June 22, 2007

The Grizzly Man premieres

this Sunday, Discovery Channel 12, 9pm.

The media is always intrigued by characters with great passion, though at times, it borders on obsession. Obsession that blinds and kills.

I am personally very curious about the very man of Timothy Treadwell, who died at the hands of the very animal he loves. Mauled and devoured by a grizzly. How did that happen? Has he forgotten to honour that shred of respect that every being must accord to the other - that respect of self in a world of others. The respect of a time to come together, and a time to be alone.

"I discovered a film of human ecstasies and darkest inner turmoil. As if there was a desire in him to leave the confinements of his humanness and bond with the bears. Treadwell reached out, seeking a primordial encounter. But in doing so he crossed an invisible borderline." (Werner Herzog)

We should always bear in mind: in our walk with the animals, we are not desiring to trash our humanness and bond with them, nor do we want to humanise them and force them to live like us.

Embrace our commonness and honour our differences. Enjoy each other's company on earth. Never force. But rather, be patient and wait.

One of the most beautiful moments, to me, is when an animal comes up to you, out of pure choice of his own. No bribery of food or praise. No fear of threat or hurt. Just 2 living beings, side by side, nothing to give and nothing to take. But each becoming fuller just by a mingling and connection of souls.

An act of trust - so simple and yet so full of what it means to know and be known.

When I see a person whom an animal trusts, that person will also have my trust.


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