so that we can take him out to the dog run to run off those excess energy! Our super-excited boy was tuging at the leash, going here, there and everywhere, completely engrossed in the morning smells and sounds outside his kennel.
It felt both good and bad to see him so excited on a walk. It's always good to see a dog happy to be out in the open, enjoying his walk. However, his excitement is much due to being cooped up most of the time in a kennel.
Lucas was the only dog at the dog run, still early for much activity, the kennel staff were just coming in to work.
He's grown chubbier now, could be a good 30kg or so. Jolly fellow as ever, coming right up to you when you call, and pushing his entire chubby body skin-tight against you. Sometimes when he comes too fast, I could tumble over....
We walked and ran about, expending his energy. He was pretty calm, not as hyped up as I expected. After a bit, he settled down for a rest, but not before he dunked his whole head and front legs into the pail of water....and downed huge gulps.... he must have been wishing the pail of water could magically transform into a swimming pool, I'm sure!
I thought now Lucas should be quite calm to receive the potential adopter. However, that was not so. When the lady arrived, Lucas got more excited than earlier on. First he bit her cap which dropped onto the grass....then he started running and bounding and jumping on her and soiled her clothes...then the nipping and mouthing on her hands....then rolling on his back, asking for belly rubs by pushing her with his legs and more mouthing....
All natural for a young boy like Lucas, and I believe with more interaction, socialisation, play time with other dogs, he will mature calmly. However, she shared that the labs in her family are all very gentle and calm, so we feel that Lucas might be bit active and too much forher to handle initially. V and I were joking after that, that even with a refined name like Lucas, most of our dogs are like 'sam seng kia'! :)
So after a while more, we ended the viewing and sent Lucas back to his 'room'. If we do not find Lucas a good home soon, we would move him to another boarding kennel where he would have the chance to run free, and also to have more chances of being seen by potential families.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By FAITH, Lucas will one day have a new home. Just as Shadow lived out her miracle, I'm sure Lucas will too, one day...by faith...jt:)
It's nice and happy to see Lucas grows so strong and cheerful. Will continue to pray for him. ~~~ gL
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