impoundment fee: S$86 for dog / S$42 for cat
- Boarding fee: S$15 per day for both dog and cat
- Licence fee (for unlicensed dogs).
In addition, a composition amount of S$50 has to be paid for each of the following:
- If the dog was not licensed
- If the dog was straying
(B) Proposed situation: In cases where the authorities request that the strays around an area be sterilised and licenced, or else they face culling
- In cases where the dogs are more wary and cannot be caught by farm/industrial owners/stray feeders to accede to the authorities' instruction, request for help from the authorities who have their dog catchers with expertise to catch strays
- If they are able to catch the wilder, unsterilised ones that animal welfare societies are unable to reach, hand over the strays to animal welfare societies
- Animal welfare societies will raise the money needed to sterilise the strays
- Animal welfare societies will advise farm/industrial owners to licence the strays (getting them to licence dogs around their area is not as simple as it seems as most of the case, no one wants to take legal responsibility)
- Release the sterilised, licenced dogs back into their community
* If the authorities are able to catch the wilder ones which have escaped us, that is good news indeed! And since these dogs are going to be caught ANYWAY by the authorities, if the feeders/owners cannot catch them, it is just going on with plan (A) or (B). IF the dogs are escape artistes and can't be caught by either feeder/owner/dog catchers, then it is a non-issue as in they get to live another day.
In fact, the most ideal solution is a nationwide sterilisation programme where the authorities fully step in with their support. Whereby they support the catching of the strays, and follow up with STERILISATION of these strays that they catch, instead of culling. Cos right now, the financial burden of watching out for the strays fall upon the shoulders of individual feeders/societies.
But I guess there must be reasons for not doing so, but rather to stay on with the culling process.
But just pondering on - Why are we not working together? Why are 2 parties seemingly at loggerheads when:
(1) one party has the expertise to catch dogs, albeit for culling
(2) one party has the heart to give the dogs another chance by raising public funds to sterilise them, but not the expertise/equipment to reach the wild ones
Bring these 2 groups together, and we have both the ability AND the heart to reach the wilder strays and make them 'acceptable' to carry on their existence in their community.
If we can work together to offer a more humane finality to captured strays, let us explore that avenue.
Because, if the instructions is to have the strays sterilised and licenced, and the issue is an inability of the farm/industrial people/feeders to catch the dogs, let not those dogs die for it. Let's get some help from the authorities to catch the dogs with their expertise as they are going to catch the dogs anyway.
It is then just a matter of to kill or not to kill. And you know our stand.
May 17, 2007
These are the 3 friendly brown siblings,
2 females and 1 male. We'll have them sterilised in a few months time. They would most probably make good family pets as I said before. If you are a sincere, genuine family with experience in local/big dogs, do contact us at and we will discuss further in great detail.
The other 2 are bit more wary, about the same age too, so we will arrange for them to be sterilised also in a couple months time.
* We will appreciate your assistance in their sterilisation expenses. Once they are sterilised, they will be 'safe' to live on where they are with no unfortunate and unneeded pregnancies happening to add onto the stray pop load out there.
One at a time. We will do this - with your help - one at a time.
May 16, 2007
AGILITY WORKSHOP under SKC's Companion Dog Section

Check out for the upcoming AGILITY WORKSHOP organised under the SKC's Companion Dog Section - a new section that welcomes ALL dogs - regardless of breed, pedigree, looks!
ALL dogs are welcomed. Bring your companion dogs down and let them have fun on the Agility runs!
May 15, 2007
We have identified
7 pups who can be sterilised soon, in about 2 months time or so. Preparing for their sterilisation, we hereby ask for your support towards the expenses. Will post their pix later.
Email us at for more info on how you can sponsor the sterilisation of the pups.
5 of them are very friendly ones, and would possibly make a good family pet. But this is ONLY STRICTLY for reliable, trustworthy and experienced families of local breeds. I'm sorry but no first-timers who are wanting to 'try out a dog'.
