I was pleasantly surprised to hear that, especially when the reports were not that optimistic in the first few days, and even just last Thursday when Mama Girl vomited again, Dr L had thought she would not make it through that night.
Well, dear Mama Girl made it through that night and the night after and one more day and now, she is so soon to be discharged.
The only setback - we have no where to bring her to....
The farm is quite out of the question now, cos she still needs a relatively peaceful, stable environment to fully recuperate, and also away from any possibility of abuse from foreign workers around the farm.
L, JT and I were with Mama Girl noontime today. Again, she looked so lethargic and listless, just lying on her corner, not particularly interested in anything. And again, she had to be coaxed and carried to her fours and coaxed some more to step out of the clinic for a walk.
But once outside, she looks good as new! She was trotting pretty fast today.
I am somewhat puzzled by her behaviour - what's up with Mama Girl? If you say she is still feeling unwell, her actions out on a walk, ignoring her bandage, she looks well and good! But once she gets into the clinic, her whole being slows down again and she resumes her 'lazy dog' position in her corner.
L feels that she is not used to being confined in an artificial space, she's without her pack, andthe unfamiliar smells are frightening/stressful. I guess that's about right, and the way she copes with these foreign elements is to close up and retreat within herself. Maybe that is her way to pretend or make believe away these strange elements around her. Then once outside, with the familiar air, grass, concrete pathways, cars....she suddenly becomes alive. She is normal again cos her surroundings are normal again.
Watch how perky she is on her walk :
... and how she winds down again once she gets in the clinic.
I believe L is right.
"....having lived with pack dogs who free roam i can imagine what an impact it makes just merely keeping a dog enclosed and somewhat isolated from immediate contact with other dogs even if it is a caring environment......I do believe that because they are pack animals, that is where they will find their healing faster and in familiar surroundings unless it is deemed absolutely necessary to confine them for medical treatment. even more so- as in mama girl's case where she is a free-roaming dog and not a house pet."
We are still thinking through what is the next best step for Mama Girl. At this juncture, we are praying for her destined human family to step forward to offer Mama Girl her very own forever home. Pls email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg if you are possibly her hope at this stage of her life.
I agree with L. Mamagirl belongs to the great outdoors... In fact, every dog does. I didn't know her condition was so serious as the possibility of her not making through, in the post. Thank GOD for His Grace and Mercy. Godspeed to Mamagirl. Godspeed.
Yeah, maybe Mama Girl is a bit depressed at being cooped up too? Maybe she is trying to "blend in" and seem inconspicuous in this strange environment she does not like or understand so as to avoid anyone noticing her like a form of self-protection...
Mama's girl's amazing recovery is testimony to God's faithfulness in answering our prayers.
I believe too that Girl's recovery would be sped up if she could go to an environment where she would be more comfortable,where she can have some outdoor or garden breeze.
Let's pray for Mama Girl can be adopted by someone who has a loving heart. Just continue to pray...
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