December 5, 2006

Just want to say

a heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been with us along our way. A 'thank you' arising from an email sent by a fellow dog-lover on 'random acts of kindness'. And so happened I was just speaking with a friend on the exact same topic of random acts of kindness.

The spirit of paying it forward. Actually I don't quite like the word 'paying', more like 'giving it forward'. As it is given you, give it unto others.

Random acts of kindness.

Maybe when you wake up tomorrow, look out for some little random kindness and love that you can spread around. Simple, very simple things in life that many of us may have forgotten how to do.

Maybe make a cup of coffee for your partner. Offer to help watch over your baby nephew from your tired mom. Say hi to your neighbour! (something many Singaporeans find alien...) And, when you get into that train/bus, instead of hoping that no old person or pregnant woman walks near you, try looking out for an old person or a pregnant woman you can give up your seat for!

Try NOT to be waiting for acts of kindness to befall you. Instead look out for acts of kindness that can come forth from you.

In this world of ours, even and maybe especially in the arena of animal welfare, when you look deep enough, long enough, it is never just about the animals. In the arena of nature conservation, it is never just about the trees, the air, the waters.

In every single breath of our life on earth, from what I have seen and lived, it is about the people we share our lives with.

Amidst the animals we care for, there are the people who helped us, who maybe hindered us, who encouraged us, whom we endeavoured to support. People we remember in good or bad. With each animal we meet along the way, there always seem to be a person linked to that episode.

I don't go about my journey with the animals just on my own. I won't go far if I do. My strength comes from the good people around me, people with good hearts who practise random acts of kindness that has brought us so far, that has brought a measure of joy to the lives we stepped out to help.

To think that in animal welfare and nature conservation, it is all just about the animals or just about the trees, is akin to looking at the beach and think that it is all about the sand. No. The beach is nothing without the sea, the sun, the sky, the breeze. All these gifts together form the wondrous experience of going to the beach. Just as all the people around us create this precious journey we have come to treasure, regardless of the unavoidable pangs of pain that ocassionally hits us in this walk drenched with both joy and grief. Life and death.

But so long as we walk on, always conscious in speaking the truth, of moving ahead with an open heart, of simply waking up with the consciousness of KINDNESS. To people, animals and nature.

Walk out the truth. In kindness. This in essence is what Project JK is all about. Just Kindness.

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