Dogs are not for trial. On another matter, neither should any dog owner 'try out' and breed their dogs just to see how it is like. Besides being juvenile in thinking (I guess you will never think of 'trying out' and have a baby just to see how it is like?), it is socially irresponsible and adding on to an already over-populated pet industry.
And for parents who are thinking of getting a dog for their kids to 'let them learn how to take care of another life', make sure you are always there to guide and teach them the right ways of interaction and most importantly, inculcate a sense of RESPECT for another life form. If, as a parent, you yourself are unable to commit your time and care towards another living being, then please do NOT bring home an animal who may be subject, not to abuse, but maybe neglect when the family has no time nor patience for him/her.
It is such impulse buying that has our pet farms churn out hundreds of pups each month, filling up a fake demand that is not lasting, and instead fills up animal pounds and shelters faced with the hard decision to put fully living, healthy animals down for a logistical reason of lack of space, out of no fault of the pounds, but rather out of an innocent, wide-eyed appeal from your kid pulling on your shirt...."Daddy, can I have a puppy?"
Email us at for more info on how you can sponsor the sterilisation of the pups.
5 of them are very friendly ones, and would possibly make a good family pet. But this is ONLY STRICTLY for reliable, trustworthy and experienced families of local breeds. I'm sorry but no first-timers who are wanting to 'try out a dog'.
Dogs are not for trial. On another matter, neither should any dog owner 'try out' and breed their dogs just to see how it is like. Besides being juvenile in thinking (I guess you will never think of 'trying out' and have a baby just to see how it is like?), it is socially irresponsible and adding on to an already over-populated pet industry.
And for parents who are thinking of getting a dog for their kids to 'let them learn how to take care of another life', make sure you are always there to guide and teach them the right ways of interaction and most importantly, inculcate a sense of RESPECT for another life form. If, as a parent, you yourself are unable to commit your time and care towards another living being, then please do NOT bring home an animal who may be subject, not to abuse, but maybe neglect when the family has no time nor patience for him/her.
It is such impulse buying that has our pet farms churn out hundreds of pups each month, filling up a fake demand that is not lasting, and instead fills up animal pounds and shelters faced with the hard decision to put fully living, healthy animals down for a logistical reason of lack of space, out of no fault of the pounds, but rather out of an innocent, wide-eyed appeal from your kid pulling on your shirt...."Daddy, can I have a puppy?"
Thank you to all supporters of Junior & Ginne,
we've raised sufficient donations for their stay at ALL till Nov. Feel free to email us at if you will like to see our accounts. (not a very impressive account though we believe that we shall always have enough for our needs!)
Junior and Ginne are very good candidates for adoption as they have been accustomed to homely environments and close human contact. In fact, they crave human touch. Wherever Junior may be when we arrive, we just gotta call out in a normal voice, "Junior...."....and in a flash, she will be weaving through big and small dogs, all obstacles...and pounce on you in such a great big hug people watching will think we haven't seen each other in years!!
Dogs never forget.
At times, I think they will. That they may not recognise me after some weeks, months...but incredibly, they always do. They smell us out and you can't hide your smell from those canine powers.
Ginne was in a particularly needy mood on Sat. She came and stayed around us and then both had their baths. They'll smell good, if only for just a few days!
When we were leaving, Junior was calm about it but Ginne was not about to let us go. While we were waiting in the carpark, she whined and cried for some minutes. Passers-by all had a pitying look on their faces when they hear her cries.
To Junior and Ginne's former owners, and to all potential pet owners, THINK and then THINK HARD AGAIN before you adopt/get a pet. Unfair is a total understatement if you should ever allow your home pet to end up in a shelter, or worse, on the streets.
The animals will do better had you not taken them in at all. Spare them your empty promises.
