Tiger is more lively now. Billy's mange has improved.

Lucas was a bit hyper when he saw V, crying out for her. He is Billy's neighbour, doing fine and eating well. Have got a possible enquiry on adopting him, we'll follow up and update. Meanwhile, pls continue to help look for a good home for our boy. Thanks.
Last Friday, we went to try and get Tiger's boy for her. I'm sure she would love to see him again. Both of them used to hang around closely, snoozing under the lorry and roaming about the farm. One of the uncles at the farm missed Tiger and wants her back. But it is unsafe for Tiger. Just across the road and around the farm, more than 3 dogs have 'disappeared'.
It is a strange feeling - knowing that our dogs are now gone - and yet not knowing exactly what has happened to them...the entire process of their 'disappearance'...what actually happened? How were they taken? How were they killed? Are they really gone? Or have they escaped somewhere?
Where are they now?
Tiger is unsafe on the farm. The only way to ensure she be given the decent right to live out her life in peace is to remove her from the streets. The authorities will never give her that chance. Because they do not know her like we do. Nor will they make the efforts to.
It is so easy to destroy what you do not know.
Tiger's boy - just out of our reach - will try again!
Her boy was pretty mild-mannered but still wary of us. He probably sensed I was there to catch him so he avoided me, staying just out of my reach, and finally positioning himself right under a lorry where I couldn't reach him. We passed the uncle a leash and asked him to help leash him up when he managed to get hold of him. Initially he was a bit reluctant to let us take the boy away, but he later understand that this is all for the good of the animals.
Till our animals are given the right to live without the bewilderment of random culling befalling them, they are safe only off the streets.
We sincerely ask for your support to help us relocate our animals to a safe sanctuary. It will cost S$35/month to support each dog for their safe stay at Noah's Ark in Johor. You can email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg for more info. On behalf of our dogs, thank you.
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