Though no visible results, no tangible deliverables, it was a fruitful day and we laboured not in vain, and reaped the fruits of our labour. With good news and learning points of rescue work and education.
After confirming that Mama Rock is CLEAR of heartworms, we can now start our tough lady on heartgard. That's right, Mama Rock stands sturdy on a clean bill of health, no heartworm, no other affliction whatsoever.
The farmer shoved her backside into V's car and said in Mandarin, "Go for your vacation!", and off she was on her ride to Dr L. who assured us with the good news of her condition (or the lack of). Looking at her... gentle on the leash, sniffing out the grass of surburban pavements, there's every reason she'll make an excellent family pet if given to a good owner.
Save for hoarding the random bone, there's absolutely nothing feral or cull-worthy of our motherly Mama Rock who nursed abandoned puppies and kittens before V's eyes and did not flinch a bit during the car-rides back and forth.
In fact, there was something comical about Rock for when we returned to the farm, she refused to get out of V's car but stayed in the backseat. With her feet finally on the ground of the farm, she twirled for a few steps before hopping right on the driver's seat at will, dumbfoundedly staring at V. Something so comical, loving about Mama Rock.
I wish she finds a reliable lifelong family soon.
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