our anaemic Jack Russell is not doing too good. According to the farm uncle, he was better the couple of days when we started medication, but then he seemed to have gotten worse, and in the uncle's own words, his hind legs are now very weak. His appetite is still good (though I'm really not sure how true this is), no diarrhea or vomiting.
The thing is, it is not that easy to get information from people on such farms. Mainly cos the dogs are never their first priority. We can't be totally sure even if medication is given as indicated even though we call them to check regularly and write the instructions down in mandarin and as graphically as we can to make sure they get it. I realise a common habit the people have is to tell you that everything is fine...everything is ok...and then suddenly drop you a bomb to say that, hey...the dog is not walking...not moving...not eating...and that could have been the scene for the past few days already. So we have to be very proactive and keep calling them rather than wait for their news.
We'll visit little Jamie again tomorrow and take him to the vet again if the situation is not ideal. Also, we'll be making arrangements for Jamie to relocate to a foster family as conditions at the farm are really not acceptable for even a healthy dog, much more a weak one who needs proper rehabilitation.
T has kindly offered to foster Jamie for a period. However, to stand by, in case of any changes/needs, do contact us if you can foster and care for Jamie for a period of 2 months till he is all well and fit. We will also be rehoming him as the uncle has mentioned that Jamie was given to them by 'someone' and this 'someone' has asked them to take care of Jamie, but after that, that 'someone' didn't turn up at all anymore. The uncle then said that we can 'have' Jamie if we want. Well, that's for the better for Jamie.
He is a small little fellow. No fuss. Pretty young, our guess is about 4 years maybe. For now, he needs oral medication for his anaemia, to be fed a healthier diet than what he's having at the farm now, ie, he needs more good protein (boiled meats, eggs) and cream for his external wound.
So, pls email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg if you can stand-by as a foster for Jamie and better yet, take him home for good. Removing him from the farm could be his only chance of recovery. And survival.
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