All Uncle (the security guard) heard was a tremendously loud bang and when he rushed to him, Lucky had coughed a great amount of blood. Ah Girl and Lucky were let out of the compound, and ventured to the road--the main road just right outside the premise where they're legally licensed and taken care of.
Ah Girl let out three bursts of cries when she found her son dead, and I guess no one can be more saddened by the passing of a loved one right before your very eyes. This also goes further to show that animals, however elusive from the urban mainstream, are sentient beings. And maybe even more so than humans.
We are contacting dog transport and burial/cremation services to handle Lucky's body. Let's see what happens tomorrow morning.
God bless Lucky's soul.
Lucky, a few months ago
hi there again, i just read about this. my gosh, its really very very upsetting. poor doggy...=(
Lucky rest in peace and I hope Ah Girl will be able to take it well eventually :( And may all the dogs be blessed and protected against any danger n harm..
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