July 6, 2009

"Cruel", that's what

the farmers of a (floral) nursery told us. Not that they are heartless owners but that they were too entrenched in a mindset that sterilisation is against the order of nature and is bodily and psychologically 'cruel' to the animal. It cripples the animals, it deprives the animal from its entitlement of being an animal, on its most primordial terms.

As a matter of fact, sterilisation does remain a debatable issue.

We tried many times to persuade the farmers into getting their dogs and cats sterilised and the furthest they budged was allow a volunteer of one animal welfare society to take one of their female dogs to be spayed.

After what must have been time in memorial, a few weeks ago, they finally rang me and said YES to sterilisation. Just last Wednesday, T brought one female dog and two female cats to the clinic for spaying. I arranged for all three animals to be vaccinated (I mean, since they were all already at the clinic...) and perhaps not quite to the farmers' expectations, to have the female dog microchipped as well.

The total expenditure for this batch nears $300. By right, onus is upon the owners to pay for the fees, but where farmers are more often than not ignorant of the benefit and purpose of sterilisation, unreceptive to animal welfare ideas and make claims that they are not legitimately or legally responsible for the dogs based on the premise that the dog was dumped on my farm by someone else and I took pity on her and took her in, I need to execute sterilisation asap without the farmers changing their minds.

A spayed female dog means saving future litters of the dogs produced from one fertile mother. It's that important.

If you would like to contribute to our street animal sterilisation cause, kindly email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg

Updates and receipts of expenditure will be followed up accordingly.

Thank you.

1 comment:

billiejean said...

Sigh.. my relatives in Medan, Indonesia, are also not receptive to sterilise their dogs.. It's really difficult to talk to people with third world country mind sets.