4th August 06.
Is this necessary?
A beautiful puppy that met with an unbeautiful fate.
Chantek, right before the eyes of animal activists and volunteers, was forcibly dragged out the cage by the very foster who “took care” of her.
Instinctively, she defended her right with little bites and scratches, but was met with an even agitated man who didn’t spare her a chance to wittingly protest.
Chantek was held by her hind legs, like a village duck ready to be slaughtered.
Dangling from mid-air, she was repeatedly kicked in the belly and in the head until her milk teeth cracked and gums bled profusely, even hours later.
With the leash that circled her neck, the man slapped her as if he was whipping her. Like a ragdoll, she was tossed, a lifeless form, back into the cage, after our outcries to the glaring violence taking place right before our eyes.
Now, at the lift of a human hand, Chantek shudders and no longer trusts even the humans that feed her. She remains skittishly fearful of the towering figure of a human, her eyes shifty and her confidence extinguished.
A physical flogging painful to bear.
More so a trauma that has scarred her for life.
We urge all to take a strong stand against violence to animals, against violations of an animal’s right to live. Be with us as we rehabilitate Chantek, the beautiful soul she is, as we regain her trust and confidence in the world, where barbaric acts such as the one she had to suffer are unacceptable.
To know more and lend your support of any kind, please email projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg.
* Investigation of the cruelty case is underway*
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