A STARVED and abused dog was found dead beside a refuse chute in the common corridor of Block 652 in Punggol Central last Tuesday. Its mangled remains were already decomposing and had begun to smell.
Residents in the neighbourhood had an anonymous appeal slipped under their doors two days later, a copy of which was sent by reader BOTR via e-mail to Stomp, The Straits Times' interactive portal.
The writer of the appeal, which carried a picture of the dog, urged neighbours to call the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) if they had information about the owner of the dog.
'Most murderers/serial killers start off in their early years by abusing/killing animals. Would you feel safe living in an environment where an animal abuser exists?' the appeal read.
BOTR suggested to some dog owners that they use their dogs to trace the dead dog's home, but they were reluctant to do so for fear of exposing their dogs to possible diseases in the location of the carcass. BOTR said he was disturbed by the thought that the dog abuser could go free.
On Stomp's discussion forum, readers expressed their outrage. Laetitia wrote: 'I feel so sickened by people doing this... They are living creatures too and we should show respect to living creatures.'
Nur Amira Abdul Karim
I find that Singapore Law is very lenient on this....those animals abusers besides jailed, must be canned as well!!! Is there any MP who is animal lover? Can he/she help to bring this issue to parliament and make the punishment more severe? ~~~~gL
I read on ACRES newsletter how Dr Amy Khor (Member of Parliament) question MND Minister of State Dr Heng Chee How on behalf of ACRES - questioning MND on AVA's ability in conducting regular checks on pet shops to eradicate illegal wildlife trade, and the fact of lack of manpower from AVA for enforcement work. I think we can work closely with ACRES to tap on their knowledge and already established network and support in animal welfare here.
I agree with you. Strange....somehow, whether govt dept or pte sector, they like to use one common excuse, i.e. "lack of manpower" when they can't achieve certain tasks. ~~~ gL
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