As I write, our black/white boy and cream-coloured girl are probably sniffing around the darkness of the clinic, with a knowing trepidation that they'll go under the knife tomorrow. Sterilisation, vaccination and microchip.
Our sweet-natured black/white boy showed steadinenss en route to the vet's -- the first time he's steadied by human hands, first car ride, first time out of home. We had a tussle with our cream-coloured female who was a little fiesty to be egged into the cage and as always pinches my heart, traumatised by what happened today; shoved into the carrier, inertia during the car ride and all the discomfort associated with the opposite of what she's been used to at the farm, a dog born to be free, nested among her social beings.
Great thanks to E and pals for going down with us, and actually getting hold of our cream-coloured female. E's pal managed to loop his leash around the oblivious puppy and got a firm hold of her =)
This evening, picked up two bags of veterinary-diet kibbles and delivered them to V's house. I'm sure they'll come in handy and be finished very soon.
Eager to hear about our two puppies tomorrow. Let's see.
Our black/white male pup. Periodically turning around at red lights during the journey to the vet's to carass him on the snout and head, he demonstrated the collected spirit and innocence of an ideal family pet dog.
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