Raw and sore skin

Open wound on under-paw, rotting and starting to smell.

Xander must be in distress and discomfort
Dear supporters
We met a fellow dog lover who currently is in financial difficulties. She has a rescued bull terrier, Xander, who unfortunately developed a very bad skin condition which has persisted for many months. Lots of expenses, time and efforts have been spent on medical shampoos, dips, medicines and supplements. Recovery is taking place slowly.
However couple of weeks back, Xander appeared with this open wound on his under-paw. It looks like a big cut and the flesh is split apart.
It had gradually worsened and antibiotic powder doesn't help anymore. Worse is, the flesh is starting to smell.
Unfortunately, Xander's rescuer is unable to afford vet treatment. At this moment, she has only managed to raise $50 from one of her contacts.
Looking at Xander's conditions, I agreed to help speak to our vet to sincerely appeal for treatment while we help to raise funds. Delaying treatment may just worsen the condition to a harder case. He would also need good supplements to boost his overall healing process for his skin condtion.
* We hereby sincerely ask for your support in Xander's medical fees. I estimate the first visit may cost about $150-$200 for medication, jabs, shampoo, supplements. He would need subsequent follow-ups as well.
If you would like to support Xander, please email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg
Xander is also looking for a new home. He is a miniature bull terrier, very people-oriented and affectionate, but have a tendency to be protective and jealous over other dogs. Thus he is more suited as a one-dog family.
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