There was this lab lookalike who was chained to a pillar. Despite being deprived of human contact and affection, this young fellow is himself very friendly and affectionate.
Soon after the authorities commenced their investigations, the 'breeder' removed all his other dogs except for this boy. No qualms about it nor any concern about his welfare. This fellow was just let loose of his chain and left there, conveniently forgotten - like a lifeless object.
* Investigation of illegal breeding is ongoing.
V noticed that no one was feeding him anymore and thus took upon herself to feed this boy. He has a big appetite! Has every potential to be pudgy like Chance, gotta take note.
Few days back, V saw that his paws were swollen and he was having difficulty walking, sometimes even collapsing after a few steps. He seemed to be in pain.
So on Sat, V brought him to the vet thinking that his paws were probably infected by some strong detergent/chemicals on the ground. That wasn't the case. What happened was - flies somehow managed to lay a host of eggs in between his toes and UNDER his nails! Eggs hatched into maggots and those critters were feeding on him in the tight corners of his paws. Poor fellow - it was a painful experience.

Couple of his nails have to be extracted to flush out the eggs and maggots, and he has to wear an e-collar to prevent him from licking his wounds. But hey no worries, this fellow is well on his way to recovery! Still jolly and waggy and affectionate. And one thing we found out - he is not just a lab-wannabe. This fellow is the REAL THING - yes, he is a genuine 100% lab. Young lad of about 8 months.

Shall we name him LUCAS?

* Let us give our boy a promise of a genuinely loving and committed family who will be in return blessed by his steadfast loyalty and friendship. Email us at projectjkteam@yahoo.com.sg if you have someone in mind.
Lucas a good name.
Has Lucas managed to adopted by someone? ~~~gL
no. our contacts have forwarded this on, and someone called to enquire n also offered to forward on, but as of now, no concrete replies yet. it's ok. let's keep our HOPE up! Lucas will finda good home.
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