are deciding to donate to Diesel Jr's medical treatment, which is planned to commence tomorrow morning, please hold on to it, cos DJ decided to leave us this morning. We are very sorry about that. I've never gotten used to it, it still hurts bad. And the questions...But I'm glad that he is now truly free.
I personally still do not know for sure, when we bring in a sick animal, when is the time that we should put the animal down. So I asked the vet what happened and what was his opinion. For DJ, he was not vocalising in pain, nor panting non-stop, nor in visible distress. He was simply lying down and resting in silence though still aware of happenings as he eye-balled the comings and goings. So euthanasia was not chosen and we decided to give him a chance at treatment. However, this morning about 10plus, he chose to leave us.
Thank you to those of you who have donated towards DJ's hospitalisation and medicine given during the past few days. We have not received the bill yet. For those of you who have emailed but have not sent in your donations, please do not feel obliged to do so. Keep it for other uses.
We do realise the vulnerability of sharing all this and other happenings like our 7 on a blog, open to reading, comments, interpretations. But we will continue to do so if it offers a platform for people to be real and of a genuine heart in the things of animal welfare. In the midst of our personal weaknesses and mistakes.
For we do not know for sure, all the time. But we will take the chance, where there is a glimmer of hope. And since we are all here in the name of animal welfare, let's lay little issues aside and all work together - for exactly that purpose which we started out for.
Not for you. Not for me. But for the welfare of the animals.

DJ looked like this when young.
I personally still do not know for sure, when we bring in a sick animal, when is the time that we should put the animal down. So I asked the vet what happened and what was his opinion. For DJ, he was not vocalising in pain, nor panting non-stop, nor in visible distress. He was simply lying down and resting in silence though still aware of happenings as he eye-balled the comings and goings. So euthanasia was not chosen and we decided to give him a chance at treatment. However, this morning about 10plus, he chose to leave us.
Thank you to those of you who have donated towards DJ's hospitalisation and medicine given during the past few days. We have not received the bill yet. For those of you who have emailed but have not sent in your donations, please do not feel obliged to do so. Keep it for other uses.
We do realise the vulnerability of sharing all this and other happenings like our 7 on a blog, open to reading, comments, interpretations. But we will continue to do so if it offers a platform for people to be real and of a genuine heart in the things of animal welfare. In the midst of our personal weaknesses and mistakes.
For we do not know for sure, all the time. But we will take the chance, where there is a glimmer of hope. And since we are all here in the name of animal welfare, let's lay little issues aside and all work together - for exactly that purpose which we started out for.
Not for you. Not for me. But for the welfare of the animals.
DJ looked like this when young.
Please dont feel bad, its God's plan for DJ. Be comforted that God has brought DJ into our life and He has graciously given us the chance to help DJ. We do not know His almighty plan and we need not know, we just need to be faithful to follow his leading. I am assure that God cares for His creation and He wants us, the stronger link in the chain to help the weaker. He will all things beautiful in His time. Just wanted to affirm you taht DJ IS WORTH ALL THE EFFORT AND RESOURCES.
Don't feel too sad as you guys have tried your best for DJ. What we see or think, it might be difference from God, because only HIM know the best for all for us (including the animals). Trust HIM.
May Diesel Junior rest in peace of Jesus's arms.
i feel sad for DJ and for your team but i want to believe DJ has another idea of his own when he decides to leave this painful body of his. Call it karma, call it fate, call it God's calling; whatever it is, many times i believe these animals are manifestation of a higher being, reaching out to us, giving us the opportunity to love and to be loved.
DJ knows he is love, i think that is what matters; so please don't doubt your effort and sincerity.
Be safe DJ, and be happy.
Rest in peace, DJ... he looks so cute in the puppy pic. Yes, i guess we can never get used to this. Whenever i lose one, i will beat myself up about it, questioning myself over and over again whether i've done my best, whether i've done anything wrong but at the end of the day, what's important is u've done what u felt was best for DJ and that i am sure have meant a lot to DJ. I am sure he's in a much better place now with Him.
I truly am sorry to hear this and also admired the courage and bravery that your team have to go through frequently; the losing of the dogs that you have got close to, the unresting thoughts of their safety, the unthoughful people you have to encounter etc. These are something which I, and I believe a lot of people, definitely can't go through. Thanks for everything that you have done and will be doing. I really look up to you all. When the day comes, it would really be a welcome sight to see all those dogs you have saved be reunited with you. God bless.
dont be sad :) DJ loved all those who loves him and i'm very sure he wouldn't want to see us sad. maybe he left because he didn't want us to worry about him anymore. it's all in the name of love.
maybe u'd like to post an entry abt heartworms? how it gets to our animals and how to prevent them? having knowledge of them we might be able to help those poor kids out there.
My deepest condolences...DJ will be remembered, always.
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