October 20, 2008

Brought Balance for

a second vet opinion this morning. Main reason is I personally do not wish to opt for amputation as the first resort, without seeking another confirmation, and without trying other less invasive methods.

Good thing is, Balance is still looking happy, cool, manja. He was cosying up to the vet after awhile when he got more comfortable on the examination table. A real good boy, he is. When the vet was giving him a check-up, he was so well-behaved, letting her handle his injured leg as she felt it all over, crying only a bit when she touched a sore spot. It's a positive sign that he still has feelings all over his leg and paw.

So we will follow the vet's advice, hospitalise him for the next few days as his wound is cleaned and dressed regularly and applied with a healing cream to aid his self-healing process for the wound to close up as well as it can. We will be able to know in 3 days time when his healing is looking positive enough to put amputation out of consideration.

We'll be on the look out for a good home for this boy. We've got a pretty good feel about Balance's recovery and future.

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