December 29, 2009
December 28, 2009
Took a walk along
I do not recognise some of the dogs who greeted me that day. Where they have come from and where their lives will lead them.
All they need is some food, shelter.
And a little bit of kindness and humanity. To allow them to live out a life that was given. A life not for us to take.
Walk with us into a new year we hold with courage and hope. With bigger and bolder dreams for the animals as we claim the promises for a better world.
* Donate to POSB Savings 108-15188-9 and together, we will create miracles for the animals in 2010.
Blessed New Year. The best is yet to come.
December 22, 2009
December 17, 2009
Gerry's leg needs funds to heal
In the darkness provided for by the container quarters of the construction workers, Gerry and her brother find refuge--away from other stray packs in the neighbourhood and strange men who poke their noses into the quarters in the day.
They are friends to the workers but the one they are closest to is a Thai worker who returns in the evening after his work. Sometimes when he's around, our caregiver will pass him food for the dogs and willingly he feeds Gerry and her brother. Other times, we have found that the food passed to a random worker would be left to hang somewhere in the quarters and rot for a few days, unfit for consumption.
Perhaps that's why when we brought Gerry to the vet's with the help of her familiar Thai worker, she was found so underweight and undernourished by the vet. Dehydrated and running a temperature. The Thai worker told us Gerry's right hind leg had been injured and limp since two months ago. A lorry had run her over.
Prior to that, the caregiver and us visited the site in the morning in the absence of the Thai worker and were met with futile attempts to capture her. The moment she saw us, Gerry scampered swiftly away and hid herself from a pile of construction materials. In her limps, she jumped on nails, scratched herself against the rusty edges of old poles and grazed her back more, ducking, climbing and negotiating rough corners.
Until we had to call it a day and give up. A nagging worry on our heads that we needed to bring her leg to medical attention. We feared if her bones had been crushed.
A few days of hospitalisation at the vet's saw marked improvement in her behaviour: Gerry warmed up to all the vet staff and when walked, was able to put weight on her injured leg. Ginger and gentle. She responded happily when we put our hands on her head and patted her with a prayer of encouragement and healing.
The vet gave Gerry medication and various vitamins. Knowing that she's but a puppy actually, she suspects Gerry's case and being unaccustomed to using her right hind is a matter of bone development, aside from the lorry accident.
With our limited animal rescue budget, the best we can do is pump her health back, bypassing any need for any surgery, so that she can still continue her life at the construction site. We have no place at all to board Gerry and allow her to recover ideally.
This is Gerry, checking us out from afar, after our failed attempts to pursue and capture her.
Gerry's brother, the friendlier one -- responded to us lovingly for food and caresses. We target to sterilise him, and Gerry when she's well. At this stage, it's not recommended that Gerry goes through any surgery.
December 9, 2009
This is Daisy
Regrettably, I haven't got the chance to blog about Daisy's story.
For the past weeks, it was sort of a heart-in-your-mouth experience for us. Daisy came down with a lump on the right side of her neck--two marbles large and hard as stone. What's more, she suffered from severe nose blockage and everytime little Daisy heaved, the discharge snorted and leaked out of her nostril.
We put her at the vet's for 10 days or so and were told that Daisy might not make it, given the condition of her lump. Their first opinion was that Daisy's lump could be cancerous and the procedures of biopsy and chemotherapy entailed thereafter would mean hefty medical costs for us. We were given the option to put Daisy to sleep, otherwise she would, just the same, "waste away".
Aunty S, the 80+ caregiver, and I picked up Daisy, with an uncertainty what her lump would mean to her life. When she was brought out of the ward, both her fore limbs were shaven for injection of glucose drip.
On the exterior, Daisy shrivelled, weakened and her meows became gentler.
Her mother, a dark-haired community cat whom we named Suzy and previously suffered a gaping sore on her back, missed her so much that she loitered in the backyard of the caregiver's to get closer to Daisy. As Daisy rested in the cage we set up for her, quarantined from the rest of the cats--the many the caregiver could take in herself without causing a fuss to her family and neighbours--Suzy held vigil for her daughter.
She hanged around the room where Daisy stayed and never so much as strayed from the place. If policies imply that animals are emotionless, Suzy's demonstrated behaviour for her daughter defy any clinical principle on which the policies stand.
What followed in a few days was the absence of glucose supply for Daisy and her rapid loss of appetite. As the weather got colder with the December rain, Daisy became thinner, weaker and paler. Daisy was literally bony.
Side profile: in the red circle, you can tell her neck is thicker due to the lump
Profusely leaky discharge from left nostril. Just common cat flu, the vet said
Back from her 10 days at the first vets: Daisy explored the room and climbed the window grilles to seek a spot to escape. We let her be for her to settle down
October 18, 2009
We welcome you
For those of you who have already joined in, thank you. We hope to continue our walk together in uplifting the awareness and creating a conscious participation in our animal welfare scene.
And may each encounter with a needy animal make our hearts more tender. Our minds wiser. And our actions kinder.
We look forward to seeing you on Project JK Page.
October 12, 2009
Watch out for
"The programme is featuring the harsh lives of our street dogs as well as their caregivers"...thanks G for sharing!
October 11, 2009
Ahhh... and our husky boy takes a breather
Photos of Shin, the rescued Siberian Husky, taking a breather after quite a length of a walk. Had a last minute urge some evenings ago to walk the boy and although I hadn't seen him often enough, he knows when I visit, it means treat and a walk in the park.
After J's effort to bring along ice-cold water for Junior & Ginne on one of their excursions after vet consultation, I've been mindful that in our local tropical climate it is best to bring along water for the dogs however hardy they seem to be. Especially for Shin.
So towards the end of our traipsing the length of the park and back, I poured water over his coat to reduce heating in case his body was overheated beneath the thickness of coat. At least he didn't seem to mind. Water for quenching thirst, for hydration and for reducing body heat.
I've been, mostly, a mongrel person when it comes to dogs. Would you have any tip in caring for or walking an Arctic breed in Singapore (although I'm not exactly supportive of the idea of the presence of such breed in this country) ?
Beautiful walk with Shin.
October 8, 2009
Remembering some of the strays
Thus our efforts to bring to light the reality of the strays living amidst you.
Spare a minute for these lives out there and find a space in your heart to help them, in any little way you can.
Appearing old due to his chronic mange
I named her Frodo
October 6, 2009
Replying emails
For now, I can't even log in to file a feedback to the technical team, hence, if you've sent an email and there are still no replies, after a few days, please resend us.
projectjkteam [at] yahoo dot com dot sg
October 3, 2009
Adopt a Siberian Husky

