Save for a few pictures at the top not in sequence, here's the full chronology of Schnorkz' growth from 'rescue to rehome':

First day into domesticity: this is Schnorkz in the blue basket. Still with fleas crawling all over her tiny body. March 2009.
Playing in her litter pan. Barely a few weeks old. This is the cage she called home for a fortnight, siphoned from my two adult cats

T, her new owner, sent me this MMS of her perched on the cage of another cat at home. By the second day, she was already pally-pallying with other bigger cats

Snoozing on T's bed -- she's given the authority!
When we visited Schnorkz... she was struggling to wring herself free!
Significantly bigger now
Schnorkz now plays constantly with Bluhenzi, another black female a few months her senior
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