Junior and Ginne are very good candidates for adoption as they have been accustomed to homely environments and close human contact. In fact, they crave human touch. Wherever Junior may be when we arrive, we just gotta call out in a normal voice, "Junior...."....and in a flash, she will be weaving through big and small dogs, all obstacles...and pounce on you in such a great big hug people watching will think we haven't seen each other in years!!
Dogs never forget.
At times, I think they will. That they may not recognise me after some weeks, months...but incredibly, they always do. They smell us out and you can't hide your smell from those canine powers.
Ginne was in a particularly needy mood on Sat. She came and stayed around us and then both had their baths. They'll smell good, if only for just a few days!
When we were leaving, Junior was calm about it but Ginne was not about to let us go. While we were waiting in the carpark, she whined and cried for some minutes. Passers-by all had a pitying look on their faces when they hear her cries.
To Junior and Ginne's former owners, and to all potential pet owners, THINK and then THINK HARD AGAIN before you adopt/get a pet. Unfair is a total understatement if you should ever allow your home pet to end up in a shelter, or worse, on the streets.
The animals will do better had you not taken them in at all. Spare them your empty promises.
May 13, 2007
For any voluntary organisation,
or any organisation, for that matter, communication is part and parcel, and serves a mightily important role in organisation cohesion, in volunteer relationships and permeates through every fabric of our relationships with humans.
And dogs.
Where communication is concerned, good communication is mandatory, or else you fail communicating well with those who work with you or those you want to save. The values on which your organisation is founded are at stake.
Communication does not come at the expense of undermining like-minded individuals who fight for the same cause and who intend to achieve the same objectives as you. Good communication takes place with integrity and accountability. Communication is unretractable -- once you communicate whether in print or verbally, you can't undo the consequence your message yields on others.
And good communication does not exist on baselessness but is supported by truths, by evidences, by agreements with others. Good communication is not a unidirectional process but takes place in two, three or more ways and directions, mutually beneficial to all.
We often hear of the unreported truth. These days, we are beginning to see fabricated news, not only verbally, but more pitifully, in print. Do not be afraid to question what the media say, go forth to challenge the veracity of the information you see in print. There's nothing flawed in a correction done constructively.
Good communcation is imperative. In reducing volunteers turnover rates, in ensuring good employee relations, in getting things done, in securing the trust of the public, in giving more hope for the subjects you want to save.
Don't lose sight of what you are called to do, don't lose sight of what you want to achieve. For our animals.
And dogs.
Where communication is concerned, good communication is mandatory, or else you fail communicating well with those who work with you or those you want to save. The values on which your organisation is founded are at stake.
Communication does not come at the expense of undermining like-minded individuals who fight for the same cause and who intend to achieve the same objectives as you. Good communication takes place with integrity and accountability. Communication is unretractable -- once you communicate whether in print or verbally, you can't undo the consequence your message yields on others.
And good communication does not exist on baselessness but is supported by truths, by evidences, by agreements with others. Good communication is not a unidirectional process but takes place in two, three or more ways and directions, mutually beneficial to all.
We often hear of the unreported truth. These days, we are beginning to see fabricated news, not only verbally, but more pitifully, in print. Do not be afraid to question what the media say, go forth to challenge the veracity of the information you see in print. There's nothing flawed in a correction done constructively.
Good communcation is imperative. In reducing volunteers turnover rates, in ensuring good employee relations, in getting things done, in securing the trust of the public, in giving more hope for the subjects you want to save.
Don't lose sight of what you are called to do, don't lose sight of what you want to achieve. For our animals.
May 12, 2007
One of our girls
with Scruffy was knocked by a passing car on Thursday. We didn't see what happened but the car must have hit just her hind legs cos she was seen dragging her hinds and whining in pain that evening and yesterday evening.
As we knew that we won't be able to get her (she and golden gal and Scruffy has been out of reach even after knowing them for more than a year - the most Scruffy would come near me and eat from my hand warily and sometimes allows me to give her little scratches, but to reach out and hold/leash her is still impossible), I contact L to get some help. I think we may have made a good contact today who could help us with our remaining hard-to-get strays.
