to see Girl at the clinic. She looks to be still in a daze, listless, expressionless. Lying on her side to relieve herself of the aching pain on her hind which were run over by the lorry.
She has been given antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. The good thing is that there are no broken bones. But the impact and weight of the vehicle surely has caused her a shocking experience and gave her a lot of soreness and pain in the tender areas.
After some coaxing, she was able to lift herself up to sit on her rump, to show us her underside that was dragged against the coarse tarmac, now all sore and red.

She has not eaten since yesterday. She needs to be hospitalised and monitored to make sure she eats something, and more importantly that there is no internal damage to her organs, and she is able to eliminate on her own, before we bring her back to her farm.
We estimate her bills to be about $150. We will be grateful for your contributions. Pls email projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg. Thank you.
To quote Albert Einstein - "We must extend the circle of our compassion to encompass all creatures". This can be reflected in our thoughts and actions big or small) towards these animals in need.
Sorry been missing out on all these big issues. Mama girl is in my prayers.
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