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Dear all
Ginne and Junior are unfortunate victims of heartless abandonment. Their owners had them for more than a year until they met with family issues and could not keep them anymore.
However, instead of making efforts to rehome their dogs, the family made the senseless and cruel decision to abandon them.
Ginne and Junior were taken and dumped far far away from home. The family then feigned ignorance that the dogs had run away and didn't return.
By nothing short of a miracle, Ginne and Junior were found by residents in that area 7 days after they disappeared. Both were visibly thinner, fearful and disoriented.
* Their case is being investigated by the authorities. However, the very nature of abandonment cases means that eye-witnesses are hard to come by, and cos of that, the authorities find it difficult to charge the culprit. Which is frustrating, cos the circumstances leading to us finding the dogs clearly point to the family's doing.
If you think you can assist us in this case, or you can help Ginne and Junior in the following, kindly email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg :
1. ADOPT/FOSTER Ginne and/or Junior
Both are young females, about 2 years old. Sterilised, medium-sized, people and dog-friendly. Junior, in particularly, is very affectionate and loyal.
Ginne and Junior are boarding at a private shelter. We foresee they will require boarding for a period being they are rehomed.
* Pet abandonment is a very real issue. It is a seriously irresponsible act as it exposes a domesticated animal to dangers it is not equipped for. Chances of the culprit being caught is low if the animal is not microchipped and there are no eye witnesses.
- Many abandoned animals die a slow and painful death of starvation and fear
- Many are killed by road accidents or suffer abuse
- Some are found but end up being put to sleep when they're not rehomed
- Those who survived but are not sterilised, add onto our stray population with unwanted births
We appeal to all animal lovers to take a stand and vocalise the benefits for all pets to be microchipped to deter more acts of abandonment.
Thank you.
1 comment:
microchipping will not solve the root of the problem as people dont understand the responsibilty of owning a pet. Of course the large fine will frighten some but for others when the novelty runs out be it microchip or not it is back to the dumping of dogs.
some people says that they love dogs but they only say , they do not reali know how to take care of the dog.
Like for those staying in HDB they should understand that they cannot have big dogs but they still went ahead buying big breed puppies and when it becomes too big or if AVA found out , then they send it to the SPCA, etc. (nowadays you see so many pure breed GR , huskies etc in spca)
At the end of the day it is responsibility.
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