When we say our girl just now, she had somehow recovered much and looked almost normal. She could walk and run slowly about, though you can see she is landing very gingerly on her painful hinds and now and then she'll lie down and lick her aching parts.
But she could sense we were there to catch her to the vet and very soon hid herself among the bushes and under the containers. There was no way we could reach her today and we had to give up as we have to go on our route.
As we knew that we won't be able to get her (she and golden gal and Scruffy has been out of reach even after knowing them for more than a year - the most Scruffy would come near me and eat from my hand warily and sometimes allows me to give her little scratches, but to reach out and hold/leash her is still impossible), I contact L to get some help. I think we may have made a good contact today who could help us with our remaining hard-to-get strays.
When we say our girl just now, she had somehow recovered much and looked almost normal. She could walk and run slowly about, though you can see she is landing very gingerly on her painful hinds and now and then she'll lie down and lick her aching parts.
But she could sense we were there to catch her to the vet and very soon hid herself among the bushes and under the containers. There was no way we could reach her today and we had to give up as we have to go on our route.
May 5, 2007
Compared to other asian countries,
Singapore is sanitised.
I was travelling on the roads just now and scanning the night scene. Our streets are so clean, the landscape so neat, our buildings so orderly - almost every scene looks pre-planned. Safe. Similar. Expected.
We've got a comment from someone in Bangalore who is helping the strays over there. I didn't want to look at her blog initially cos I can just imagine what I will see. Situations in other asian countries make our strays look almost pampered.
Somehow I already know what is happening in countries like India, Thailand, Philippines ... very similar stories are being played out. Similar for the simple fact that many of their people are living in less than desirable situations.
In a country where its people are not well taken care of, so will their animals be subject to sub-standard treatment.
How can we expect a family living in poverty to care for the stray dog/cat along their street? How can we expect a man who is struggling to keep alive to spare any kind thoughts to that injured/starving mangey dog at the dumps? How should we tell a person who has no money in his pocket that he should not catch and cull a stray dog to earn a few coins?
Every single person who hurts an animal (intentionally or otherwise) is a person needing help. A person of sound mind and a full spirit will never cause harm to a fellow human being or another sentient being.
"Save the people and they will save the animals".
I've heard this wisdom preached to me and I constantly remind myself of its truth. We are not here on earth only to "Save the whales", "Save the sharks", not even "Save the dogs". Yes. This is what we are doing and what we do is understood only by those who share our heart for animals.
We feel a pull in our hearts towards these needy animals we encounter and we feel the anger and bitterness towards people who inflicted unneccesary pain on them.
It is all well and good. But as we pass our days, let us remind ourselves that the only truly lasting way we can change our world for the better - is not by saving that 1 more dog, that 1 more shark, that 1 more seal.
We are changing our world - for the better - by saving that 1 more person. By passing on kindness to 1 more human being. By opening up his/her heart and eyes to the beauty of human nature. By offering 1 more person the hope that he/she matters. That there is another better way to live. Another more peaceful way to co-exist with other living beings on earth.
Cos before you can ask a person to treat an animal kindly, you must first be able and willing to treat him kindly.
It is not that easy, I know. I myself am learning to walk the path of kindness - not only to our animals, for that will be so myopic and hypocritical - but more so towards the next human being I encounter.
For what will we gain by saving thousands of animals in our lifetime if we cannot change 1 single person's heart and bring him to our side?
The animals you care for are subject to the humans around them. If we really want a better world for the animals, let us try to make the world that little better for our needy people. I won't want to be someone who loses sight of the needs of my fellow human beings for my self-proclaimed cause of saving the animals.
A person living a fulfilled life, a person who has his needs met, a person who is fairly treated, will NOT harm another person or an animal.
Save the people and they will save the animals.
