Ashley on her way to Dr T.
V, KZ, K brought our 3 boys (quartet) in the morning of 21 July to Dr T. Good thing K came out to help - all 3 boys were bundled in V's car and off they went. About 3pm, they were back, all well and done, at the farm. Now, they won't be hounding the gals no more.
After work that day, I went to meet V at JK at SK. Only the neighbour's white boy was wandering around, he seemed to be looking for something, bounding along purposefully, ignoring me.
Very soon, V came. We fed Scruffy. She came out from under the container again but still no pups. Where are your babies, girl? Then we proceeded down the street. Saw the short-legged gal again - she really looks like Abbie's mangey bald sister, same kind of look, just that her coat is healthy and clear. Not friendly to me yet though.
We horned for Abbie's sis and waited a bit.....no show...then we drove round the loop and came by another time, driving slowly.... and then, as I peered out the window - there! 2 dogs - 1 big, light beige one and the other - yes! looks like Abbie's sis! Both were behind the tall fencing, in the huge expanse of field.
She seemed to have heard V's car as well. She stood still, her head tilted to one side, listening hard. I called out to her: "Girl!" and she knew. I was so happy to see her again!
We went out of the car and I crossed the road to her side. She came bounding up to me, sniffing, wagging her tail. V threw me a bag of meat and I started to feed her slowly, getting her comfy with me. After 2 pieces of meat and many deliberate strokes on her neck, scruff, back, she was warming up slowly.
V then came over with another bag of food, and while I hand-fed girl a long piece of meat, V got hold of her scruff and held on. I quickly, as calmly as I could, got a good grip of her body and carried her into the car.
She is quite mangey, much better than Abbie. Just that her skin has turned dark and leathery with that distinctive mangey smell. With a good bath and some medication, I'm sure she will blossom in beauty.
There! We finally got the gal....after more than 1 month, we had almost given up hope of seeing her ever again. She gives me hope that our old friendly gal is still there, somewhere out there.
Yes. I shall see old gal again soon
For thsi gal, we call her Ashley. (Thanks Grace for the name!)
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