Her home for more than a year was a concrete fenced up pen surrounded by junk. When it rained, water would drip from the dilapidated zinc roof and left puddles of water that took ages to dry in that environment. Damp, stuffy, in ruins - Mommy Dog was easily forgotten and could well have died in that very pen. A living being, by nature sociable, left all alone.

Mommy Dog in her pen, forgotten by the outside world for more than a year. Click on the pix - you can see her lying down near the door, hoping to be let out to run free in the green. See the ruined zinc roof and junk all around her.
The owner did not allow us to let her free cos he said that she was aggressive and would fight with the pack - but when I went close to her in that pen, all she wanted was to get as close to me as she can, standing on her hinds, pressing her entire body flat on the fence - just to get near me and feel my touch - how much she must have been craving for loving contact of another being.
One day, one of the workers got fed-up of cleaning up her pen, and decided to set her free. That was the day we all witnessed the angelic nature and motherly ways that was denied her for so long.
She enjoyed a good period of freedom and happiness, roaming with Grey and the boys, grooming them, mothering them, enjoying our hugs and scratches when we visit. Her last days were much brighter, and for that, I am glad.
Mommy Dog, you are at peace now. After my grief, I am also at peace with the truth that she is more blessed where she is right now.
1 comment:
Although Mama Dog had experienced hardship before you rescured her, but you gave her a happy ending and a place to call home and.... die with dignity.
We will remember her wonderful motherhood forever in our heart.
~~~ gL
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