I remember 31st May this year, while a few of us were giving our best shot at getting Scruffy (so that we could send her for sterilisation), V and J drove by the row of shophouses at JK and discovered, in close proximity to rushing traffic, a little speck of something smacked right in the middle of a parking lot.
On closer inspection, it turned out to be a kitten, merely a few weeks old, blue-eyed, scrawny and dirt covered. Smacked on the parking lot -- any car could've rolled him over, the tiny thing he was.
And so, while we rested under the umbrella at the farm, waiting for Scruffy to get "friendlier", V and J returned holding the little speck they'd rescued. V said to send him to SPCA to be put down. I remember his ears looked disproportionately bigger than his head, his blue eyes told me he was born not long ago, and his matted, dry fur, dehydrated skin and scrawny condition would qualify him the perfect candidate to be put to sleep. In a world where we have too many stray animals, anyway.
It was a make-it or break-it decision. I told V I would take him back and entrust him in a caregiver's home. I made the decision to take him away from the dangerous public. I made the decision to take him away from the needle that would have immobilized his body forever.
And with time, thanks to all who have the heart for these little ones, the kitten survived the conventional fate of stray life --> foster home --> owner (and this is the most ideal of situations) in rehoming work. The JK kitten became MY cat, against the odds. An addition to my family, a life to my life, a friend t0 Kangkang, who was once a stray from Jurong under the care of a strayfeeder.
We named him "Suci" -- pure in Malay. And his name pretty much sums up his innocence and innocence of all the animals in the world.
Suci, a miracle and hope for all of us.
Yeah, it's indeed a miracle! Hope all stray dogs and cats have a happy ending like Kangkang & Suci. (hey, Kangkang and Fei-mao look a like leh. :0) )
good on you. i hope kang kang n suci are doing well together. and give kang kang a cuddle for me. i miss him
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