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AN ATTACK by a stray cat left a three-year-old girl's face so badly wounded that she required 15 stitches.
Nicole Lee was stepping into her parents' flat in Yishun Avenue 6 at about 10.30pm on Monday when the grey and black cat attacked her at the doorway.
It had sneaked into the house earlier, and was fleeing from Nicole's grandmother, who was trying to scare it out by shouting and stamping her feet.
A few seconds later, she and Nicole's 15-year-old brother, who was walking ahead of his sister, heard the little girl scream.
They turned to see Nicole squatting on the floor, her face covered in blood.
Nicole's mother, Mrs June Lee, 41, rushed out of her bedroom, and on seeing her daughter's bloodied face, thought she had fallen and cut herself.
Plastic surgeon Erik Ang, at Mount Alvernia Hospital, told Mrs Lee that the deep scratch, which ran from the top of Nicole's lip to the base of her nose was probably inflicted by the cat.
When the little girl recovered enough to talk, she confirmed that it was the cat that had attacked her.
She was stitched up and discharged, with a bill of $3,325.
Dr Ang said the depth of the wound makes it possible that Nicole will be left with some scarring.
Mrs Lee sent a picture of her daughter's stitched wound via an MMS to 75557, the number of Stomp, The Straits Times' interactive portal.
Nicole is recovering, but her mum worries that more cat attacks may occur because 'neighbours are leaving food right outside their doorstep for strays'.
The food attracts many cats to the area, and as there is a kindergarten and childcare centre nearby, she hopes the practice will stop.
'I don't want this to happen to any other children,' she said.
Just to share.....I remember some years ago, I was walking my dog, and we approached the staircase, a stray cat jumped out from somewhere. The very first reaction was, I immediately carried my dog into my arms and tried to protect him. The cat was unable to reach my dog, so she scratched my leg instead. Later, I admitted to A&E as bled badly. I didn't blame the cat because I knew she tried to protect her baby kittens. As long as we know animals' nature, tends to forgive them. They don't do it intentionally after all. ~~~~gL
agreed. i've been keeping cats my whole life. a cat will not attack unless otherwise provoked.
why would a cat maliciously attack someone out of the blue unless on grounds of self-defence and protection?
this is a separate incident that should not even influence the well-being of all the cats in the community.
if it's true, then the authorities are acting as if the cats are on rampage to maul humans. unimaginable. far-fetched.
This is quite off-topic, but apparently there's ANOTHER cat murderer in our midst, this time in the Jurong East area - a few cats have already been murdered by this psycho and the Cat Welfare Org + some residents have organised a patrol. I don't know why Singapore has degraded into such an unfeeling nation. On another note, 2 months' jail for that cat torturer is too short!!!
the article already said that the grandmother was tryignt o scare the cat out of the house. when the girl came in, the cat probably panicked more and tried to jump over her and her hind legs must ahve slipped and dug into her lip.
its not the cat's fault for hurting the girl.
and anyway even if all the cats are rounded up and exterminated then other cats will just move in.isnt it better and cheaper to just send out pamphlets or something on how to handle stray cats that have wandered into the house or how to feed them w/o causing a nusance to the neighbours?
There was a joint reply on Forum in yesterday's paper from Cat Welfare Soceity and SPCA, addressing this issue... jt
Fully agree that 2 month's jail is too short for that cat killer! For some peoples, they think that those dogs and cats are just animals (or, to be precised, they are "stray animals"), so they don't deserve rational respect...For some authorities, these animals don't have "economical value" (so called Value-Added), so why they should deserve soical fact, it's not only dogs and cats, as you can see those monkeys who used to stay in the bush along Riverside Road, because of building Republic Polytechnic, all of them have gone!!!Because, the poor monkeys have no more trees to rest, no more fruits to eat....sad things, isn't it?Well, this is Singapore, our nation. sighhhhhh
~~~ gL
i hope cat welfare catches the culprit in jurong.
yes, the cat prob attacked out of fear, but in the entire scheme of things, an animal's life will usually be subjugated by by that of a human being.
with cat welfare and spca in talks with town council, i have confidence that a positive solution will be put in place as the town council understands and accepts the presence of other living beings in our society. a country cannot be totally sterile.
Yeah, agree with it! Just imagine: Now, we put in so much efforts to sterilize the dogs anc cats....may be 1 or 2 centuries later, human being will try to breed as many mongrels as possible....because they become extinct animal by then.(emmm....sometimes i just have some wild thoughts on Monday, pardon me. 8D) ) ~~~~gL
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