Teeth are the normal yellowish-orangey tinge. Nose is clear of sniffles. Eyes clear from discharge. Her feet pads are a bit sore due to constant contact with wire cage floor. There was evidence of old lesions on her ears, which are pretty rough to the touch. Her fur is matted all over in tight clumps, likely due to lack of proper Chinchilla sand baths and possibly dampness from rain that came through her cage. Fortunately, she does not have fungus on her skin. Poo looked good and firm.
So overall, she is in pretty good condition, considering the unhygienic environment she came from. Dr C shared some wise words - that often, some home pets are in less than good condition cos of 'over-attention' to them - too many treats, too much handling, too much medication etc... whereas animals left pretty much on their own, like our street dogs, in environment that many dog owners will squirm at if their pooches are to live there, are very often much healthier and sturdier than pedigree home pets.
Animals are born to live a natural life. A life of sun, sky, sea and wind. Of trees, leaves, grass, sand and dirt. Being squeaky clean is not their top priority. Neither are fancy clothes and studded collars. I believe their whole being is liven up by long, good walks in the park. By free roams in the dog runs. By the beach. Swimming in the sea. A natural life.
For now, little Miss Chinchilla is with me for this period before she's rehomed. To finish of her ear medication. And soon to go for her full grooming to get all that matted fur out. We'll letting her settle down well in a new environment first without laying on additional stress of new experiences.
Smart gal she is. Was sharing with some people how she actually created steps!
You see in the pix above that her sleeping box was at the top left corner. After I put up a hammock (improvised from a cut-out bag), she was standing inquisitively on hinds to sniff it out. She hopped onto the low box but was probably unsure of hopping right up into the hammock. So she hopped off. I thought she wasn't interested in the hammock when she started playing with her sleeping box instead, nosing it about, pushing it off its corner, till it almost touched the lower box.
And guess what ... she hopped onto the lower box....then onto her sleeping box....and then right into the hammock. She had just created a 2nd step! I pushed her sleeping box back to the corner to see if that was her intention, and again, she nosed it to the centre and used it as a stepping stone, smart.
Let her out to explore the study room last nite, and our playful girl till now refuses to go back into her cage. She had a field day jumping over furniture, tunnelling behind the couch, snoozing under the bookshelf, chewing a bit of the floor rug, good thing she leaves the wires alone, hopping over human legs and kneading human arms when she felt comfortable around us.
Time out - snoozing on her side under the bookshelf which I read means she's feeling comfortable and at ease, or she may be just tired out from her romping! (you see her head here, body in the shadows towards the right, she's resting on her left ear, facing inwards).
She's still a bit skittish at times, with loud noises and sudden movements. Naturally. Most of the time, she'll come to you when you call her or lightly tap the floor with your fingers, getting close to ground level so she doesn't find you too threatening huge. She'll come, sniff your hand, and sit there for some scratches behind her ears, on her back (notice her tail wagging like a dog!) and also that particular spot under her chin and around her chest, she'll turn her head so you can give her the best scratch there. :)
Today, I heard her vocalisations for the 1st time - she was hopping towards me, paused abit and sorta chirp 2 times, then continued towards me for a scratch. Interesting little fellow. She's nocturnal. So you earlybirds out there would miss out on all her antics! I think I'll call her Cheerio for now.
Wow, Cheerio seems like a really interesting and intelligent girl. I've never had chinchillas before and didn't realise they are actually so interactive :-)
What an engaging update on Cheerio! I read this post with much zeal!
Give Cheerio a home, she loves you :)
my dear mate, welcome to the joy of homing a chinchilla! they're extremely intelligent and def playful.. my son is out to exercise since he has been indoors too long due to my insane schedule..
my son is so trained tt he knows how to go back himself :P
noise is usual as she is new to ur environment...
my son now sleeps to andrea bocelli's new album "incanto" when it's the nice soothing ones being played :P
he likes michael buble too. haahaha ;)
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