A lovable local breed of 8 years. I got to meet her after SB informed me of her bad ear infection that has been going on for months already. Poor girl, she must be feeling real uncomfortable with all the build-up of wax that later became infected with bacteria, leading to yellow oozy pus flowing out of her ears at times. Her infection is prolonged and has gone down into her middle section of ear (otitis media). Such infections can get progressively worse if left untreated.
When I first met Do Do, I was just expecting to see her ear infection. But the minute I stepped into her home, I was more surprised not by her ear infection, but by how overweight she is! The photo above is flattering to Do Do but it doesn't show her true size. She is a very pudgy little lady, shorter than most local breeds, somewhat like Little Anne's size. But her weight is way different. I reckon Little Anne weights about 10 kg or so. Do Do here weighs a whooping 17kg!
Not a good size especially for a dog of 8 years to be bearing all that weight, so we have informed her owner to watch her diet carefully. Do Do's owner is doing all she can within her limited means to take care of Do Do. She has a good heart, adopting Do Do when she was given up at 1 year old. Food wise, she depends on donations from her friends, whatever they provide for Do Do which is usually packets of human food. And Do Do's heavy weight is due largely to a diet loaded with carbo - rice, bread, potato, papayas... We've strongly advised Do Do's owner to cut down on carbo, especially rice and bread in the mornings. She can lose a good 5 kg!
But I am glad to see how happy and close Do Do is with her owner. She is very attached, following her down to work downstairs everyday and going out with her every evening on her rounds. They are quite inseparable.
Not a good pix as she doesn't allow us to hold her ear like this for long.
She didn't allow us to get close to her ears, much less to wash them so we had to bring her to the vet to get a thorough cleaning done before the infection worsens. So off we went to bring Do Do to see Dr B last evening. It was quite a long ride with heavy traffic but Do Do was very well behaved. When we reached, she could probably sense she was about to encounter a vet cos she became restless, pacing here and there in the waiting area.
Her anxiety was more pronounced once we stepped into the room. We put her on the table, preparing to thoroughly wash out her ears, but she surely wasn't looking forward to this! She was struggling and whining especially when the solution was flushed into her ears to clean and disinfect. Her ears must have been very sore from the prolonged infection. It was painful for her but we had to do it. She was struggling, and causing quite a commotion that I totally forgot to take photos. It was only on our way back that I remembered.
On our way back
Do Do also has a yeast infection on her paw, made sore by her constant licking.
Well, at least now Do Do will be feeling much more comfortable after the first thorough ear cleaning at the clinic. She will need daily cleaning for the next 2 weeks, and maintenance weekly wash after that. We'll continue to monitor her for this period.
Do Do's treatment and medication will cost about $100. We appreciate your support. Donations can be made by bank transfer to DBS Savings Plus 050-5-017652. For cheque donations, pls email projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg for details.
We also welcome donation of good dog food for Do Do so that she will cut down on carbo-loaded human food given by people and reduce her weight for her own good. Pls email us too if you are able to provide.
1 comment:
This is one handsome canine. Re-change of food; i think it very much depend on DoDo too; she may not want her kibbles.
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