It's not just about dogs. Neither is it just about cats.
It is all about LIFE and life as it is meant to be - a GIFT to the living - and never just labelled as a number in the crowd, treated with a callous attitude as if the living, breathing, sentient being who responds with the same spectrum of emotions as you, is nothing but a commodity for selfish and perverted acts of cruelty and neglect, profit and exchange.
Where LIFE is bred without a residue of emotional attachment. Pups and kittens churned out like donuts on a conveyor belt. The sheer repetitive and numerous production further hardening the senses of people who are unfit to be in the animal industry in the first place, for the very simple reason that they have not even grasped in their small minds
How can he, whose heart feels nought in the presence of hungry and distressed cries and whimpers of need, in an environment not even of acceptable hygiene levels to boldly let your premises be seen ... how can he, who looks at a new life with an eye trained on dollars and cents, who gives himself the power to snuff out newborn lives whom, in his 'professional opinion' will not make it on the markets, that no one would buy them for they are born deformed, disabled, weak. Who also decides when the breeding moms and dads have outlived their 'use' and then have you wondered whatever happens to them?
Think and think hard again if you have the intention to buy a pup from one of our petshops. Make sure you know full well where the pup has been bred, who are the parents. Ask for pups who are microchipped, which is the least we can ask of, in an environment where honesty may be compromised for profit.
A microchip will offer certain levels of assurance:
- It will assure that the animal is indeed imported from such a country and such a reputable breeder, instead of being churned out from a pet farm of dubious origins.
- It will assure that
ALL animals are properly accounted for. Take a minute now to imagine: how many dogs do you think are now being kept in breeding farms, behind doors closed to the public eye? How many do you think come and go? What happen to those who are no longer 'useful'?
If we do not take up the efforts to properly identify each animal in the breeding trade, what are we exactly saying? Is it too much work? Does it cost too much? Is it not economically viable to want to know what happens to each life? Is our non-action and tolerance proclaiming that the life of these breeding dogs are not worthy of such efforts? Why spend money on identifying them when they are just meant for breeding and it is their offsprings who bring in the money? When have we crossed the line? Have our levels of acceptance risen so much in our developing years, that now, we quietly tolerate an industry where life is hidden behind closed doors? And we silently stand outside, hearing the cries, but not bothering or maybe not daring to lift a finger to help, nor even lifting a hand to query - hey, just what is happening behind those doors? And just where are the people who HAVE the authority to go behind those doors? Until the next unfortunate discovery gets splashed in the papers.
The very presence of closed doors implies there is something to conceal. Or does it?You have a right to know the origins of the animal if you have an intention of purchase. If your queries are met with blank walls and avoidance, then do the animal trade here an uplifting favour - do not purchase from that shop, and make it a point to share your experience with people around so that, in time, the professional standards and more vitally,
the HEART of people involved in our pet industry, will improve to acceptable levels.
It is through small, conscious acts on YOUR PART that will make positive difference and bring much relief to countless, faceless, nameless animals out there - who are now, at this moment, put through manmade processes - which are NEVER meant as part of their gift of life.Check out the Singapore Cats Group here: