He costs $16.50 more than Cho Cho cos he stayed 1 more day at the pound.
To C: We did try to appeal for a more lenient fine, but was rejected. In the end, we paid what was required - $446 - to get Long Long out of that place asap.
$93 - impoundment fee
$100 - for straying
$200 - for not having a licence
$16.50 - boarding each day
$20 - microchipping
When Long Long came out, his immediate way of shutting out the strange experiences is to turn away from us humans and lie down low on the ground, mentally escaping from the trauma the way he knows how.

So we waited for him to calm down, loosen up abit before walking him out to the car. Even then, it was a struggle as he attempted to bite through our leash to escape. A few minutes of stressful struggling later, he finally was firmly put into the car. Same immediate reaction as Cho Cho, he aimed straight for under the front seat, but we managed to block it so he could settle better on the back seat.
Restless and confused over the whole affair, he fidgeted and climbed onto the back panel. We let him be, anything to have him more at ease.
Soon, he settled to peer out the window and finally rested on the seat.
He's now safe and sound with Cho Cho at the kennels.
To many, Long Long is not a handsome dog. He has cuts and bite wounds from squabbles on the streets. There is a fresh cut on his muzzle which we're not sure of the cause. He has skin problems, ticks, fleas from his days on the streets. He does not score high in the looks department and would not be the first choice for an adopting family who has shallow tastes.
But a life is a life. And Long Long has a LIFE ahead of him which should not be ended in a pound.
With your moral support, today we bought back a life. Not as a trophy deed to talk about, not as a frivolous use of money, but to make clear a point that yes, a life is worth saving. When we know we can.
That many will see the value of saving 1 life - not merely to keep this 1 animal from death, but to gradually change the mindset of our people - so that many more will be allowed to live in dignity in future. That culling will cease to be the cheaper and convenient way to deal with situations where more humane options are already available.
And fewer unknown ones will be left behind the metal gates.
* We will board Cho Cho and Long Long for 1 month at the kennels while we sort out their future plans. Do email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg to support them in this 2nd chance in life, towards their bail-out fees and boarding expenses. THANK YOU so much for the kind donors who have come forth so far.
1 comment:
Hi - I am definitely glad to find this. Good job!
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