May 13, 2008

Mama Rock returns just this morning

Thank you for your enquiries, suggestions and good prayers. Mama Rock reappears at the farm this morning 6plus, after a night of worrying.

Our girl didn't just saunter back to farm after a surprise disappearance or venture into the woods, but was returned by the very person who took her away, after our caregiver pressed the people at the farm for it. She took the pain to call the family every hour last night, combing the farm area, asking around all on her own until midnight, and finally, whoever did it relented after enormous pressure put by our elderly caregiver.

This is not a simple lost/found case, but our hunch says it is foul play. If you remember Sparky, the corgi, Mama Rock's mysterious disappearance and almost calibrated reappearance, bear traces to Sparky's episode.

We have withdrawn all appeals made to the various authorities and organisations. SPCA rang me up first thing in the morning and shared my joy in the good news that she's returned. Great thanks to your collective support from far and wide of the island, no matter what.

If you'd extended Mama Rock's appeal elsewhere, would you be so kind to withdraw them as well, please? Very sorry for the extra effort, but right now, nothing beats the relief of our dog appropriately returned to the place she has called home all this while. A dog supported by the public, a dog who's given value in an almost 'non-existent', neglected street dogs scene.

Where street dogs are plentiful and hard to nab for sterilisation, we are always caught between a rock and a hard place, having to hope for the farm people's tolerance to these dogs, depend on them, and at the same time, doing what's right in the name of justice. One could lodge a complaint about a neighbour's barkish dog, but things at the farm are, well...never so simple. Never so symmetric.

THANK YOU. Mama Rock's return is a true blessing.

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