He was wearing his licence tag, but because he was 'straying', which on the AVA's set rules and regulations is a big no-no and gives them the authority to catch the dog, they did just that.
They caught Ah Boy, which is easy as he is a friendly fellow. They took him back to pound. They called his owner, the security guard, and informed him that if he wants Ah Boy back, he has to pay a fine of $400++. They also told him that if he takes Ah Boy back he has to chain Ah Boy up. If he cannot pay, he had to surrender the dog to AVA.
I'm checking with the AVA on the components of this $400++ fine cos it is higher than normal.
Ah Boy's owner, an elderly man, could not afford this $400++ fine and for whatever reasons he had, he said he wasn't thinking straight during that time, that he just knew he couldn't afford to pay, he did not call us for help till we hear the news from another fellow supporter yesterday.
So, for 'straying' outside his building, along the small area which Ah Boy calls home -- this little area in our entire island of buildings after buildings and malls after malls -- we cannot even find it within our hearts to graciously give this little tiny area to a friendly animal who has been a loyal companion to an old man. Who gave his trust to mankind with welcoming wags.
Who has a sentient life just like you and me. Who looks forward to simple joys of exploring his neighbourhood with his female companion. Of lying at the feet of his master.
For 'straying' outside his home, Ah Boy is now dead.

Very very sorry we could not get to you earlier, Ah Boy. Very very sorry.
I am so so sorry to hear of this sad case...even though not knowing Ah Boy, still made my heart ache. A coffeeshop near my place also had their resident dog taken away due to some "complaint". Ah Pui has been staying there for more than 10yrs... everyone loved him and there was no issue till that fateful day. *Let's stay positive and conquer all odds*
Yes. Stay positive. Be bold in our belief and stand tall to the truth!
Its so sad to hear this. Killing in the name of law
AVA got the nerve too to ask owner to 'confine' or chain up his dog? So i wonder what kind of issues does AVA's animal welfare dept work for?
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