the enclosure where 5 of our initial pack are now housed and spent our afternoon, sweeping dead leaves, pulling weeds, picking up sharp objects and poo, and cleaning up our dogs; deticking, feeding deworming tablets and flushing out dirt from their ears. General housekeeping to keep the living conditions in order.
While Ben and Jamie are recuperating from their heartworm treatment at another shelter, our 5 have now staked their claim of ownership of their newfound territory, i.e., this privilege of a rectangular enclosure consisting of two wooden doghouses.
In all, we spent close to $900 on the construction of the new doghouse that came as a preclusion before our 5 could move in. A little cozy, and a place that guarantees visual elevation of a field-- where our 5 are perched for their respite. Spacious enough, not too close for comfort.
Silently, we breathe relief for this is the blessed outcome of migrating the dogs from one location to another, and then another. Away from the homeground where their lives were threatened. Away from the woes and worries of street life. Away from human clashes between those who wanted to save the lives of the dogs, and those who wanted to extinguish them.
We have come a long way in this. Every bead of sweat, every effort, every commitment out of our professional schedules to ensure the minimal right to life for Ben, Jamie, Jonah, Jordan, Tiger, Tommy and Star.
X had been dedicating themselves so wholeheartedly. It's no simple task: coordinating with contractors and shelter management for the successful construction of the doghouse; sourcing for the best deal; negotiating with contractors and carpenters; getting our hands on the medicine; ongoing research on heartworm conditions; walking the dogs during their kenneled-up phase; raising funds from the public; transporting the dogs to and fro.
A single-minded pursuit taking its course from a real passion for the animals.
TODAY, we followed an uncle for possible dwellings where our dogs can be put up for some time. For the plain reason of
cost, we are exploring to separate the pack and place a couple of our 7 in these disparate locations. There's no way we can go on raising funds to sustain their maintenance for the next 10 over years, and so this is the practical thing to do.
While they romp around the space of the enclosure and doghouses--reunited partially as a pack--we have to think of the
LONG TERM, how we can go about sustaining the dogs, sustaining the work we do.
As always, we're on the lookout for good permanent homes for these ultra human-friendly pack, so spread the word and share the life-stories of our pack, the realities of street life and the animal welfare scene to those around you.
HOPE reigns for these potential family pets. Email if you would like to:
* provide a good home for life for any of our dogs
* contribute to their monthly boarding fees at the shelter, or any other expenses to animal welfare work
* learn more about how you can help in an animal welfare movement that is progressing slowly but surely in our society.
27 Sep 08 - Moving our 5 from one shelter to another
Our 7 in their temporary shelter after leaving their birthplace. Housed in separate kennels. Picture taken from the window with Jonah standing right on his hinds, excited as ever about our presence.
Ben and Jamie fresh after their second heartworm injection at the clinic. Walking them along the pavenments of a suburban neighbourhood reminds me of how fitting these dogs are to a home environment. What we've always wished for them
Side profile of our wooden doghouse adjacent to the shelter's existing one. This will shield our 5 from sun and rain and is good for, we reckon, a good few years for all dogs that will take the enclosure as their home. X & Y were fantastic help with moving our dogs on this day.
Our dogs popping themselves out from the doghouses with Tiger dashing out to bark any other dog that comes close to the enclosure. We're almost certain that if any of US would to adopt him, dear ol' Tiger will be our guaranteed fervent Guardian. Just so protective!1 Oct 08 - Enclosure Housekeeping
Jubilant faces, beautiful moods: Tommy and Jordan
Spreading themselves out in the doghouse.
All of them, i.e., the five, cozying up in one doghouse.
Ginne and Junior poking their noses from the other side of the fence, observing eagerly as we cleaned up the enclosure.
Another shot of our dogs: there's something dignified, respected, eager, wild, carefree, stoic about this pack.