the youthful trio at a farm. oh so delightful!

kopi, from an industrial unit

talking to a farmer

xiao pang: every dog has a story.
when he was a puppy, he was knocked out flat by a stack of potted bonsais and miraculously revived by his owner, who know the value of life.
Sat, 2nd Sep 06.
Great thanks to volunteers from the SMU link-up, we tied up some loose ends and followed up with the farmers who are willing to
(a) sterilise the females
(b) license both males and females
(c) microchip them
Not too great news, but it'll suffice for now.
One farmer informed that having a microchip the size of a rice grain in the body, will definitely cause discomfort to the dogs.
I understand where he's coming from, that we should "let nature take its course" and keep things as organic and natural as possible.
However, the stray dog picture should be viewed on a macro level to fully appreciate the functions and purposes of sterilisation/licensing/microchipping as the next-best remedy package to control the stray nos.
And it's difficult to make them see it from our perspective when their belief for a natural order of life is deep-rooted.
One consolation, however, is that at the very least, they'd rather let the dogs run free and be the happy beings that they are born to be, than confine them to ridiculous spaces, as we often see in landed residences.
and I must say, the dogs are truly beautiful. Mongrels -- yes, but lovable "hybrids" who are tougher, hardier, smarter and Godsends.
THIS is what keeps us going on. This is what makes us free up our weekends to travel the less-travelled road. This is what pushes every fibre in me to plow through the thorns.
To keep the stray numbers down, STERILISATION, MICROCHIPPING & LICENSING go hand-in-hand, compulsory complementaries of one another.
really lovely dogs there. glad that there are understanding owners out there who make an effort to safeguard the welfare of their farm dogs.
Yes! Agree, agree!
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