It neither shocks you nor makes you giddily elated. But rather, when it comes, it makes you sigh. Your heart softens. Your eyes glow with a warmth of hope arising to bring forth a smile.
Read here of JT's update on BB, our little beagle boy who has spent much of his last 2 years weighted down by metal chains that have left their mark on his neck. His family, through the earnest persuasion and advice and very dedicated visits and walks by JT, has finally resolved to give BB up to a home who can offer him LIFE beyond chains.
Thank you JT. This miracle we receive now is due in large to your faith in the good things to come for BB. May this joy remain in you as a reminder of wondrous things to come for you. Thank you so much.
"Now, FAITH is the substance of things hoped for."
From JT:
"A miracle for BB, now named Bagel. His new life with C and her family began on 8 December 2007.
I reached slightly earlier than C, and Bagel was already off chains. Our exuberant boy couldn't keep his excitement. He must have thought I was going to bring him out again. As i thought about it, I smiled. Yes we were going to bring him out, away from those chains. Never again was he going to be held down by the weight of those hard cold metal. Never again was he going to sleep on the cold hard floor outside the house.
This might possibly be Bagel's first warm Christmas too.
When we reached his new residence, our little bagel boy did not hesitate to start exploring the new premises. It took him a long while to settle down. He must never had so much freedom and was still adjusting to this new life.
C has been updating about Bagel. He has a really warm soft towel throw to sleep on , on the floor, inside the house with his owner. Latest update from C: Bagel is calmer now,already taking naps now and then, asking for "sayang" and not bothered by every noise now. Also knows how to head back in the direction of "home" after walks."
I always believe dogs who have a second chance of a new life of love and freedom knows how to give back to their new owners in their own doggy ways. And I'm sure, in C's good hands, and a warm family to live with, Bagel boy will grow to be a calm and confident boy, with lots of doggy affection for his new family.
Have a very blessed christmas Bagel! We are all happy for you.
The following picture show Bagel in his new home, putting his nose in every nook and corner, before finally settling down. but not for long and he was up on his feet again exploring the place."

There is a new softness in his eyes, isn't there?
1 comment:
Yes, a Blessed Christmas to you, Bagel, Mama cat+kitty and all our furry friends out there...
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