December 21, 2006

You would notice that

during this festive season of giving and receiving, we are receiving more calls from people thinking of adopting a pet. And I say, thinking.

Some are genuine. Some are calling with the intention to get a 'gift'. I am always perplexed by the seeming ignorance from some people who called. Some do not even have an idea how big a certain breed can be. Some could not tell you why they even want a dog at this moment. Some thought that they can 'try out' the animal. What are they getting at? A return policy??

I think the festive season injects this urge of buying and giving in people who have no clue what a living, breathing, sentient animal needs for the rest of his/her life.

Pls share with your family and friends who are 'thinking' of getting a pet, to THINK and THINK AGAIN. It is such 'thinking' that churns out massive numbers of puppies from puppy farms and breeders, many who unfortunately end up in ignorant homes, neglected or abused, and many more do not get sold at all, and THINK - what happen to them?

Adopting is a preferred choice to buying. Yes. But a better way is to reduce unnecessary breeding by reducing ignorant demands - thereby cutting down the number of animals without homes, neglected/abused cases, and abandoned dogs that leads to greater numbers of strays (unsterilised) and uncontrolled breeding .... which ultimately culminates in the destruction of innocent lives by CULLING.

Death. It all starts so innocently, doesn't it?

By someone THINKING of getting a pet, without fully considering the entire path of an animal's life.

Please think again.


Anonymous said...

Yes, pets are not gifts, not X'mas gifts, birthday gifts whatsoever. Media companies bear a huge responsibility in endorsing statements along the lines of: I want a golden retriever for X'mas!

Whether it comes from artistes/contestants or whoever are interviewed...


荊云 said...

Agreed. Pets are such unwitting victims of abandonment and abuse when " owners" lose interest in them or when the realities of caring for another life dawns on them!