I was travelling on the roads just now and scanning the night scene. Our streets are so clean, the landscape so neat, our buildings so orderly - almost every scene looks pre-planned. Safe. Similar. Expected.
We've got a comment from someone in Bangalore who is helping the strays over there. I didn't want to look at her blog initially cos I can just imagine what I will see. Situations in other asian countries make our strays look almost pampered.
Somehow I already know what is happening in countries like India, Thailand, Philippines ... very similar stories are being played out. Similar for the simple fact that many of their people are living in less than desirable situations.
In a country where its people are not well taken care of, so will their animals be subject to sub-standard treatment.
How can we expect a family living in poverty to care for the stray dog/cat along their street? How can we expect a man who is struggling to keep alive to spare any kind thoughts to that injured/starving mangey dog at the dumps? How should we tell a person who has no money in his pocket that he should not catch and cull a stray dog to earn a few coins?
Every single person who hurts an animal (intentionally or otherwise) is a person needing help. A person of sound mind and a full spirit will never cause harm to a fellow human being or another sentient being.
"Save the people and they will save the animals".
I've heard this wisdom preached to me and I constantly remind myself of its truth. We are not here on earth only to "Save the whales", "Save the sharks", not even "Save the dogs". Yes. This is what we are doing and what we do is understood only by those who share our heart for animals.
We feel a pull in our hearts towards these needy animals we encounter and we feel the anger and bitterness towards people who inflicted unneccesary pain on them.
It is all well and good. But as we pass our days, let us remind ourselves that the only truly lasting way we can change our world for the better - is not by saving that 1 more dog, that 1 more shark, that 1 more seal.
We are changing our world - for the better - by saving that 1 more person. By passing on kindness to 1 more human being. By opening up his/her heart and eyes to the beauty of human nature. By offering 1 more person the hope that he/she matters. That there is another better way to live. Another more peaceful way to co-exist with other living beings on earth.
Cos before you can ask a person to treat an animal kindly, you must first be able and willing to treat him kindly.
It is not that easy, I know. I myself am learning to walk the path of kindness - not only to our animals, for that will be so myopic and hypocritical - but more so towards the next human being I encounter.
For what will we gain by saving thousands of animals in our lifetime if we cannot change 1 single person's heart and bring him to our side?
The animals you care for are subject to the humans around them. If we really want a better world for the animals, let us try to make the world that little better for our needy people. I won't want to be someone who loses sight of the needs of my fellow human beings for my self-proclaimed cause of saving the animals.
A person living a fulfilled life, a person who has his needs met, a person who is fairly treated, will NOT harm another person or an animal.
Save the people and they will save the animals.
May 3, 2007
While on the road,
it is very intriguing to see the multitudes of our beautiful local dogs. They come in a myriad of shapes, sizes, colours. But one thing remains constant - their fierce loyalty - be it to their family pack or to a human being they've accepted as friend and leader.
Loyal brothers
We have shared earlier, Project JK started out from the sole desire to help another fellow human being, an elderly lady who has been on the streets, looking after the strays for half her life, a good 30 years. Isn't it time she enjoys the autumn of her life?
We had wanted to offer her that gift, the precious time of our short life on earth where she can rest her mind and soul knowing that her dogs are safely off the streets.
However, we over-estimated the dimension of the issue.
Our wish then was to sterilise and relocate all the dogs along this stray feeder's route to Noah's Ark in Johor. We targeted to move about 50 dogs. As of today, we have sterilised 38 dogs and relocated 18 dogs to Noah's Ark. Out of these 18, 3 had passed on (Mommy Dog, Romeo and Charcoal) and one escaped (Abbie, now staying with his own pack around the perimeters of Noah's Ark).
We are unable to relocate anymore dogs to Noah's Ark as we have not been able to garner sponsorships for all our dogs there. Monetary support for our 14 dogs there come in irregularly and it is not easy to have a committed supporter willing to sponsor a dog each month for the rest of the next 10-15 years. We understand that. Thus, we have stopped relocating anymore dogs.
