Tiger with her pup, Buttercup. Buttercup was the only survivor of her first litter. And more sadly, even Buttercup left us - she was crushed to death by a heavy truck.
disappeared, we are not gonna risk another one of our friendlier dogs disappear on us again. And it is usually the friendlier ones that are caught first. The trusting ones. Unfortunate that they trusted the wrong people.
Tiger is a lovely gal. Always bounding up to greet us when we visit her farm. She hangs out with few others who are not that friendly with us yet. For Tiger, she comes up to us for pats, scratches, special treats. She's endearing.
Last September, she became a mom, first time. Sad that none of her pups survived for long. Even little Buttercup, the survisor, was dreafully crushed by a truck.
Such is the life of s stray.
Which is why presently the safest place for them is off the streets, and into the safe haven of Noah's Ark. We do not want to meet the awful news that Tiger has been caught and killed by the authorities. Such cullings are done randomly and without much consideration of the nature of the dog - the easiest ones will be caught first. To them, these dogs are just numbers that add up to the final figure of dogs being culled each year. Unknown entities. Nameless things.
Not for us who know them.
So on National Day, we took her off the streets and brought for her vaccination, in preparation of going up to Noah's Ark.
Hernia girl, Old gal...please still be around.
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