With that in mind and plans to remove him from the farm, we asked around for fosters and were very grateful that T agreed to care for Jamie. At that point, we thought that it would be a pretty simple affair of medication and letting Jamie recuperate in a good environment while we find a home.
However, when we arrive this morning on the farm, Jamie's 'very weak' hind legs was an understatement. His hind legs were actually already wasted and paralysed. When he saw me, he scooted on his bum as best as he can to come forward. I was quite shocked to how his condition has deteriorated in a week. His gums were still very pale.
On our way to the clinic, he was too weak to do anything but lie silently on the backseat with me. At times, he would whine and groan in discomfort.
At the clinic, we took his temperature again which was normal. According to the uncle, he doesn't have any diarrhea or vomiting. And his appetite is still good. Strange. Then what had caused this sudden paralysis?
According to Dr B, it looks like a damage to the nerves, beginning from the lower spine. When we tested by pinching his hind paws, Jamie didn't react, confirming that he has lost sensations in his hinds. This could be caused by a fall, sudden twist of the body that damages the nerves. But as Jamie is kept chained up on a flat surface, and he has been too weak for the past week to be jumping around, I can't imagine how he could have fallen or twisted his back in any way.
However, it seems that on many ocassions, paralysis is temporary and the dog regains movement in a few weeks. We hope this is the case for Jamie.
He did poo and pee a bit at the clinic which is a good sign that he still has control of his rectum and bladder.
Read up on the grades of paralysis and here is some info:
Using a 4-grade system (1 = pain only; 2 = pain + paresis; 3 = pain + paralysis; 4 = paralysis of both hind limbs and loss of deep pain sensation, meaning constipation and unable to pass urine).
Chances of recovery in grade 1 and 2 is excellent; in grade 3 is very good and in grade 4 is poor. Grade 4 cases need a lot of care (nursing, turning frequently to prevent body sores, catheterisation, manual emptying of rectum in constipation). Many owners are unable to nurse a dog suffering with grade 4 symptoms.
Jamie appears to be grade 2 since he was just paralysed on his hinds and could lift his front body. He should be able to recover within 3 months. The treatment is to confine it and restrict its movement. The presence of some pain would also explain why he turned back and attempted to bite when we were moving him. He had never bitten before so this just means that he is feeling some pain/discomfort and possibly he was fearful and apprehensive in his paralysed condition.
T came to the clinic shortly and Dr B ran through with him the needs of Jamie at this period. This is more work than expected when T first agreed to foster Jamie coupled with his slight tendency now to bite (out of fear/pain), and the need to clean him up often if he pees while lying down.
Very very grateful that T still agrees to care for Jamie during this period.
* We are also looking for a stand-by foster home or better yet, a permanent family who will commit to take Jamie in and look after him during this period till full recovery. He is a good guy. Just not quite himself during this period of sudden paralysis and the pain/discomfort he is feeling which makes him grouchy at times. Give him some time and we'll see the fine fellow that is all little Jamie to begin with.
So, give it some thought. You could be the one who can give Jamie a good life from now on. It's really about time.
1 comment:
Do consider accupunture at Mt Pleasant @ Whitley and was told there were good tesimonies of bone problems for animals under Dr Oh's accupunture.
Of course it will be costly but I'm sure with some fund raising, the money part can be managed.
Please dont delay.
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