Anyone who've spent some time on the streets, in the farm areas, will see the reality of our stray issue. It is impossible to rectify the stray issue under a come and go 'project'. Quite impossible. And Project JK was never set out to eradicate the stray issue in any particular area. If that can be done, many areas would be settled by now way before our involvement. We declare that we are unable to. What Project JK started out for can be read from the very start of this blog.
In a pack of say 5 stray dogs, you will be fortunate if 1 or 2 of the female dogs are friendly enough to be caught and sterilised. But in reality, you may only be able to get the males but the females remain out of reach. No matter how long you have fed them. And it only takes 1 female to be pregnant and your numbers of sterilised vs unsterilised dogs will very soon even out again.
The unreachables.
How then can we say that our area has almost been done. It is not. Far from it. In a seemingly manageable area, there are still forested areas with ample hiding place for dogs we may not even have encountered during the past years. Puppies born and dogs dumped. It has been stated that unless a area is more than 70% sterilised, if not, in a short span of 1 year, the stray numbers will bounce back again.
How then can we say that our area has almost been done. It is not. Far from it. In a seemingly manageable area, there are still forested areas with ample hiding place for dogs we may not even have encountered during the past years. Puppies born and dogs dumped. It has been stated that unless a area is more than 70% sterilised, if not, in a short span of 1 year, the stray numbers will bounce back again.
Talking about financial support. Project JK has been running somewhat like an independent entity. We are not a registered society. Thus we are legally not allowed to solicit funds from the public. When we started out, we partnered Noah's Ark and was raising funds under their umbrella - the funds raised for Project JK was then channelled to our dogs in our areas of care. We appreciate that partnership as it enabled us to garner much needed support for needy dogs like Abbie (severe mange), Ming Ming (hit-and-run), Lucas (abandoned).
It was mentioned in the Dec06/Jan07 newsletter of Noah's Ark Cares that Noah's Ark Cares "will be winding down Project JK by end of this year (2006) as most of the animals have been sterilised but more importantly, we (Noah's Ark Cares) have been approached by several caregivers at Punggol and Jurong to help in their sterilisation efforts..."
From now, Project JK will manage our own fundraising for cases that come along our way. For dogs requiring boarding at established facilities, we will request for donations to be made out to that boarding facility. Similarly for dogs requiring veterinary care, cheques can be made to that vet clinic. For cash donations, we will accept from those supporters who have been following through with us and understand intrinsically what we do.
We are not the only people who are perservering on the road for the welfare of our strays, there are many out there, silently doing their bit which matters so much more than mere talk and discussions on what is right or wrong. Support them if you come to know about them. Lift their spirits where they may have been misunderstood for what they do.
Where there is a need, go meet it. When you witness something improper, try to resolve it, else report it to the police. Do not procrastinate or ponder.
Support any animal welfare societies out there who have demonstated their heart for the needy animals they have set out to rescue, heal and rehome. Many have done a wonderful job for our animals and they deserve all your support.
Support any animal welfare societies out there who have demonstated their heart for the needy animals they have set out to rescue, heal and rehome. Many have done a wonderful job for our animals and they deserve all your support.
In the heart of true giving, no pie is too small to share.
I've got visitors today!
Yes, Herbie and Helios visited us at the SKC this noon, what a good break for the day. :) As usual, Herbie took a look around the office, judged it comfy and nice and ... proceeded to do the famous Herbie stunt .......... "nua-ing"... :) He made himself real comfortable right in the middle of the living area, totally oblivious to his little bro's antics and our prodding. He was happy to simply bum around till it was time to go!
Helios was being the pup that he is, happily chewing the gnaw bone and playing a bit of fetch. He has a pretty serious face ya? And we think that his head has not caught up with his ears yet, ha! Some think he looks like a cocker spaniel. :)
Both these bros are simply sweethearts. They make your day. I pray for more happy families like this.
