At this very moment, trapped within cages barely bigger than their body size. Some strapped over with ancient metal contraptions that weigh heavily on already suffering, malnourished bodies. Roughly made open wounds on their bellies. Stabbing of their gall bladders with unsterilised needles to daily drain off bile for misinformed human consumption.

Bondage (this bear was rescued but subsequently died from severe sickness)
Many go mentally insane. Down with liver cancer and septicemia. Many die a slow, agonising death.
Closer to home, ACRES does their part in "fostering respect and compassion for all animals" as they work to bring light to unnecessary animal suffering, both for companion animals and wildlife.
The visuals alone are often hard to handle. Imagine the realilty and plain truth - sight, sound, smell - of the bear farms should you walk into one.


"Bears that never had free access to water on the farms now gleefully plunged chubby bottoms into their cement water bowls, delighting in a sensation that would be so natural in the wild. Food in abundance, toys to play with and the sun on their fur."
I recall from another documentary a scene of a bear locked in captivity for years. After he was rescued and brought to the rehab centre, one morning he was let out of his den and into the adjourning open play area. I will always remember his face.....
He walked out tentatively. Unbelieving of the sight and scent of a morning day. He gazed around in wonder at the wonderful scenes of nature. Of sky, trees, sand, grass, fresh air. He looked utterly amazed. Lost in his own world.
After some moments, he sat down. And slowly lifted up his face to the morning sun. Eyes almost closed in bliss as he relished the sunlight bathing on his face - a face that has not known the warmth of the sun for years. Lips apart in a silent joy that freedom brings. Tears flowed down the faces of his rescuers as they watched him from outside his enclosure.
A face of such relief. Of such poignant quiet joy that breaks the heart, for the sad reality that we human beings have selfishly taken away from a living being, even the free gift of sunlight on a face.
So, as the commentator says - the fight for FREEDOM continues. It will.
Yes, I support the AAF and I wish more Singaporeans will become more aware of this cause and also that of the dog/cat meat trade in China. The plight of these bears, dogs and cats have touched me very much and it breaks my heart to further realise we humans can be so, so inhumane for such selfish reasons that are totally unnecessary.
i really HATE ppl who do such cruel things...especially those uncultured ppl who kill dogs for meat!!
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