We let Mama Rock out free and she assured us of her steadiness and cool attitude in the face of warning barks from other resident dogs. She will stand her ground for a moment and then walk away. I am personally certain that she can be let free without any concern.
She was tentative around the pool area, but once she got over the first wet paw, she totally sprawled herself in the water. Lovely to watch.
We're not that sure about Bruno's temperament yet so we had him on leash as we led him around the area and also into the pool.
Our tapioca pack of boys all came out for their free runs and swim. Star, as usual, headed right for the pool. Ben followed. Jamie, Jordan, Tiger, Tommy are not quite water babies. Jonah is the funniest dude. He would head right for the pool and jump right in, always underestimating the depth of the water and his stature - so every time he would jump into the water, paddle to the edge and come out all coughing and gagging from water rushing up his nostrils I guess!
The boys back into the enclosure after their free time. Ginne watching from beyond their fence.
Tommy is now living away from the boys in the inner kennels, mainly cos his enclosure is now taken up by Mama Rock and Bruno. Thus, we hope to quickly socialise Mama Rock and Bruno into the outer packs and Tommy can return to his enclosure soon.
For now, while we are there, we'll take him out for his run and to get some sun and wind on his face. He is a very good boy on his own. How much we had hoped that he would stop picking fights, but unfortunately he still does, and for that, he cannot free roam.
After his run around the pool, we placed him in this small area (while we let the other dogs out) which was put up for one old crippled dog to get some outdoors beyond the kennel hours. Tommy will watch the scenes from the fenced up area and when it was time, we walked him back to his kennel.
This tapioca pack of boys have gone through a lot in their days on the streets. Constantly hit by sticks from the foreign workers, hit by fast vehicles, dumped into dirty pools of water....and of cos, the constant threat of being caught and culled, despite being already sterilised.
Since they were rescued off the streets and relocated to the shelter last year, the boys had got into ocassional fights likely due to the close proximity now among 6 male dogs in an enclosure. Thus, the priority for each visit is to let them out for free runs.
All of them have a good long life ahead. And it is not my wish for them to spend their whole life behind the fence of the enclosure. Even more not so when each of them are so human-friendly and affectionate and smart.
Jamie and Jonah are so sweet. Star is fiesty and fun. Ben is a big baby boy, affectionate sometimes to the point of being clingy, but that's just him. Tiger is quite a coward beneath those 35kg of fats. Jordan is full of life. Tommy has a sad doggy look about him that makes you kind of wants to find the best family for him.

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* Thus, it is our hope that you keep them in mind when you're ready to adopt a local breed.
* It is also our current appeal for donations towards their regular upkeep and boarding fees (we are behind by a few months due to a delay/temporary pause by a few sponsors). They have all recently received their vaccinations.
We also appreciate your support towards the boarding fees of Mama Rock and Bruno, and the constant needs of dog food, tick/flea repellents, kennel sprays, supplements for the many strays/farm dogs out there.
Every dollar counts. Kindly email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg for more details. Thank you.