January 3, 2007

Help the victims of Johore flood

Dear Friends of Noah’s Ark

Animals at Noah's Ark are safe and sound but some of their other shelter’s animal friends need your assistance.

Thank you for your emails, SMSes and phone calls regarding your concern for the animals at Noah’s Ark. We are pleased to inform you that the animals at Noah’s Ark are safe and sound. We were lucky enough to complete building a new shelter before the year end monsoon.

However, with the continuous rain fall in Singapore and Johor, nearly 60 dogs (including puppies) in Johor near Seelong area have drowned and the water level is still about 5ft high. Since Monday (25 Dec ‘06) - Raymund together with the volunteers have helped to rescue 50 dogs, sadly some of these dogs were badly injured from the flood, suffering deep cuts and large wounds, others have suffered extensive injuries to their legs in this flood – and will require surgery once they are strong enough. Many of the young puppies rescued are also motherless – so weaning is proving to be quite a problem.

So, if you have any of the following items please contact Lynda Goh at Hp: 9757 2528 or Piah Buey at Hp: 9739 7707 and we will advise you of the nearest drop off point.
¨ Newspapers
¨ Used Bath Towels
¨ Milk for Puppies
¨ Garbage Bags
¨ Canned Dog Food

Meanwhile, our volunteers are doing everything they can to help the animals. So, if you would like to help and contribute towards these animals in need you may write a cheque donation to: Noah’s Ark CARES – please indicate behind the cheque “In Aid of Dog Flood Victims” and send the cheque to: 83 Clemenceau Avenue #18-05 , Shell House S(239920). We will then utilize these funds to pay for all their necessities.

We have been very blessed that we ourselves at the sanctuary have been left relatively unscathed and now we feel that it is only right that we too do our part to help the less unfortunate. Remembering always that there is greater joy in giving than receiving.

Thank you very much.

Chew Gek Hiang
Noah’s Ark CARES

Website: www.noahsarkcares.com

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