manage to get Ah Girl tonight. We shall try again next week.
Lucky is growing well and strong. A Deepavali babe, he is just beyond 2 months now, a very friendly fellow. When we manage to get Ah Girl next week, we will bring Lucky along to be vax and microchipped as well.

Looking at a pup, any other pup like Lucky, it is a bittersweet acknowledgement that new births are little miracles to embrace. But in the scene of our strays, they are oftentimes ocassions that birth forth dilemmas in questions of rehoming, euthanasia or simply turning an eye and let them be just as they are, make-believing that everything will be just fine. Sometimes, things do turn out just fine. Sometimes, they don't.
We can choose to turn our eyes away from Ah Girl and let it be. Let things just take their own course. Walk away and make ourselves believe that all will be fine. So what if she mates again and births another 5 little Luckys in a few months time, that's just the way things are happening in many parts of our island. So what if the pups get into the hands of dubious figures and suffer needlessly from a young age? So what if they are run over by vehicles or drown in water-deep drains?
We can turn our eyes away and go on with our days. Wash our hands clean. So easily.
Or we can stay on, determined to our cause, and come back another day to try again. And again, if we need to.
Lucky is growing well and strong. A Deepavali babe, he is just beyond 2 months now, a very friendly fellow. When we manage to get Ah Girl next week, we will bring Lucky along to be vax and microchipped as well.
Looking at a pup, any other pup like Lucky, it is a bittersweet acknowledgement that new births are little miracles to embrace. But in the scene of our strays, they are oftentimes ocassions that birth forth dilemmas in questions of rehoming, euthanasia or simply turning an eye and let them be just as they are, make-believing that everything will be just fine. Sometimes, things do turn out just fine. Sometimes, they don't.
We can choose to turn our eyes away from Ah Girl and let it be. Let things just take their own course. Walk away and make ourselves believe that all will be fine. So what if she mates again and births another 5 little Luckys in a few months time, that's just the way things are happening in many parts of our island. So what if the pups get into the hands of dubious figures and suffer needlessly from a young age? So what if they are run over by vehicles or drown in water-deep drains?
We can turn our eyes away and go on with our days. Wash our hands clean. So easily.
Or we can stay on, determined to our cause, and come back another day to try again. And again, if we need to.
Praying for God to guide you and grant you success in your next attempt. Keep trying, you will succeed. Just curious, was Ah Girl not at the premise last evening or was it too difficult to get close her.
Wishing u 2nd time lucky in catching Ah Girl next week :-)
she is there as usual but it was just difficult to get close to her. she's alert and wary. having gone thru last nite's experience, we are more certain on how to proceed next week.
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