And sure enough, the heavy rain dwindled down to drizzles and when we reached Goldie's home, it had stopped.
Goldie was hiding in some corner that she has discovered and did not come out for the 15secs or so as we stood calling her. Then from out of nowhere, round the corner of the house, she came dashing to us. Hmm...she must have found a nook to hide which is good, cos that will be her safe spot during thunderstorms which she is quite terrified of.
She is adorable - to display her joy in seeing you, she will dash towards you in speed but as she nears you, she will lower her body gradually and gradually till she brakes just before touching you, and by that time, her belly is already quite low down on the ground.
Another car ride to the vet
Getting her microchip
Got her chip. Got her vaccination. Goldie is all well and fine. And as I was wondering how she is settling down with her new family, she answered my thoughts in her very own way -- as I prepared to leave, this time, she chose to settle down in front of the house main door, one of her usual resting place, comfortably and confidently. Watching me quietly and without any display of anxiety as I walk down the driveway to the gate, got out and into the car. All the while, she sat there, making no attempts to come after me.
As we started to drive off, Goldie decided to get up and trot along the garden's fencing to say "see you!".
This is a good sign. A sign that Goldie is comfortable with her new grounds now. She has no great anxiety to follow us anymore.
The human ego would have liked it that the dog cannot let go of us. It gives a perverted sense of self-worth, of being so wanted by another animal that you are the only person who can give the animal assurance. Some human relationships are like this. Warped.
But true concern for the animal will always rejoice at the moment when the animal is confident and happy in his/her new stage of life. When meetings are treasured and remembered fondly, but never held in sickeningly sweet clutches that harms the animal and traps him/her in fearful insecurity.
Love sets free.
After seeing Goldie again today, I am happy. Happy for her.
* Have made full payment for Goldie too. I'll mail or email softcopy of the receipt to all of you kind hearts who have donated towards her. Once again, THANK YOU for making her path to recovery that much easier with your support. Goldie is one special girl. So much more special now because of all of you. Thank you.
yay!!im so happy for Goldie!=) *dances round the room* praise the lord=)
i just wanted to share this post. it is really sad. how cruel some pple can be!the artist as well as the pple who walked by and di nothing!=(
Hi Su
On the immediate surface, this looks plain sick. That was my first reaction. But step back and read the artist's comments in a further link: “I won’t say the dog died. The importance to me is the hypocrisy of the people where an animal is the focus of attention where people come to see art but not when it’s in the street starving to death.” “The same thing happened with poor Natividad Canda. The people sympathized with him only after he was dead,” the artist added. Without doubt what the artist did was wrong as he had nailed the last nail into the dog's coffin by chaining him up with no chance of hope had he been still roaming on the streets, and had been picked up by another soul whose intention is to save him. But I won't deny the fact that many humans ONLY REACT when a wrong act is placed square and hyped up in their face. While in their everyday life, they WILL turn a blind eye to a needy animal or child or beggar on the streets. True compassion is consistent. True compassion reacts the SAME in every needy situation. It does not create an uproar only to acts caught in limelight but pretends the starving animal in the backlane does not exist. Let us all live a consistently, reliably compassionate life every day.
i am very happy for Mama Girl and i hope she will forever be happy, love and safe in her Haven. i believe you will continue to visit her and bring good news to us. Thank you for what you are doing for Mama Girl.
By the way u described how Goldie settled down in front of the house as u go off, I am very happy that she has finally found a place called home... :-)
Thanks, Su, for sharing that post and I am very turned off by the people who saw and did nothing. It was hypocrisy at its best in terms of people not reacting to everyday real life situations and people actually going to see a starving dog as a form of art. I would have brought the dog away if I was there, regardless of the consequences. I would have thought it will be against anyone's conscience to just walk away and do nothing...
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