March 28, 2007

Supplies that will help in straywork

It seems we're perpetually 'begging' for money -- donations to fund our dogs for boarding at shelters, medical bills, transport costs etc.

Was retrieving some updates from our caregivers, and they mentioned on the phone while they were out casting some food for some of our very human-wary stray dogs that they are in need of:

(1) Dog biscuits/kibbles and canfood: it doesn't matter if they're expired (as long as they don't smell rancid). The strayfeeders can't possibly feed the likes of Eukanuba or Timberwolf to our street dogs, so they make do with kind donations of expired food. And our hardy mongrels are able to consume them just as happily.

Some pet shops discard supplies as soon as they are expired. There could be a better system in collecting these food supplies for day-to-day straywork. If you happen to chat with pet shopkeepers, may we ask if you could keep in mind the commercially unwanted supplies that would serve to cut some costs for our strayfeeders.

(2) Plastic takeaway containers: You know the types that are used to store, say, takeaway tow huays? Well these come in handy for containing food and water for our strays too. It's doubly eco-friendly to recycle (containers washed and stored) and pass them to the strayfeeders for their daily operations.

Community support doesn't have to be derived from generous monetary input, but it can come in small ways such as recycling our plastic containers and keeping in mind how they'll all add some relief to the good work of our caregivers.

To support, do email

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