Shin, a 6 year-old male Siberian Husky, was rescued from a HDB home where he was leashed to the kitchen window all day—no walks, no opportunities of socialisation. He slept, ate and defecated within a 1m radius.
When we rescued him in ’08, his legs were found wobbly due to stunted growth and his nails were hooked and long. He was given a mere plate of rice, meshed with an egg a day.
Now after a year of proper foster care, Shin is completely different. He is fattened up, well socialised and lives in a community of other dogs. He is ready to go to a good forever home.
We are looking for an owner who understands the needs of the breed and knows the requirements of keeping a Siberian Husky in
Shin is: 6 yrs old/male/people friendly/loves his walks (cool weather)/castrated/vaccinated/dewormed/groomed regularly/trained of basic commands/a loving companion for life.
We appreciate if you could forward this to your family and friends. Interested parties, do make a careful decision. Contact
Petshops' profits
October 2, 2009
How moving, how inspiring
September 28, 2009
Sweetie and pet abandonment

Sweetie, for one, is lovingly friendly to almost anyone--even to myself, on first occasion; plus, she can do 'paw' and is most willing to offer her paw without one even asking for it. In the first 3 photos above, you may tell it was difficult to take her pictures as she was merrily moving about, her tail swinging in every direction as her caretaker showed me where she was 'hiding'. A few months ago, Shyshy unfortunately went missing and since the afternoon the caretaker discovered her absence, we've never found Shyshy.
- To prove that the pet belongs to alleged owner
- To prove the very act of abandonment
- To prove the owner has intentions to abandon pet
September 24, 2009
Coo coo people in animal welfare
I am glad that the majority of animal welfare enthusiasts/activists are genuinely concerned for their animals, but there are persistent pockets of people who choose to expend efforts in assigning blame to others and miss the whole point of, perhaps, why they started out volunteering. So is animal charity truly altruistic? I doubt so.
So we put the noise aside and onward we trudge.
September 17, 2009
Emailing us
September 14, 2009
Thank you S
September 7, 2009
Adopt Chocho - Intelligent, Peace-loving Mongrel

- Name: Cho Cho
- Sex: Female
- Age: 1 yr plus
- Coat: Chocolate-brown, short-haired
- Size: Medium, slim
- Breed: Mixed (Local mongrel)
- Sterilised: Yes
- Vaccinated: Yes
- Dewormed: Yes
- Microchipped: Yes
Since May, Chocho has been relocated to a private home foster and has undergone milestones of transformation--learning from the pack to be a domestic dog, settling into the routine of her walks, baths, makan, playtime and sleep, integrating into urban life and very importantly, getting used to people.
Chocho loves her walks, lunges at squirrels and cats, is an alert dog and is strong for her build. She is adaptable, healthy and fit, and a highly intelligent dog.
August 22, 2009
POMCHI (POMaranian n CHIhuahua) Puppy for adoption

Interested parties, please write to Thank you.
August 10, 2009
Been thinking more lately
August 9, 2009
Followed up with little blackie, now named as
Save for a few pictures at the top not in sequence, here's the full chronology of Schnorkz' growth from 'rescue to rehome':

First day into domesticity: this is Schnorkz in the blue basket. Still with fleas crawling all over her tiny body. March 2009.
Playing in her litter pan. Barely a few weeks old. This is the cage she called home for a fortnight, siphoned from my two adult cats

T, her new owner, sent me this MMS of her perched on the cage of another cat at home. By the second day, she was already pally-pallying with other bigger cats

Snoozing on T's bed -- she's given the authority!