Abandonment is still a very tricky issue to charge irresponsible owners for, judging from Junior & Ginne's case. Both dogs were taken from their home and dumped all the way in forested areas near the farm where Ginne was adopted from.
After suffering and starving on the streets for 7 days, Junior and Ginne were found after they both made their way to the HDB flats, possibly to get close to humans to find their owners who had betrayed them. At the flats, both of them were crying so loudly over 2 nights. They must have been terrified, hungry and totally disoriented. Throughout the 7 days, residents around the area saw both Junior and Ginne staying close to each other. Never losing sight as they only got each other now in a strange environment. Some residents informed SPCA and Ginne was later picked up by the SPCA, leaving Junior alone in the estate. That night when she was left by herself, Junior timidly stayed close to 1 HDB block, even more terrified now that Ginne was also gone. Fortunately, she was spotted by a dog-loving couple who held onto her and then called us after seeing our Lost notice online.
Both dogs were significantly thinner and suffered from diarrhea for many days after.
It is only by great blessings that we manage to find both Junior and Ginne. Many more abandoned animals are not that fortunate. Many are never found. Either killed by car accidents or slowly starving to death for they know not how to survive in the elements. Some are abused. The 'fortunate' ones would be picked up by SPCA/AVA and maybe adopted or put to sleep, both a relief from trying to survive on the streets.
Due to 'lack of evidence', the owners were not charged at all for abandonment. Even though they KNOW that their dogs are found, and they told the authorities that they DO NOT WANT their dogs anymore....

* You can read their full stories in our posts of Jan & Feb 07.
Junior & Ginne are now still boarding at Animal Lovers League. Patiently awaiting a good home to take them in. Your kind donations in January have sustained their boarding fees till end of this month. We seek your support in maintaining their lodging at the kennels from December onwards. Pls email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg for more details on how to contribute.
Till a good family comes for them, to give them another chance at love.
Good old-fashioned, committed, faithful love. The kind that never abandons. No matter what.
Why did the SPCA only picked up Ginne and not Junior?
From what we gathered from the residents at the block of flats, that night somehow Ginne had made her way to the 7th floor, but Junior chose to stay on the lower floors. Our guess is that somehow Ginne got disoriented after climbing up those flight of stairs, as she has never been such HDB environment before. They stay on a landed house. So we guess that she felt lost after losing sight of Junior, that was probably also why she was crying the whole night, cos somehow she couldn't get herself down to Junior. It seemed the next day she was picked up by SPCA but Junior was probably at the other end of the stairwell so she was left behind. When we got the call from the couple who found her, Junior was just staying put at groundfloor, at a corner of the stairwell. Junior is the more timid one and it was a blessing she chose to stay where she was. If she had wandered off, back to the forested areas, we may never have found her ever again.
Thank you for your explanation. These poor dogs - i hope they will be very blessed from now on; no more unnecessary suffering, pain and fear. You and your gang do great; hopefully this will continue in your absence when you leave for your veterinary course.
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