Both these bros are simply sweethearts. They make your day. I pray for more happy families like this.
Pedigree blind
There is something about what makes a dog -- a dog is a dog is a dog. Dogs, like humans, are sentient beings on all accounts of nature and nurture. We love a dog for his panting tongue, for the tail that wags in emotional response, for his fluffy, furry coat that brushes against your legs, for his doe-eyed looks, for his perked-up ears, for his whines, barks and growls... for his lying down, belly-up, in all submission to a life you HAVE in control.
A dog is a dog is a dog.
And the media are splattered with literature of dogs donning shades, in dyed fur, with painted nails, in positions 'orchestrated' by people... clamped between trees, riding on a tricycle, somersaulting in mid-air... and in all things imposed by humans.
A dog is a dog is a dog.
So look beyond the media representations of our animals, our dogs. What differencs are there between a pure breed dog couched in luxurious domesticity and a street dog rummaging rubbish for food? Have we been blind to what is intrinsically a dog? Have we been blind to their pedigrees? Blind to the tricks they performed? Their performativity in public spaces? Then again, are we even sure about what makes a dog?
A dog is a dog is a dog.
And the media are splattered with literature of dogs donning shades, in dyed fur, with painted nails, in positions 'orchestrated' by people... clamped between trees, riding on a tricycle, somersaulting in mid-air... and in all things imposed by humans.
A dog is a dog is a dog.
So look beyond the media representations of our animals, our dogs. What differencs are there between a pure breed dog couched in luxurious domesticity and a street dog rummaging rubbish for food? Have we been blind to what is intrinsically a dog? Have we been blind to their pedigrees? Blind to the tricks they performed? Their performativity in public spaces? Then again, are we even sure about what makes a dog?
May 1, 2007
Lost JRT - Fifi

Name of Dog : Fifi (Female/3 years old)
Type : Jack Russell Terrier
Date Lost : 3 April 2007, at about 11.15 am
Location : along Serangoon Ave 3 and Serangoon Central Drive
Colour : White with light brown patches
Type : Jack Russell Terrier
Date Lost : 3 April 2007, at about 11.15 am
Location : along Serangoon Ave 3 and Serangoon Central Drive
Colour : White with light brown patches
Description : Wearing a red collar with a steel tag with owner's HP and address
Last seen – Witnesses claimed that she saw Fifi and that she was nearly knocked down by a car. Dog was not hurt. Driver did come out of car to comfort dog and said that he/she will bring dog to see a vet.
* If you have seen a dog who looks like Fifi, please contact us at or tel: 9090-8592.
The strange thing is that Fifi is wearing her red tag with owner's details and all, so anyone who found her would know how to contact her owner. (unless the tag had somehow dropped out and the person who found her might not know about microchipping and that any found pet can be brought to a vet to be scanned for microchip and owner's details).
If you see Fifi, please contact us immediately. Thank you.
Some shots from the SKC Companion Dog Show, 29 April, Expo Hall 3A
We had more than 40 dogs in all taking part in the 4 different events under the Singapore Kennel Club's Companion Dog Show: (1) Best Kept Dog, (2) Speediest 4-legs, (3) Champion for A Day, (4) Best Trick in the House.
Here are some quick shots of the speediest 4-legs and winners of the Best Trick. Will post more when we get the pix from our photographer.
Do email to the SKC at if you have some cool doggy games which we can include for our next Companion Dog Show in August.
Do email to the SKC at if you have some cool doggy games which we can include for our next Companion Dog Show in August.
Also, do share with SKC your ideas of doggy events/outings/forums etc... which you would like to see being organised. The SKC will be most glad to incorporate more meaningful, fun and educational events for all our companion dogs - to share the joy of our doggy companions while promoting responsible dog ownership and advancing canine interests and its values.
Look forward to the August show!
Look forward to the August show!
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