It became pointless for V to continue tending to a dog whom she's adopted out. To a family with a private bungalow that boasts sprawling gardens and a long driveway, to family that didn't mind V visiting and buying food for Mama Rock's meals.
For the long-term welfare of Mama Rock, we took Mama Rock out from what we thought was initally a good adoptive home, after explaining to the (ex-)owners our unchanging intentions that simply, Mama Rock, deserves more than this.
Strangely, the family posed no sign of resistance and even asked if we had other dogs for adoption. Shopping for dogs. Dogs lined up on imaginary shelves.
We next brought Mama Rock for her medical checkup. V's intuitions on the necessity to do a heartworm test confirmed something in us, when indeed, Mama Rock was tested positive for heartworms. As much as we should handle each animal welfare 'case' rationally, there is always something tacitly connected between caregiver and animal. For Mama Rock's case, it is a caregiver who's spent decades tending to the strays -- her intuitions, devoid of any clinical approach, are derived from something we find it hard to explain. Tacit.
So come Monday, we will bring Mama Rock for her second appointment. Her vaccination has been done, too. On a side note, the adoptive family offered no help in supporting her medical fees; V paid with her own money.
While it unnerves us to consider the outright irresponsible behaviour of Mama Rock's adoptive parents, we're thinking of going for another shot at adoption -- to seriously put Mama Rock up for adoption. For her potential as a lifetime companion, her compatibility to urban living with humans, in spite of the Rottweiler blood in her.
Do share with us your thoughts, or if you have a good family in mind.
Far from active restlessness, Mama Rock buried into my tummy to seek stability during car rides
At the vet's, after her vaccination. Her forenails showed signs of overgrowth, indicative that she was never walked out of the perimeters of the house.
Prior to her release visit, we visited Mama Rock with V to find her dish filled with chunks of chicken gizzards that were uncleaned from the inside. Also notice on the left of the photo, a mesh of red cable which was used to tie her to the table.
SHIT to this family - i am sorry but i hate the way they treat mama rock - cable to tie a dog?? - i am shocked.
Thank u for taking Mama Rock away from this family who doesn't deserve to have her...There are so many such people out there, whom can't even provide the basic care to their pets but yet never consider rehoming them because they are selfish! I hate the sight of dogs being chained/tied up...if u can't let them have freedom, release them don't deprive them of a chance of being loved...
I really don't understand those peoples who want to keep the dogs but never treat them as part of their family....To them, animal is just an animal. Sad thing......
I think it is worthwhile to try again and find a good home for Mama Rock, although it will be tough work for u. I've met the sweetest Rottweilers before and seen the gentlest ones among them too. There was this guy working here who loved Rottweilers so much and in the course of his work, rescued a sweet, female Rottweiler. Those of us who knew him raised funds to help him bring the dog back to his hometown in the Philippines where he has other dogs being looked after by his family there while he's working here. I hope Mama Rock will find a place where she belongs and have a happy ending too.
Thank you all for sharing your views and we can see they only stem from the purest intention -- a dog should be treated humanely.
We're not 100% sure that Mama Rock was tied up all the time to the cable, but I believe there's a reason why it was there. Whether it was a proper leash or raffia string, we were not fazed by how Mama Rock had been treated by a family who can actually afford to take care of her even (much) better. Yes, we will give another shot at adoption, for Mama Rock, for the potential we see in her. Mama Rock embodies HOPE.
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