The neighbour was convincing that there is nothing suspiciously like neglect from this owner. Probably on Sunday with visitors around, the dog was temporarily placed behind. In any case, we will follow up again to make sure everything is fine.
Meanwhile, should you notice any dog being chained/caged up 24 hours a day - in the hot sun, with no shelter, no interaction, no life - PLEASE DO NOT JUST WALK AWAY.
Let us know and we will do what we can to investigate and offer the animal a decent measure of freedom that he/she deserves. There is NO LIFE in chains.

What you can do:
* If you are not comfortable approaching the owners, please email us for the Information Flyer which you can print out and drop it into the letter box/under the door.

Just remember: To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
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