June 13, 2007

In the midst of deep thoughts,

of fighting the urge to fight back, I am reminded of this beautiful verse:

"I shut my eyes and see the little girl I knew myself to be, eighty years ago, racing barefoot down a slope after a bunch of colourful, fluttering butterflies. Not to catch them. Not to break their wings. Not to preserve them in a jar to show off to friends. I know now that the girl was chasing after them to share their freedom."

I have to keep reminding myself -- no matter how much fight in me there is, to fight for the freedom of animals in silence -- Do not fight. Even when my whole being launches in ready flight of attack...when my guts abhor the injustice so plain in my eyes yet hopelessly overlooked by others. Especially then, do not fight.

I still fail. I still find myself fighting.

And in such fighting may I fail. And when I do, so goes the freedom I 'fight' for.

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