
Wangi and her daughter, Chantek
Wangi, Chantek, Summer and Bloom are all sharing a kennel. I believe very soon, they will be out free.
For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Coca exuberantly displaying his joy!
Cola and his sniffs....
Coca and his sniffs...
K1 - Big Boy
That's being polite. To be honest, he's fat. BB is the most easy-going fellow, he'll amble up to you for pats and rubs, with this nonchalant ease on his chubby face. His rib-bones are basically lost beneath that layer of blubber. He seems easy but when strangers walk/cycle by, BB will be among the first to dash forward with loud barks.
K2: Mr Brown
Mr Brown is one of 2 more mangey boys we have. He has a slightly shy nature, preferring to survey from a distance, coming forward after a while when he's determined that you are safe. And once he has confirmed that with sniffs and licks, he's your best pal.
Our most mangey boy in the pack. He's more on the peripheral, coming forth at times, hanging long enough for some pats and rubs, usually not staying long. We're treating the mange now, soon he'll have a full coat.
K4 (left, with Mr Brown on the right)
Fighting top spot with BB as the friendliest one in this pack. K4 has a very gentle, enquiring face, eyes peering into you, he'll sidle up so close his face is almost touching yours. But his friendliness is not as openly welcoming and openly trusting as BB. At times, he will retreat if an inner antenna was alerted (like when I was trying to apply Frontline to him just now - at a whiff of the Frontline and the movement of my hands to apply it on his scruff, he retreated. But for BB, he's easy with just about anything! Frontline or no Frontline, I want my rubs!) Well, to make an analogy, if K4 is a wholesome mug of sweet Milo, BB is the Milo Dinosuar.
K5 (face down on extreme left with K4's butt facing the camera and Mr Brown on the foreground. Brown sitting dog on the furthest spot is our newcomer. The black spot on the right behind Mr Brown is Blackie)
K5 is the sister of K2, K3 and K4. She is more independent, takes some time to warm up.
K6: Blackie
Blackie is our black beauty, maintaining her good looks despite these wild environments, she looks like she goes for grooming every few months. She may look demure but actually, she is most of the time, the first to run forward to defend her territory whenever strangers walk/cycle by. At her alert bark, the rest will follow suit. Till now, it is only on very rare ocassions that Blackie allows me to pat her. Those ocassions being when she is hungry...it is dinner time....and I have liver.
K7: Toto
Last but definitely not least, we have K's fav gal - Toto! Now this is one cool gal. She stays out of your way and plays hard to get. Each step you take towards her, she retreats 5 doggy steps. You call her and she will fling back a patronisng glance. As if to taunt you further, she openly displays sweet affection for K, and only for K. Not many will get to be Toto's pal.