In short, they were stolen and taken to a factory miles and miles away from their home to be guard dogs.
It is nothing short of a blessing that we happened to be at the very farm at that very right time that very morning.... met the very person who took them both..... who out of the very blue, admitted to us very point blank that he took Ben & Anne. He even drove us all the way to the factory to take them back. Imagine that. He could have kept silent and we would never ever know where they are. It must be his conscience speaking to him.
His explanation was that he thought he was doing these dogs a favour by giving them a place to stay, saying that he thought they were 'unwanted' dogs anyway. Our suspicion was that Ben & Anne were taken, and not the others, simply because they come fully equipped with collars and licence tags - they pass the AVA requirements already, how convenient is that for them to be taken to be guard dogs. No need to apply and spend money on licence.
We have informed the authorities of the possible risk of dog theft arising from farm/construction site dogs wearing licence tags in full view. Further discussions will be underway. We did not bring this case further to the authorities as the return of dogs was done amicably but more so for the safety of the dogs.
In reality some things are not as straightforward as it may seem.

Ben & Anne kept at the kennel of the factory where they were taken to be guard dogs. They spent 2 nights there. Ben was obviously fearful, whimpering loudly and crying in the car all the way home. Anne appeared to be in shock, silent throughout the entire episode.

With expectant hearts in the car...on the way home.....

Ben with his head turned towards the back of the car when it just drove into his farm - he has caught sight of his pack running behind the car!
I know that our animals are in safe hands, not our hands, but His big hands. And whatever situation they may run into, whatever bad intentions are directed at them, as we cannot be watching over every one of them every single minute -- no matter what, in His hands, all will turn out well. Even death -- however untimely, however painful and wicked -- I believe they will be spared the pain.
Many times, the fear of heartbreaks can be crippling. It makes me freeze at times for fear of getting too close, for fear of inevitable news of death -- the natural cycle of life.
But whatever time we have with them is a blessing. So much more to me have they given.
I guess, as in or even more so, in our human relationships, it is always the fear of loving that cripples lives. The cowardice and false pride that glues your feet to the ground, that squeezes your heart so tight no love can flow out, and neither can any love come in.
It is a life of no pain, but neither is there joy. A life of safety, but also the dreariness of law and order that never brings truth.
I fear the heartaches that will come. But I guess the moments of love and joy are too much a prize to bury amidst any tears that may flow.
Not all lost dogs are found. Be well Sunny Boy, no matter where you are now. I may not speak about you nor may I ever speak about you again, but I think of you still.

Sunny Boy -- simply enjoying the evening breeze upon his face -- such simple delights in life.

Sunny Boy drooping off to sleep with some scratches and rubs...
Glad to see Ben & Anne home sweet home safely.
I believe Sunny Boy is safe because he has a handsome smile, melting everybody's heart.... an adorable dog! ~~~gL
Sunny Boy is such a lovely dog. Dont give up trying to locate him. Praying that he will be fine. Any idea what could have happened to such a lovely dog?
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